Maurice de HESSE-CASSELAge: 59 years1572–1632
- Name
- Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL
- Given names
- Maurice
- Surname
Birth | June 4, 1572 39 22 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Sabine de HESSE-CASSEL May 22, 1573 (Age 11 months) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Sabine de HESSE-CASSEL December 9, 1573 (Age 18 months) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Sidonie de HESSE-CASSEL July 9, 1574 (Age 2 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Sidonie de HESSE-CASSEL April 14, 1575 (Age 2 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Christian de HESSE-CASSEL October 24, 1575 (Age 3 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL May 21, 1577 (Age 4 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Christine de HESSE-CASSEL October 29, 1578 (Age 6 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Christian de HESSE-CASSEL November 19, 1578 (Age 6 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL December 5, 1578 (Age 6 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Juliane de HESSE-CASSEL February 19, 1581 (Age 8 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Juliane de HESSE-CASSEL February 19, 1581 (Age 8 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Sabine de WURTEMBERG August 27, 1581 (Age 9 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Anne-Marie de HOHENZOLLERN May 20, 1589 (Age 16 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Guillaume Iv de HESSE-CASSEL August 25, 1592 (Age 20 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Agnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH — View this family Type: Religious marriage September 23, 1593 (Age 21 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Othon de HESSE-CASSEL December 24, 1594 (Age 22 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL March 24, 1596 (Age 23 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #3 | N... de HESSE-CASSEL January 24, 1597 (Age 24 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | N... de HESSE-CASSEL January 24, 1597 (Age 24 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #4 | Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL July 14, 1600 (Age 28 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #5 | Guillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL February 13, 1602 (Age 29 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a wife | Agnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH November 23, 1602 (Age 30 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Juliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN — View this family Type: Religious marriage May 22, 1603 (Age 30 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #6 | Philippe de HESSE-CASSEL November 26, 1604 (Age 32 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #7 | Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL March 13, 1606 (Age 33 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #8 | Hermann de HESSE-CASSEL August 15, 1607 (Age 35 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #9 | Juliane de HESSE-CASSEL October 7, 1608 (Age 36 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #10 | Sabine de HESSE-CASSEL July 5, 1610 (Age 38 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #11 | Madeleine de HESSE-CASSEL August 25, 1611 (Age 39 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL August 11, 1612 (Age 40 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Othon de HESSE-CASSEL — Catherine Ursule de BADE-DURLACH — View this family Type: Religious marriage August 24, 1613 (Age 41 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #12 | Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL June 13, 1614 (Age 42 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #13 | Sophie de HESSE-CASSEL September 12, 1615 (Age 43 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Sophie de HESSE-CASSEL June 18, 1616 (Age 44 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #14 | Frédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE May 9, 1617 (Age 44 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Othon de HESSE-CASSEL — Agnès Madeleine d'ANHALT-DESSAU — View this family Type: Religious marriage June 14, 1617 (Age 45 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Othon de HESSE-CASSEL August 7, 1617 (Age 45 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Jean-Albert Ii de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW — Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL — View this family Type: Religious marriage March 25, 1618 (Age 45 years)_FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Guillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL — Amélie Elisabeth von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG — View this family Type: Religious marriage November 21, 1619 (Age 47 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a daughter | Sabine de HESSE-CASSEL May 21, 1620 (Age 47 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #15 | Christian de HESSE-CASSEL February 5, 1622 (Age 49 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Jean-Casimir d'ANHALT-DESSAU — Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL — View this family Type: Religious marriage February 23, 1623 (Age 50 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #16 | Ernest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG December 8, 1623 (Age 51 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #17 | Christine de HESSE-CASSEL July 9, 1625 (Age 53 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a daughter | Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL December 16, 1625 (Age 53 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a daughter | Christine de HESSE-CASSEL July 25, 1626 (Age 54 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Philippe de HESSE-CASSEL August 17, 1626 (Age 54 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #18 | Philippe de HESSE-CASSEL September 28, 1626 (Age 54 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Anne-Marie de HESSE-CASSEL November 21, 1626 (Age 54 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #19 | Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL October 23, 1628 (Age 56 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a daughter | Juliane de HESSE-CASSEL December 11, 1628 (Age 56 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Philippe de HESSE-CASSEL July 8, 1629 (Age 57 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Agnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH — View this family MARRIED |
_UST | Juliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN — View this family MARRIED |
Death | March 15, 1632 (Age 59 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Guillaume Iv de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: July 4, 1532 27 26 Death: August 25, 1592 |
mother |
Sabine de WURTEMBERG Birth: July 12, 1549 34 22 Death: August 27, 1581 |
Marriage: February 21, 1566 — |
11 months elder sister |
Anne-Marie de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: February 6, 1567 34 17 Death: November 21, 1626 |
2 years elder sister |
Hedwige de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: July 10, 1569 37 19 Death: July 7, 1644 |
elder sister |
Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: July 10, 1569 37 19 Death: September 15, 1569 |
23 months elder sister |
Sophie de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: June 20, 1571 38 21 Death: June 18, 1616 |
11 months himself |
Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: June 4, 1572 39 22 Death: March 15, 1632 |
1 year younger sister |
Sabine de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: May 22, 1573 40 23 Death: December 9, 1573 |
14 months younger sister |
Sidonie de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: July 9, 1574 42 24 Death: April 14, 1575 |
16 months younger brother |
Christian de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: October 24, 1575 43 26 Death: November 19, 1578 |
19 months younger sister |
Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: May 21, 1577 44 27 Death: December 5, 1578 |
17 months younger sister |
Christine de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: October 29, 1578 46 29 Death: August 19, 1658 |
2 years younger sister |
Juliane de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: February 19, 1581 48 31 Death: February 19, 1581 |
Family with Agnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH |
himself |
Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: June 4, 1572 39 22 Death: March 15, 1632 |
wife |
Agnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH Birth: January 17, 1578 30 24 Death: November 23, 1602 |
Marriage: September 23, 1593 — |
15 months son |
Othon de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: December 24, 1594 22 16 Death: August 7, 1617 |
15 months daughter |
Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: March 24, 1596 23 18 Death: December 16, 1625 |
10 months son |
N... de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: January 24, 1597 24 19 Death: January 24, 1597 |
4 years son |
Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: July 14, 1600 28 22 Death: August 11, 1612 |
19 months son |
Guillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: February 13, 1602 29 24 Death: September 21, 1637 |
Family with Juliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN |
himself |
Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: June 4, 1572 39 22 Death: March 15, 1632 |
wife |
Juliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN Birth: September 3, 1587 26 28 Death: February 15, 1643 |
Marriage: May 22, 1603 — |
18 months son |
Philippe de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: November 26, 1604 32 17 Death: August 17, 1626 |
16 months daughter |
Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: March 13, 1606 33 18 Death: May 28, 1650 |
17 months son |
Hermann de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: August 15, 1607 35 19 Death: March 25, 1658 |
14 months daughter |
Juliane de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: October 7, 1608 36 21 Death: December 11, 1628 |
21 months daughter |
Sabine de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: July 5, 1610 38 22 Death: May 21, 1620 |
14 months daughter |
Madeleine de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: August 25, 1611 39 23 Death: February 12, 1671 |
3 years son |
Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: June 13, 1614 42 26 Death: February 16, 1633 |
15 months daughter |
Sophie de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: September 12, 1615 43 28 Death: November 22, 1670 |
20 months son |
Frédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE Birth: May 9, 1617 44 29 Death: September 24, 1655 |
5 years son |
Christian de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: February 5, 1622 49 34 Death: November 14, 1640 |
22 months son |
Ernest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG Birth: December 8, 1623 51 36 Death: May 2, 1693 |
19 months daughter |
Christine de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: July 9, 1625 53 37 Death: July 25, 1626 |
15 months son |
Philippe de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: September 28, 1626 54 39 Death: July 8, 1629 |
2 years daughter |
Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL Birth: October 23, 1628 56 41 Death: February 10, 1633 |
- Generation 1
Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL , son ofGuillaume Iv de HESSE-CASSEL andSabine de WURTEMBERG , was born on June 4, 1572 and died on March 15, 1632 at the age of 59. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedAgnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH , daughter ofJean Georges Ier von SOLMS-LAUBACH andMarguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU , on September 23, 1593. She was born on January 17, 1578 and died on November 23, 1602 at the age of 24. The second time he marriedJuliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN , daughter ofJean Ii de NASSAU-SIEGEN andMadeleine de WALDECK , on May 22, 1603. She was born on September 3, 1587 and died on February 15, 1643 at the age of 55.Children of
Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL andAgnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH :Othon de HESSE-CASSEL (1594–1617)Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL (1596–1625)N... de HESSE-CASSEL (1597–1597)Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL (1600–1612)Guillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL (1602–1637)
Children of
Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL andJuliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN :Philippe de HESSE-CASSEL (1604–1626)Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL (1606–1650)Hermann de HESSE-CASSEL (1607–1658)Juliane de HESSE-CASSEL (1608–1628)Sabine de HESSE-CASSEL (1610–1620)Madeleine de HESSE-CASSEL (1611–1671)Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL (1614–1633)Sophie de HESSE-CASSEL (1615–1670)Frédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE (1617–1655)Christian de HESSE-CASSEL (1622–1640)Ernest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1623–1693)Christine de HESSE-CASSEL (1625–1626)Philippe de HESSE-CASSEL (1626–1629)Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL (1628–1633)
- Generation 2back to top
Othon de HESSE-CASSEL , son ofMaurice de HESSE-CASSEL andAgnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH , was born on December 24, 1594 and died on August 7, 1617 at the age of 22. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedCatherine Ursule de BADE-DURLACH , daughter ofGeorges-Frédéric de BADE-DURLACH andJuliane-Ursule de SALM-NEUFVILLE , on August 24, 1613. She was born on June 19, 1593 and died on February 15, 1615 at the age of 21. The second time he marriedAgnès Madeleine d'ANHALT-DESSAU on June 14, 1617. She was born on March 29, 1590 and died on October 24, 1626 at the age of 36.Children of
Othon de HESSE-CASSEL andCatherine Ursule de BADE-DURLACH :Ne... de HESSE-CASSEL (1615–1615)
Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL , daughter ofMaurice de HESSE-CASSEL andAgnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH , was born on March 24, 1596 and died on December 16, 1625 at the age of 29. She marriedJean-Albert Ii de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW , son ofJean V de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN andSophie de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP , on March 25, 1618. He was born on May 5, 1590 and died on April 23, 1636 at the age of 45.Guillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL , son ofMaurice de HESSE-CASSEL andAgnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH , was born on February 13, 1602 and died on September 21, 1637 at the age of 35. He marriedAmélie Elisabeth von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG , daughter ofPhilippe Louis Ii von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG andCatherine Belgique de NASSAU-ORANGE , on November 21, 1619. She was born on January 29, 1602 and died on August 8, 1651 at the age of 49.Children of
Guillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL andAmélie Elisabeth von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG :Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL (1620–1626)Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL (1621–1621)Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL (1623–1624)Guillaume de HESSE-CASSEL (1625–1626)Emilie de HESSE-CASSEL (1626–1693)Charlotte de HESSE-CASSEL (1627–1686)Guillaume Vi de HESSE-CASSEL (1629–1663)Philippe de HESSE-CASSEL (1630–1638)Adolphe de HESSE-CASSEL (1631–1632)Charles de HESSE-CASSEL (1633–1635)Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL (1634–1688)N... de HESSE-CASSEL (1635–1635)Louise de HESSE-CASSEL (1636–1638)N... de HESSE-CASSEL (1637–1637)
Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL , daughter ofMaurice de HESSE-CASSEL andJuliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN , was born on March 13, 1606 and died on May 28, 1650 at the age of 44. She marriedJean-Casimir d'ANHALT-DESSAU , son ofJean-Georges d'ANHALT-DESSAU andDorothée de WITTELSBACH , on February 23, 1623. He was born on December 7, 1596 and died on September 15, 1660 at the age of 63.Children of
Agnès de HESSE-CASSEL andJean-Casimir d'ANHALT-DESSAU :Jean-Georges Ii d'ANHALT-DESSAU (1627–1693)Louise d'ANHALT-DESSAU (1631–1680)
Hermann de HESSE-CASSEL , son ofMaurice de HESSE-CASSEL andJuliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN , was born on August 15, 1607 and died on March 25, 1658 at the age of 50. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedSophie Juliane de WALDECK on December 31, 1633. She was born on April 1, 1607 and died on September 15, 1637 at the age of 30. The second time he marriedCunégonde Juliane d'ANHALT-DESSAU on January 2, 1642. She was born on February 17, 1608 and died on September 26, 1683 at the age of 75.Children of
Hermann de HESSE-CASSEL andSophie Juliane de WALDECK :N... de HESSE-CASSEL (1634–1634)Juliane de HESSE-CASSEL (1636–1636)
Madeleine de HESSE-CASSEL , daughter ofMaurice de HESSE-CASSEL andJuliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN , was born on August 25, 1611 and died on February 12, 1671 at the age of 59.Children of
Madeleine de HESSE-CASSEL andEric Adolphe von SALM-REIFFERSCHEIDT :Catherine Marie von SALM-REIFFERSCHEIDT (1651–1687)
Sophie de HESSE-CASSEL , daughter ofMaurice de HESSE-CASSEL andJuliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN , was born on September 12, 1615 and died on November 22, 1670 at the age of 55. She marriedPhilippe 1er de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE , son ofSimon Vi de LIPPE andElisabeth de HOLSTEIN-SCHAUENBOURG , on October 18, 1644. He was born on July 18, 1601 and died on April 10, 1681 at the age of 79.Children of
Sophie de HESSE-CASSEL andPhilippe 1er de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE :Hedwige-Louise de LIPPE-ALVERDISSEN (1650–1731)Philippe Ernest de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE (1659–1723)
Frédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE , son ofMaurice de HESSE-CASSEL andJuliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN , was born on May 9, 1617 and died on September 24, 1655 at the age of 38. He marriedEléonore Catherine de WITTELSBACH , daughter ofJean-Casimir de WITTELSBACH andCatherine WASA , on September 6, 1646. She was born on May 17, 1626 and died on March 3, 1692 at the age of 65.Children of
Frédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE andEléonore Catherine de WITTELSBACH :Marguerite de HESSE-ESCHWEGE (1647–1647)Christine de HESSE-ESCHWEGE (1649–1702)Elisabeth de HESSE-ESCHWEGE (1650–1651)Juliane de HESSE-ESCHWEGE (1652–1693)Charlotte de HESSE-ESCHWEGE (1653–1708)Frédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE (1654–1655)
Ernest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG , son ofMaurice de HESSE-CASSEL andJuliane de NASSAU-SIEGEN , was born on December 8, 1623 and died on May 2, 1693 at the age of 69. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedMarie-Eléonore von SOLMS-LICH , daughter ofPhilippe-Reinhard Ier von SOLMS-HOHENSOLMS-LICH andElisabeth Philippine zu WIED , on June 10, 1647. She was born on December 16, 1632 and died on August 12, 1689 at the age of 56. The second time he marriedAlexandrine von DÜRNIZL on February 3, 1690. She was born in 1673 and died on December 22, 1754 at the age of 81.Children of
Ernest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG andMarie-Eléonore von SOLMS-LICH :Guillaume de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1648–1725)Charles de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1649–1711)
- Generation 3back to top
Emilie de HESSE-CASSEL , daughter ofGuillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL andAmélie Elisabeth von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG , was born on February 11, 1626 and died on February 15, 1693 at the age of 67. She marriedHenri-Charles de LA TREMOILLE , son ofHenri de LA TREMOILLE andMarie de LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE , on May 1, 1648. He was born on December 17, 1620 and died on September 14, 1672 at the age of 51.Children of
Emilie de HESSE-CASSEL andHenri-Charles de LA TREMOILLE :Charles de LA TRÉMOÏLLE (1655–1709)
Charlotte de HESSE-CASSEL , daughter ofGuillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL andAmélie Elisabeth von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG , was born on November 20, 1627 and died on March 26, 1686 at the age of 58. She marriedCharles 1er Louis de WITTELSBACH , son ofFrédéric V de WITTELSBACH andElisabeth STUART , on February 22, 1650. He was born on December 22, 1617 and died on August 28, 1680 at the age of 62.Charlotte de HESSE-CASSEL andCharles 1er Louis de WITTELSBACH were divorced in 1657.Children of
Charlotte de HESSE-CASSEL andCharles 1er Louis de WITTELSBACH :Charles Ii de WITTELSBACH (1651–1685)Elisabeth-Charlotte de WITTELSBACH (1652–1722)Frédéric de WITTELSBACH (1653–1653)
Guillaume Vi de HESSE-CASSEL , son ofGuillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL andAmélie Elisabeth von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG , was born on May 23, 1629 and died on July 16, 1663 at the age of 34. He marriedHedwige Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN , daughter ofGeorges-Guillaume de HOHENZOLLERN andElisabeth-Charlotte de WITTELSBACH , on July 9, 1649. She was born on July 4, 1623 and died on June 16, 1683 at the age of 59.Children of
Guillaume Vi de HESSE-CASSEL andHedwige Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN :Charlotte Amélie de HESSE-CASSEL (1650–1714)Guillaume Vii de HESSE-CASSEL (1651–1670)Louise de HESSE-CASSEL (1652–1652)Charles de HESSE-CASSEL (1654–1730)Philippe de HESSE-PHILIPPSTHAL (1655–1721)Georges de HESSE-CASSEL (1658–1675)Elisabeth “Henriette” de HESSE-CASSEL (1661–1683)
Jean-Georges Ii d'ANHALT-DESSAU , son ofJean-Casimir d'ANHALT-DESSAU andAgnès de HESSE-CASSEL , was born on November 7, 1627 and died on August 17, 1693 at the age of 65. He marriedHenriette Catherine de NASSAU-ORANGE , daughter ofFrédéric-Henri de NASSAU-ORANGE andAmélie von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS , on July 9, 1659. She was born on January 31, 1637 and died on November 4, 1708 at the age of 71.Children of
Jean-Georges Ii d'ANHALT-DESSAU andHenriette Catherine de NASSAU-ORANGE :Henriette-Amélie d'ANHALT-DESSAU (1666–1726)Léopold 1er d'ANHALT-DESSAU (1676–1747)Jeanne-Charlotte d'ANHALT-DESSAU (1682–1750)
Louise d'ANHALT-DESSAU , daughter ofJean-Casimir d'ANHALT-DESSAU andAgnès de HESSE-CASSEL , was born in February 1631 and died on April 25, 1680 at the age of 49. She marriedChristian de SILÉSIE , son ofJean-Christian de SILÉSIE andDorothée-Sibylle de HOHENZOLLERN , on November 24, 1648. He was born on April 19, 1618 and died on April 19, 1672 at the age of 54.Children of
Louise d'ANHALT-DESSAU andChristian de SILÉSIE :Charlotte von LIEGNITZ (1652–1707)
Catherine Marie von SALM-REIFFERSCHEIDT , daughter ofEric Adolphe von SALM-REIFFERSCHEIDT andMadeleine de HESSE-CASSEL , was born in 1651 and died in 1687 at the age of 36. She marriedSébastien Wunibald von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH , son ofJean-Jacques 1er von WALDBURG ZEIL andJohanna von WOLKENSTEIN , in 1673. He was born in 1636 and died in 1700 at the age of 64.Children of
Catherine Marie von SALM-REIFFERSCHEIDT andSébastien Wunibald von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH :Ernest Jacques von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH (1673–1734)Marie Françoise von WALDBURG-ZEIL-WURZACH (1683–1737)
Hedwige-Louise de LIPPE-ALVERDISSEN , daughter ofPhilippe 1er de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE andSophie de HESSE-CASSEL , was born on May 6, 1650 and died in 1731 at the age of 80. She marriedAuguste de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK , son ofAuguste-Philippe de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK andSidonie d'OLDENBOURG , in 1676. He was born in 1650 and died on September 26, 1689 at the age of 39.Children of
Hedwige-Louise de LIPPE-ALVERDISSEN andAuguste de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK :Dorothée-Henriette de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK (1678–1750)Frédéric-Guillaume 1er de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK (1682–1719)
Philippe Ernest de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE , son ofPhilippe 1er de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE andSophie de HESSE-CASSEL , was born on December 20, 1659 and died on November 27, 1723 at the age of 63. He marriedDorothée-Amélie de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK , daughter ofAuguste-Philippe de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK andMarie-Sibylle de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK , on December 31, 1686. She was born in 1656 and died on November 9, 1739 at the age of 83.Children of
Philippe Ernest de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE andDorothée-Amélie de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-BECK :Frédéric de SCHAUMBOURG-LIPPE (1694–1777)
Christine de HESSE-ESCHWEGE , daughter ofFrédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE andEléonore Catherine de WITTELSBACH , was born on October 30, 1649 and died on March 18, 1702 at the age of 52. She marriedFerdinand-Albert de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL , son ofAuguste de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL andSophie-Elisabeth de MECKLEMBOURG-GÜSTROW , on November 25, 1667. He was born on May 22, 1636 and died on April 23, 1687 at the age of 50.Children of
Christine de HESSE-ESCHWEGE andFerdinand-Albert de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL :Léopold-Charles de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (1670–1670)Frédéric-Albert de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (1672–1673)Sophie-Eléonore de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (1674–1711)Claude-Eléonore de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (1675–1676)Auguste-Ferdinand de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (1677–1704)Ferdinand-Albert Ii de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (1680–1735)Ferdinand-Christian de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (1682–1706)Ernest-Ferdinand de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (1682–1746)Henri-Ferdinand de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (1684–1706)
Charlotte de HESSE-ESCHWEGE , daughter ofFrédéric de HESSE-ESCHWEGE andEléonore Catherine de WITTELSBACH , was born on September 3, 1653 and died on February 10, 1708 at the age of 54. She marriedAuguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS , son ofAuguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS andAnne-Marie de MECKLEMBOURG-SCHWERIN , on August 25, 1673. He was born on December 3, 1650 and died on August 11, 1674 at the age of 23.Children of
Charlotte de HESSE-ESCHWEGE andAuguste de SAXE-WEISSENFELS :N... de SAXE-WEISSENFELS (1674–1674)
Guillaume de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG , son ofErnest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG andMarie-Eléonore von SOLMS-LICH , was born on May 15, 1648 and died on November 20, 1725 at the age of 77. He marriedMarie-Anne Françoise de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT , daughter ofFerdinand-Charles de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT andAnne-Marie von FÜRSTENBERG-HEILIGENBERG , on March 3, 1669. She was born on June 18, 1652 and died on October 20, 1688 at the age of 36.Children of
Guillaume de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG andMarie-Anne Françoise de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-ROCHEFORT :Eléonore de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1674–)Marie-Eléonore de HESSE-RHEINFELS (1675–1720)Elisabeth de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1677–1739)N... de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1678–1678)Marie-Amélie de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1679–1680)Jeannette de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1680–1766)Ernestine de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1681–1732)Ernest-Léopold de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1684–1749)
Charles de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG , son ofErnest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG andMarie-Eléonore von SOLMS-LICH , was born on July 29, 1649 and died on November 3, 1711 at the age of 62. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedSophie-Madeleine von SALM-REIFFERSCHEID on January 24, 1669. She was born on February 17, 1649 and died on May 14, 1675 at the age of 26. The second time he marriedAlexandrine Juliane von LEININGEN-DAGSBURG on June 14, 1678. She was born on August 21, 1651 and died on April 19, 1703 at the age of 51.Children of
Charles de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG andSophie-Madeleine von SALM-REIFFERSCHEID :Charles-Ernest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1669–1669)Marie-Eléonore de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1670–1671)Guillaume de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1671–1731)Frédéric de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1673–1692)Philippe de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1674–1694)Ne... de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1675–1675)
Children of
Charles de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG andAlexandrine Juliane von LEININGEN-DAGSBURG :Charlotte-Amélie de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1679–1722)Ernest de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1680–1680)Sophie-Léopoldine de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1681–1724)Charles-Alexandre de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1683–1684)Marie-Anne de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1685–1764)Josèphe de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1687–1689)Christine de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1688–1728)Christian de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1689–1755)Louise de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1690–1724)Bernardine de HESSE-RHEINFELS-ROTENBURG (1695–1768)