Victoria “Alice” Elisabeth Julie Marie de BATTENBERGAge: 84 years1885–1969
- Name
- Victoria “Alice” Elisabeth Julie Marie de BATTENBERG
- Given names
- Victoria "Alice" Elisabeth Julie Marie
- Surname
Family with parents |
father |
Louis Alexandre de BATTENBERG Birth: May 24, 1854 30 28 — Graz, , , , AUTRICHE, Death: September 11, 1921 — Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, |
mother |
Victoria Alberta Elisabeth Mathilde Marie de HESSE Birth: April 5, 1863 25 19 — Windsor, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, Death: September 24, 1950 — Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, Kensington Palace |
Marriage: April 30, 1884 — Darmstadt, , , , ALLEMAGNE, |
10 months herself |
Victoria “Alice” Elisabeth Julie Marie de BATTENBERG Birth: February 25, 1885 30 21 — Windsor, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, Death: December 5, 1969 — Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, palais de Buckingham Palace |
4 years younger sister |
Louise Alexandra Marie Irène de BATTENBERG Birth: July 13, 1889 35 26 — Heiligenberg, , , , ALLEMAGNE, près de Jugenheim Death: March 7, 1965 — Stockholm, , , , SUÈDE, |
3 years younger brother |
Georges Louis Victor Henri Serge de BATTENBERG Birth: November 6, 1892 38 29 — Darmstadt, , , , ALLEMAGNE, Death: April 8, 1938 — Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, |
8 years younger brother |
Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicolas de BATTENBERG Birth: June 25, 1900 46 37 — Windsor, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, Frogmore House Death: August 27, 1979 — Mullaghmore, , , , IRLANDE, dans un bateau |
Family with André de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG |
husband |
André de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG Birth: February 2, 1882 36 30 — Athènes, , , , GRÈCE, Death: December 3, 1944 — Monte-Carlo, , , , MONACO, |
herself |
Victoria “Alice” Elisabeth Julie Marie de BATTENBERG Birth: February 25, 1885 30 21 — Windsor, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, Death: December 5, 1969 — Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, palais de Buckingham Palace |
Marriage: October 6, 1903 — Darmstadt, , , , ALLEMAGNE, |
Marriage: October 7, 1903 — Darmstadt, , , , ALLEMAGNE, chapelle russe |
18 months daughter |
Marguerite de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG Birth: April 18, 1905 23 20 — Athènes, , , , GRÈCE, Death: April 24, 1981 — Bad Wiesse, , , , ALLEMAGNE, |
13 months daughter |
Théodora d'OLDENBOURG Birth: May 30, 1906 24 21 — Athènes, , , , GRÈCE, Death: October 16, 1969 — Constance, , , , ALLEMAGNE, |
5 years daughter |
Cécile d'OLDENBOURG Birth: June 22, 1911 29 26 — Tatoi, , , Près d'Athènes, GRÈCE, près d' Athènes Death: November 16, 1937 — Steene, , , , BELGIQUE, |
3 years daughter |
Sophie d'OLDENBOURG Birth: June 26, 1914 32 29 — Corfou, , , , GRÈCE, villa mon repos Death: November 24, 2001 — Neuhaus, , , Haute-Bavière, ALLEMAGNE, près de Schliersee |
7 years son |
Philippe de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG Birth: June 10, 1921 39 36 — Corfou, , , , GRÈCE, villa Mon Repos Death: April 9, 2021 |
- Generation 1
Victoria “Alice” Elisabeth Julie Marie de BATTENBERG , princesse de Battenberg, daughter ofLouis Alexandre de BATTENBERG andVictoria Alberta Elisabeth Mathilde Marie de HESSE , was born on February 25, 1885 in Windsor, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, and died on December 5, 1969 in Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, palais de Buckingham Palace at the age of 84. She marriedAndré de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG , son ofGeorges 1er, Christian “Guillaume” Ferdinand Adolphe de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG andOlga ROMANOV , on October 6, 1903 in Darmstadt, , , , ALLEMAGNE,. He was born on February 2, 1882 in Athènes, , , , GRÈCE, and died on December 3, 1944 in Monte-Carlo, , , , MONACO, at the age of 62.Children of
Victoria “Alice” Elisabeth Julie Marie de BATTENBERG andAndré de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG :Marguerite de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (1905–1981)Théodora d'OLDENBOURG (1906–1969)Cécile d'OLDENBOURG (1911–1937)Sophie d'OLDENBOURG (1914–2001)Philippe de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG (1921–2021)
- Generation 2back to top
Marguerite de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG , princesse de Grèce et de Danemark, daughter ofAndré de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG andVictoria “Alice” Elisabeth Julie Marie de BATTENBERG , was born on April 18, 1905 in Athènes, , , , GRÈCE, and died on April 24, 1981 in Bad Wiesse, , , , ALLEMAGNE, at the age of 76. She marriedGodefroy Hermann Alfred Paul Maximilien Victor de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG , son ofErnest Guillaume Frédéric Charles Maximilien de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG andAlexandra Louise Olga Victoria de SAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA .Children of
Marguerite de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG andGodefroy Hermann Alfred Paul Maximilien Victor de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG :Ne... de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG (1933–1933)Kraft Alexandre Ernest Louis Georges Emich de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG (1935–2004)Béatrice Alice Marie Melita Marguerite de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG (1936–1997)- Private
Albert Wolfgang Christophe de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG (1944–1992)Robert Sigismond Philippe Ernest de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG (1944–1978)
Théodora d'OLDENBOURG , princesse de Grèce et de Danemark, daughter ofAndré de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG andVictoria “Alice” Elisabeth Julie Marie de BATTENBERG , was born on May 30, 1906 in Athènes, , , , GRÈCE, and died on October 16, 1969 in Constance, , , , ALLEMAGNE, at the age of 63. She marriedBerthold Frédéric Guillaume Ernest Auguste Henri Charles de BADE , son ofMaximilien Alexandre Frédéric Guillaume de BADE andMarie-Louise de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG .Children of
Théodora d'OLDENBOURG andBerthold Frédéric Guillaume Ernest Auguste Henri Charles de BADE :Marguerite Alice Thyra Victoria Marie Louise Scholastique de BADE (1932–2013)- Private
- Private
Cécile d'OLDENBOURG , princesse de Grèce et de Danemark, daughter ofAndré de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG andVictoria “Alice” Elisabeth Julie Marie de BATTENBERG , was born on June 22, 1911 in Tatoi, , , Près d'Athènes, GRÈCE, près d' Athènes and died on November 16, 1937 in Steene, , , , BELGIQUE, at the age of 26. She marriedGeorges Donatus Guillaume Nicolas Edouard Henri Charles de HESSE , son ofErnest-Louis 1er Albert Charles Guillaume de HESSE andEléonore Ernestine Marie von SOLMS-HOHENSOLMS-LICH , on January 23, 1931 in Darmstadt, , , , ALLEMAGNE,. He was born on November 8, 1906 in Darmstadt, , , , ALLEMAGNE, Neues Palais and died on November 16, 1937 in Steene, , , , BELGIQUE, at the age of 31.Children of
Cécile d'OLDENBOURG andGeorges Donatus Guillaume Nicolas Edouard Henri Charles de HESSE :Louis Ernest André de HESSE (1931–1937)Alexandre Georges Charles Henri de HESSE (1933–1937)Johanna Marina Eléonore de HESSE (1936–1939)N... de HESSE (1937–1937)
Sophie d'OLDENBOURG , princesse de Grèce et de Danemark, daughter ofAndré de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG andVictoria “Alice” Elisabeth Julie Marie de BATTENBERG , was born on June 26, 1914 in Corfou, , , , GRÈCE, villa mon repos and died on November 24, 2001 in Neuhaus, , , Haute-Bavière, ALLEMAGNE, près de Schliersee at the age of 87. She married 2 times. The first time she marriedChristophe Ernest Auguste de HESSE-CASSEL , son ofFrédéric-Charles Louis Constantin de HESSE-CASSEL andMarguerite Béatrice Féodora de HOHENZOLLERN . The second time she marriedGeorges-Guillaume Ernest Auguste Frédéric Axel de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG , son ofErnest-Auguste Christian Georges de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG andVictoria-Louise Adélaïde Mathilde Charlotte de HOHENZOLLERN .Children of
Sophie d'OLDENBOURG andChristophe Ernest Auguste de HESSE-CASSEL :Christine Marguerite de HESSE-CASSEL (1933–2011)- Private
- Private
- Private
- Private
Children of
Sophie d'OLDENBOURG andGeorges-Guillaume Ernest Auguste Frédéric Axel de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG :Welf Ernest Auguste André Philippe Georges Guillaume Louis Berthold de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG (1947–1981)- Private
- Private
Philippe de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG , prince de Grèce et de Danemark, lord Mountbatten, son ofAndré de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG andVictoria “Alice” Elisabeth Julie Marie de BATTENBERG , was born on June 10, 1921 in Corfou, , , , GRÈCE, villa Mon Repos and died on April 9, 2021 at the age of 99.Philippe de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG had 4 children.
- Generation 3back to top
Kraft Alexandre Ernest Louis Georges Emich de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG , 9ème prince, son ofGodefroy Hermann Alfred Paul Maximilien Victor de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG andMarguerite de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG , was born on June 25, 1935 in Schwäbisch, , , Wurtemberg, ALLEMAGNE, and died on March 16, 2004 at the age of 68.Kraft Alexandre Ernest Louis Georges Emich de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG had 3 children.- The details of this family are private.
Albert Wolfgang Christophe de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG , prince, son ofGodefroy Hermann Alfred Paul Maximilien Victor de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG andMarguerite de HOLSTEIN-GLUCKSBOURG , was born on April 7, 1944 in Langenburg, , , , ALLEMAGNE, château and died on April 23, 1992 in Berlin, , , Prusse, ALLEMAGNE, -wilmersdorf at the age of 48.Albert Wolfgang Christophe de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG had 1 child.Marguerite Alice Thyra Victoria Marie Louise Scholastique de BADE , princesse, daughter ofBerthold Frédéric Guillaume Ernest Auguste Henri Charles de BADE andThéodora d'OLDENBOURG , was born on July 14, 1932 in Salem, , , Bade, ALLEMAGNE, and died on January 15, 2013 at the age of 80. She marriedTomislav KARAGEORGEVITCH , son ofAlexandre 1er KARAGEORGEVITCH andMarie de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN .Marguerite Alice Thyra Victoria Marie Louise Scholastique de BADE andTomislav KARAGEORGEVITCH had 2 children.- The details of this family are private.
- The details of this family are private.
Christine Marguerite de HESSE-CASSEL , princesse de Hesse, daughter ofChristophe Ernest Auguste de HESSE-CASSEL andSophie d'OLDENBOURG , was born on January 10, 1933 in Kronberg, , Taunus, , ALLEMAGNE, château and died on November 21, 2011 at the age of 78. She married 2 times. The first time she marriedAndré KARAGEORGEVITCH , son ofAlexandre 1er KARAGEORGEVITCH andMarie de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN . The second time she marriedRobert Floris van EYCK .Children of
Christine Marguerite de HESSE-CASSEL andAndré KARAGEORGEVITCH :- Private
Christophe KARAGEORGEVITCH (1960–1993)
Christine Marguerite de HESSE-CASSEL andRobert Floris van EYCK had 2 children.- The details of this family are private.
- The details of this family are private.
- The details of this family are private.
Welf Ernest Auguste André Philippe Georges Guillaume Louis Berthold de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG , prince de Hanovre, duc de Brunswick-Lunebourg, prince de Grande-Bretagne et d'irlande, son ofGeorges-Guillaume Ernest Auguste Frédéric Axel de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG andSophie d'OLDENBOURG , was born on January 25, 1947 in Marienburg, , , Nordstemmen, ALLEMAGNE, château and died on January 10, 1981 in Poona, , , , INDE, at the age of 33.Welf Ernest Auguste André Philippe Georges Guillaume Louis Berthold de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG had 1 child.- The details of this family are private.
- The details of this family are private.
- The details of this family are private.
- The details of this family are private.
- The details of this family are private.
- The details of this family are private.