Francis Georges BOUYGUESAge: 70 years1922–1993
- Name
- Francis Georges BOUYGUES
- Given names
- Francis Georges
- Surname
Birth | December 5, 1922 32 27 |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Marguerite JALBERT November 2, 1939 (Age 16 years) |
Marriage | Monique TÉZÉ — View this family October 26, 1946 (Age 23 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Martin Pierre Marie BOUYGUES 1952 (Age 29 years) |
Occupation | Ingénieur |
Occupation | 1952 (Age 29 years) Note: Il fonde Bouygues SA, qui est devenu le premier groupe mondial de BTP.
Death of a mother | Édmée REGNAULT July 20, 1953 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Marguerite CHATEL March 10, 1973 (Age 50 years) |
Death of a father | Georges BOUYGUES August 18, 1979 (Age 56 years) |
Death | July 24, 1993 (Age 70 years) |
Last change | November 1, 2017 – 13:02:40 by: Généalogie Magazine |
Family with parents |
father |
Georges BOUYGUES Birth: March 16, 1890 29 23 — Aurillac, 15, , , , Death: August 18, 1979 — Châteaudun, 28, , , , |
mother |
Édmée REGNAULT Birth: June 9, 1895 35 24 — Paris Ier, 75, , , , Death: July 20, 1953 — Paris XIVe, 75, , , , |
Marriage: May 20, 1920 — Paris XVIIe, 75, , , , |
3 years himself |
Birth: December 5, 1922 32 27 — Paris XVIIe, 75 Death: July 24, 1993 — Saint-Coulomb, 35, , , , |
brother | |
sister | |
brother |
Family with Monique TÉZÉ |
himself |
Birth: December 5, 1922 32 27 — Paris XVIIe, 75 Death: July 24, 1993 — Saint-Coulomb, 35, , , , |
wife | |
Marriage: October 26, 1946 — Paris XVIe, 75, , , , |
daughter | |
son |
son | |
son |
Occupation | Il fonde Bouygues SA, qui est devenu le premier groupe mondial de BTP. |
Media object | qp-bouygues.jpg Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 500 × 555 pixels File size: 53 KB Type: Photo |
- Generation 1
Francis Georges BOUYGUES , ingénieur, son ofGeorges BOUYGUES andÉdmée REGNAULT , was born on December 5, 1922 in Paris XVIIe, 75 and died on July 24, 1993 in Saint-Coulomb, 35, , , , at the age of 70. He marriedMonique TÉZÉ , daughter ofRené TÉZÉ andSuzanne HAMARD , on October 26, 1946 in Paris XVIe, 75, , , ,.Children of
Francis Georges BOUYGUES andMonique TÉZÉ :