Anne de HESSE-DARMSTADTAge: 48 years15831631

Given names
Birth March 3, 1583 35 30

Death of a maternal grandmotherCatherine de WALDECK-EISENBERG
June 18, 1583 (Age 3 months)

Birth of a brotherFrédéric 1er de HESSE-HOMBOURG
March 5, 1585 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a sisterMadeleine de HESSE-DARMSTADT
May 5, 1586 (Age 3 years)

Death of a sisterMadeleine de HESSE-DARMSTADT
October 23, 1586 (Age 3 years)

Birth of a brotherJean de HESSE-DARMSTADT
February 22, 1587 (Age 3 years)

Death of a brotherJean de HESSE-DARMSTADT
February 22, 1587 (Age 3 years)

Death of a motherMadeleine de LIPPE
February 26, 1587 (Age 3 years)

Marriage of a parentGeorges 1er de HESSE-DARMSTADTEléonore de WURTEMBERGView this family
Type: Religious marriage
May 25, 1589 (Age 6 years)

Birth of a half-brotherHenri de HESSE-DARMSTADT
March 21, 1590 (Age 7 years)

Death of a fatherGeorges 1er de HESSE-DARMSTADT
February 7, 1596 (Age 12 years)

Death of a sisterChristine de HESSE-DARMSTADT
March 26, 1596 (Age 13 years)

Death of a half-brotherHenri de HESSE-DARMSTADT
January 9, 1601 (Age 17 years)

MarriageAlbert-Othon 1er von SOLMS-LAUBACHView this family
Type: Religious marriage
October 28, 1601 (Age 18 years)

Birth of a daughter
Marguerite von SOLMS-LAUBACH
October 16, 1604 (Age 21 years)

Birth of a daughter
Christine von SOLMS-LAUBACH
September 1607 (Age 24 years)

Death of a husbandAlbert-Othon 1er von SOLMS-LAUBACH
March 2, 1610 (Age 26 years)

Birth of a son
Albert-Othon Ii von SOLMS-LAUBACH
June 20, 1610 (Age 27 years)

Marriage of a childHenri Wolrath von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODEMarguerite von SOLMS-LAUBACHView this family
Type: Religious marriage
March 26, 1623 (Age 40 years)

Death of a brotherLouis V de HESSE-DARMSTADT
July 27, 1626 (Age 43 years)

Marriage of a childAlbert-Othon Ii von SOLMS-LAUBACHCatherine-Juliana von HANAU-MÜNZENBERGView this family
Type: Religious marriage
September 11, 1631 (Age 48 years)


_USTAlbert-Othon 1er von SOLMS-LAUBACHView this family

Death September 13, 1631 (Age 48 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: August 27, 1572
4 years
elder brother
15 months
elder brother
14 months
elder sister
1 year
elder sister
1 year
elder sister
13 months
elder brother
14 months
2 years
younger brother
14 months
younger sister
10 months
younger brother
Father’s family with Eléonore de WURTEMBERG - View this family
Marriage: May 25, 1589
10 months
Family with Albert-Othon 1er von SOLMS-LAUBACH - View this family
Marriage: October 28, 1601
3 years
3 years
3 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Anne de HESSE-DARMSTADT, daughter of Georges 1er de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Madeleine de LIPPE, was born on March 3, 1583 and died on September 13, 1631 at the age of 48. She married Albert-Othon 1er von SOLMS-LAUBACH, son of Jean Georges Ier von SOLMS-LAUBACH and Marguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU, on October 28, 1601. He was born on December 19, 1576 and died on March 2, 1610 at the age of 33.

      Children of Anne de HESSE-DARMSTADT and Albert-Othon 1er von SOLMS-LAUBACH:

      1. Marguerite von SOLMS-LAUBACH (16041648)
      2. Christine von SOLMS-LAUBACH (16071638)
      3. Albert-Othon Ii von SOLMS-LAUBACH (16101639)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Marguerite von SOLMS-LAUBACH, daughter of Albert-Othon 1er von SOLMS-LAUBACH and Anne de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born on October 16, 1604 and died on November 6, 1648 at the age of 44. She married Henri Wolrath von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE, son of Louis Georges von STOLBERG and Sarah von MANSFELD, on March 26, 1623. He was born on July 13, 1590 and died on October 4, 1641 at the age of 51.

      Children of Marguerite von SOLMS-LAUBACH and Henri Wolrath von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE:

      1. Anne-Elisabeth von STOLBERG-ORTENBERG (16241668)
    2. Christine von SOLMS-LAUBACH, comtesse, daughter of Albert-Othon 1er von SOLMS-LAUBACH and Anne de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born in September 1607 and died on November 27, 1638 at the age of 31. She married Emich Xii (Xiii) von LEININGEN, son of Jean-Louis von LEININGEN and Marie-Barbara von SULZ, on May 24, 1632. He was born on June 12, 1612 and died on March 1, 1657 at the age of 44.

      Children of Christine von SOLMS-LAUBACH and Emich Xii (Xiii) von LEININGEN:

      1. Georges-Guillaume von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM (16361672)
    3. Albert-Othon Ii von SOLMS-LAUBACH, comte, son of Albert-Othon 1er von SOLMS-LAUBACH and Anne de HESSE-DARMSTADT, was born on June 20, 1610 and died on September 6, 1639 at the age of 29. He married Catherine-Juliana von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG, daughter of Philippe Louis Ii von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG and Catherine Belgique de NASSAU-ORANGE, on September 11, 1631. She was born on March 17, 1604 and died on December 28, 1668 at the age of 64.

      Children of Albert-Othon Ii von SOLMS-LAUBACH and Catherine-Juliana von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG:

      1. Charles-Othon von SOLMS-LAUBACH (16331676)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Anne-Elisabeth von STOLBERG-ORTENBERG, daughter of Henri Wolrath von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE and Marguerite von SOLMS-LAUBACH, was born on August 16, 1624 and died on October 17, 1668 at the age of 44. She married Henri-Ernest von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE, son of Christophe Ii von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE and Hedwige von REGENSTEIN BLANKENBURG, on May 2, 1649. He was born on July 20, 1593 and died on April 4, 1672 at the age of 78.

      Children of Anne-Elisabeth von STOLBERG-ORTENBERG and Henri-Ernest von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE:

      1. Louis-Christian von STOLBERG-GEDERN (16521710)
    2. Georges-Guillaume von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM, son of Emich Xii (Xiii) von LEININGEN and Christine von SOLMS-LAUBACH, was born on March 8, 1636 and died on July 19, 1672 at the age of 36. He married Anne-Elisabeth von DAUN, daughter of Guillaume Wirich von DAUN and Elisabeth de WALDECK-WILDUNGEN, on March 26, 1658. She was born on January 1, 1636 and died on June 4, 1685 at the age of 49.

      Children of Georges-Guillaume von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM and Anne-Elisabeth von DAUN:

      1. Jean-Charles von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM (16621698)
    3. Charles-Othon von SOLMS-LAUBACH, son of Albert-Othon Ii von SOLMS-LAUBACH and Catherine-Juliana von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG, was born on August 22, 1633 and died on August 6, 1676 at the age of 42. He married Amöna Elisabeth von BENTHEIM STEINFURT, daughter of Arnold-Jobst von BENTHEIM STEINFURT and Anne-Amélie von ISENBURG BUDINGEN, on February 1, 1654. She died on December 27, 1701.

      Children of Charles-Othon von SOLMS-LAUBACH and Amöna Elisabeth von BENTHEIM STEINFURT:

      1. Catherine-Amélie von SOLMS-LAUBACH (16541736)
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