Richilde ROBERTIENSAge: 33 years822855

Given names
Birth about 822

MarriageBeuves Ou Biwin de VIENNEView this family
840 (Age 18 years)

Birth of a son
Boson Ier de VIENNE
about 842 (Age 20 years)

Birth of a brotherBoson ROBERTIENS
844 (Age 22 years)

Birth of a daughter
Richilde Dite Richarde ROBERTIENS
about 845 (Age 23 years)

Death of a fatherBoson Le Vieux ROBERTIENS
about 855 (on the date of death)


_USTBeuves Ou Biwin de VIENNEView this family

Death 855 (Age 33 years)

Birth of a son
Richard Ier Le Justicier ROBERTIENS
about 877 (22 years after death)

Family with parents - View this family
23 years
younger brother
Family with Beuves Ou Biwin de VIENNE - View this family
Marriage: 840
3 years
4 years
33 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Richilde ROBERTIENS, daughter of Boson Le Vieux ROBERTIENS, was born about 822 and died in 855. She married Beuves Ou Biwin de VIENNE, son of Hartnid Dit Arduin de VIENNE and Prénom Inconnu CONJOINT, in 840. He was born about 820 and died about 869.

      Children of Richilde ROBERTIENS and Beuves Ou Biwin de VIENNE:

      1. Boson Ier de VIENNE (842887)
      2. Richilde Dite Richarde ROBERTIENS (845910)
      3. Richard Ier Le Justicier ROBERTIENS (877921)
      4. Robert de VIENNE
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Boson Ier de VIENNE, roi d'Arles et de Provence (14-10-879), comte et duc de Vienne (870), son of Beuves Ou Biwin de VIENNE and Richilde ROBERTIENS, was born about 842 and died on February 19, 887.. He had a relationship with Prénom Inconnu CONJOINT He married Ermengarde d'ITALIE, daughter of Louis Ii d'ITALIE and Ingelberge de SPOLETE, in March 876. She was born in 859 and died on November 21, 897 at the age of 38.

      Children of Boson Ier de VIENNE and Ermengarde d'ITALIE:

      1. Willa de VIENNE (876917)
      2. Ermengarde de BOURGOGNE (880937)
      3. Louis Iii L'Aveugle de BAVIÈRE (883928)
      4. Engelberge de VIENNE (887919)
    2. Richilde Dite Richarde ROBERTIENS, daughter of Beuves Ou Biwin de VIENNE and Richilde ROBERTIENS, was born about 845 and died on June 12, 910. She married Charles Ii Le Chauve CAROLINGIENS, son of Louis Ier Le Pieux Ou Le Débonnaire CAROLINGIENS and Judith de BAVIÈRE, on January 29, 870. He was born on June 21, 823 and died on October 14, 877 at the age of 54.

      Children of Richilde Dite Richarde ROBERTIENS and Charles Ii Le Chauve CAROLINGIENS:

      1. Rothilde CAROLINGIENS (871928)
    3. Richard Ier Le Justicier ROBERTIENS, comte d'Autun (880), Comte et Duc de Bourgogne, son of Beuves Ou Biwin de VIENNE and Richilde ROBERTIENS, was born about 877 and died on September 11, 921. He married Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE, daughter of Conrad Ii Le Jeune de BOURGOGNE and Waldrade de WORMGAU, in 888. She died about 929.

      Children of Richard Ier Le Justicier ROBERTIENS and Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE:

      1. Boson ROBERTIENS (890935)
      2. Alix ROBERTIENS (900)
      3. Ermengarde ROBERTIENS
      4. Hugues Iv Le Noir ROBERTIENS (952)
      5. Raoul ROBERTIENS (936)
      6. Willa ROBERTIENS
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Willa de VIENNE, daughter of Boson Ier de VIENNE and Ermengarde d'ITALIE, was born in 876 and died on April 27, 917 at the age of 41. She married 2 times. The first time she married Hugues Dit Hugues D'Arles de PROVENCE, son of Théobald Dit Thibaud d'ARLES and Berthe CAROLINGIENS, in 913. He was born about 880 and died on April 20, 947 in Arles, 13, , , FRANCE,. The second time she married Rodolphe Ier de BOURGOGNE, son of Conrad Ii Le Jeune de BOURGOGNE and Waldrade de WORMGAU, in 888. He was born about 871 and died in 912.

      Children of Willa de VIENNE and Rodolphe Ier de BOURGOGNE:

      1. Waldrade de BOURGOGNE (889963)
      2. Rodolphe Ii de BOURGOGNE (890937)
      3. Aélis de BOURGOGNE (892943)
      4. Willa de BOURGOGNE (898936)
    2. Ermengarde de BOURGOGNE, (de Vienne), daughter of Boson Ier de VIENNE and Ermengarde d'ITALIE, was born about 880 and died in 937. She married Manasses de VERGY in 892. He was born about 873 and died on October 23, 918.

      Children of Ermengarde de BOURGOGNE and Manasses de VERGY:

      1. Ermengarde de VERGY (941)
      2. Gislebert de VERGY (956)
    3. Louis Iii L'Aveugle de BAVIÈRE, roi de Provence (887), Roi d'Italie (900-905), Comte de Vienne, son of Boson Ier de VIENNE and Ermengarde d'ITALIE, was born in 883 and died on June 13, 928 in Vienne, 38, , , , at the age of 45. He married 2 times. The first time he married Aélis de BOURGOGNE, daughter of Rodolphe Ier de BOURGOGNE and Willa de VIENNE, in 914. She was born in 892 and died on May 10, 943 at the age of 51. The second time he married Anna de MACÉDOINE, daughter of Léon Vi de MACÉDOINE, in 905. She was born about 890 and died in 912.

      Children of Louis Iii L'Aveugle de BAVIÈRE and Aélis de BOURGOGNE:

      1. Rodolphe de VIENNE (915929)

      Children of Louis Iii L'Aveugle de BAVIÈRE and Anna de MACÉDOINE:

      1. Charles-Constantin de VIENNE (905962)
    4. Engelberge de VIENNE, daughter of Boson Ier de VIENNE and Ermengarde d'ITALIE, was born about 887 and died about 919. She married Guillaume Le Pieux d'AUVERGNE, son of Bernard PLANTEVELUE, in 898.

      Children of Engelberge de VIENNE and Guillaume Le Pieux d'AUVERGNE:

      1. Adélaide d'AUVERGNE
      2. Boson d'AUVERGNE (918)
    5. Rothilde CAROLINGIENS, daughter of Charles Ii Le Chauve CAROLINGIENS and Richilde Dite Richarde ROBERTIENS, was born about 871 and died about 928.

      Children of Rothilde CAROLINGIENS and Roger du MAINE:

      1. Rohaut (Judith) du MAINE (890922)
    6. Boson ROBERTIENS, comte d'Arles (928-935), son of Richard Ier Le Justicier ROBERTIENS and Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE, was born about 890 and died in 935. He married Berthe de TOSCANE, daughter of Boson d'ARLES and Willa de BOURGOGNE, about 931. She was born about 913 and died in 1010.

    7. Alix ROBERTIENS, daughter of Richard Ier Le Justicier ROBERTIENS and Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE, was born in 900.

      Children of Alix ROBERTIENS and Régnier Ii de HAINAUT:

      1. Régnier Iii de HAINAUT (920973)
    8. Ermengarde ROBERTIENS, daughter of Richard Ier Le Justicier ROBERTIENS and Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE. She married Gislebert de VERGY, son of Manasses de VERGY and Ermengarde de BOURGOGNE, in 920. He died on April 18, 956 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE,.

      Children of Ermengarde ROBERTIENS and Gislebert de VERGY:

      1. Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE (928967)
      2. Liégarde de VERGY
    9. Raoul ROBERTIENS, roi de France (923-936), duc de Bourgogne, son of Richard Ier Le Justicier ROBERTIENS and Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE. He died in 936.

    10. Willa ROBERTIENS, daughter of Richard Ier Le Justicier ROBERTIENS and Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE. She married Hugues de SAVOIE, son of Garnier de SAVOIE and Thiberge d'ARLES, in 924. He was born about 900 and died about 936.

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