Jean-François Ii de GONZAGUEAge: 52 years1466–1519
- Name
- Jean-François Ii de GONZAGUE
- Given names
- Jean-François Ii
- Surname
Birth | August 19, 1466 25 24 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Sigismond de GONZAGUE 1469 (Age 2 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Elisabeth de GONZAGUE 1471 (Age 4 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Madeleine de GONZAGUE estimated 1472 (Age 5 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Jean de GONZAGUE 1474 (Age 7 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Anne de BRUNSWICK October 23, 1474 (Age 8 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Louis Iii de GONZAGUE June 21, 1478 (Age 11 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Marguerite de WITTELSBACH October 23, 1479 (Age 13 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Barbara de HOHENZOLLERN November 16, 1481 (Age 15 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Frédéric 1er de GONZAGUE July 23, 1484 (Age 17 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Isabelle d'ESTE — View this family Type: Religious marriage February 21, 1490 (Age 23 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Madeleine de GONZAGUE 1490 (Age 23 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Frédéric Ii de GONZAGUE May 27, 1500 (Age 33 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Claire de GONZAGUE June 12, 1503 (Age 36 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #2 | Hercule de GONZAGUE December 2, 1505 (Age 39 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #3 | Ferdinand 1er de GONZAGUE February 7, 1507 (Age 40 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Livie de GONZAGUE 1509 (Age 42 years) _FNA: NO |
Occupation | margrave de Mantoue |
_UST | Isabelle d'ESTE — View this family MARRIED |
Death | April 8, 1519 (Age 52 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Frédéric 1er de GONZAGUE Birth: July 4, 1441 27 18 Death: July 23, 1484 |
mother |
Marguerite de WITTELSBACH Birth: January 10, 1442 40 Death: October 23, 1479 |
Marriage: May 19, 1463 — |
14 months elder sister |
Claire de GONZAGUE Birth: July 10, 1464 23 22 Death: June 12, 1503 |
2 years himself |
Jean-François Ii de GONZAGUE Birth: August 19, 1466 25 24 Death: April 8, 1519 |
3 years younger brother |
Sigismond de GONZAGUE Birth: 1469 27 26 Death: October 14, 1525 |
3 years younger sister |
Elisabeth de GONZAGUE Birth: 1471 29 28 Death: 1526 |
2 years younger sister |
Madeleine de GONZAGUE Birth: estimated 1472 30 29 Death: 1490 |
3 years younger brother |
Jean de GONZAGUE Birth: 1474 32 31 Death: October 3, 1525 |
Family with Isabelle d'ESTE |
himself |
Jean-François Ii de GONZAGUE Birth: August 19, 1466 25 24 Death: April 8, 1519 |
wife |
Isabelle d'ESTE Birth: May 27, 1474 42 23 Death: February 23, 1539 |
Marriage: February 21, 1490 — |
10 years son |
Frédéric Ii de GONZAGUE Birth: May 27, 1500 33 26 Death: July 8, 1540 |
6 years son |
Hercule de GONZAGUE Birth: December 2, 1505 39 31 Death: March 12, 1563 |
14 months son |
Ferdinand 1er de GONZAGUE Birth: February 7, 1507 40 32 Death: November 25, 1557 |
3 years daughter |
Livie de GONZAGUE Birth: 1509 42 34 Death: 1569 |
daughter |
Hippolyte de GONZAGUE Death: March 26, 1570 |
son | |
daughter |
Eléonore de GONZAGUE Death: 1570 |
- Generation 1
Jean-François Ii de GONZAGUE , margrave de Mantoue, son ofFrédéric 1er de GONZAGUE andMarguerite de WITTELSBACH , was born on August 19, 1466 and died on April 8, 1519 at the age of 52. He marriedIsabelle d'ESTE , daughter ofHercule 1er d'ESTE andEléonore de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , on February 21, 1490. She was born on May 27, 1474 and died on February 23, 1539 at the age of 64.Children of
Jean-François Ii de GONZAGUE andIsabelle d'ESTE :Frédéric Ii de GONZAGUE (1500–1540)Hercule de GONZAGUE (1505–1563)Ferdinand 1er de GONZAGUE (1507–1557)Livie de GONZAGUE (1509–1569)Hippolyte de GONZAGUE (–1570)Pierre de GONZAGUE Eléonore de GONZAGUE (–1570)
- Generation 2back to top
Frédéric Ii de GONZAGUE , duc de Mantoue, son ofJean-François Ii de GONZAGUE andIsabelle d'ESTE , was born on May 27, 1500 and died on July 8, 1540 at the age of 40. He marriedMarguerite de MONTFERRAT , daughter ofGuillaume Xi (Ix) de MONTFERRAT andAnne d'ALENÇON , on November 26, 1531. She was born on August 21, 1510 and died on January 7, 1567 at the age of 56.Children of
Frédéric Ii de GONZAGUE andMarguerite de MONTFERRAT :François Iii de GONZAGUE (1533–1550)Eléonore de GONZAGUE (1534–)Anne de GONZAGUE (1535–)Isabelle de GONZAGUE (1537–1579)Guillaume de GONZAGUE (1538–1587)Louis de GONZAGUE (1539–1595)Frédéric de GONZAGUE (1540–1565)
Ferdinand 1er de GONZAGUE , comte de Guastalla, son ofJean-François Ii de GONZAGUE andIsabelle d'ESTE , was born on February 7, 1507 and died on November 25, 1557 at the age of 50. He marriedIsabelle de CAPOUE in 1529. She died on September 27, 1559.Children of
Ferdinand 1er de GONZAGUE andIsabelle de CAPOUE :César 1er de GONZAGUE (–1575)
Eléonore de GONZAGUE , daughter ofJean-François Ii de GONZAGUE andIsabelle d'ESTE . She died in 1570.Children of
Eléonore de GONZAGUE andFrançois Marie della ROVERE :Frédéric della ROVERE (1511–)Guidobaldo Ii della ROVERE (1514–1574)Elisabeth della ROVERE (–1561)Julie della ROVERE (1527–1563)Jules della ROVERE (1533–1578)Ippolita della ROVERE
- Generation 3back to top
François Iii de GONZAGUE , duc de Mantoue, son ofFrédéric Ii de GONZAGUE andMarguerite de MONTFERRAT , was born on March 20, 1533 and died on March 4, 1550 at the age of 16. He marriedCatherine de HABSBOURG , daughter ofFerdinand Ier de HABSBOURG andAnne JAGELLON , on November 1, 1549. She was born on September 25, 1533 and died on March 9, 1572 at the age of 38.Isabelle de GONZAGUE , daughter ofFrédéric Ii de GONZAGUE andMarguerite de MONTFERRAT , was born on April 28, 1537 and died on August 25, 1579 at the age of 42.Children of
Isabelle de GONZAGUE andFerrante Francesco d'AVALOS :Alphonse Félix d'AVALOS (1564–1593)
Guillaume de GONZAGUE , duc de Mantoue, son ofFrédéric Ii de GONZAGUE andMarguerite de MONTFERRAT , was born on May 4, 1538 and died on August 14, 1587 at the age of 49. He marriedEléonore de HABSBOURG , daughter ofFerdinand Ier de HABSBOURG andAnne JAGELLON , on May 6, 1561. She was born on November 12, 1534 and died on August 5, 1594 at the age of 59.Children of
Guillaume de GONZAGUE andEléonore de HABSBOURG :Vincent 1er de GONZAGUE (1562–1612)Marguerite Eléonore de GONZAGUE (1564–1618)Anne-Catherine de GONZAGUE (1566–1621)
Louis de GONZAGUE , duc de Nevers et de Rethel, son ofFrédéric Ii de GONZAGUE andMarguerite de MONTFERRAT , was born on November 1, 1539 and died on October 23, 1595 at the age of 55. He marriedHenriette de CLÈVES , daughter ofFrançois 1er de CLÈVES andMarguerite de BOURBON , on March 14, 1565. She was born on November 10, 1542 and died on January 24, 1601 at the age of 58.Children of
Louis de GONZAGUE andHenriette de CLÈVES :Catherine de GONZAGUE (1568–1629)Henriette de GONZAGUE (1571–1601)Frédéric de GONZAGUE (1573–1574)François de GONZAGUE (1576–1580)Charles 1er de GONZAGUE (1580–1637)
César 1er de GONZAGUE , duc d'Amalfi, son ofFerdinand 1er de GONZAGUE andIsabelle de CAPOUE . He died on February 27, 1575. He marriedCamille BORROMÉE in 1560.Children of
César 1er de GONZAGUE andCamille BORROMÉE :Ferdinand Ii de GONZAGUE (–1632)
Guidobaldo Ii della ROVERE , son ofFrançois Marie della ROVERE andEléonore de GONZAGUE , was born in 1514 and died in 1574 at the age of 60.. He had a relationship withVictoria FARNÈSE , daughter ofPierre-Louis FARNÈSE andGirolama ORSINI He marriedJulie VARANO in 1534. She was born in 1523 and died in 1547 at the age of 24.Children of
Guidobaldo Ii della ROVERE andVictoria FARNÈSE :François Marie Ii della ROVERE (1549–1631)Lavinia della ROVERE (1558–1632)Isabelle della ROVERE (–1619)
Children of
Guidobaldo Ii della ROVERE andJulie VARANO :Virginie della ROVERE (1544–1571)
Elisabeth della ROVERE , daughter ofFrançois Marie della ROVERE andEléonore de GONZAGUE . She died in 1561. She marriedAlbéric CIBO in 1552. He was born in 1530 and died in 1623 at the age of 93.Children of
Elisabeth della ROVERE andAlbéric CIBO :Alderano CIBO (1552–1606)
Julie della ROVERE , daughter ofFrançois Marie della ROVERE andEléonore de GONZAGUE , was born in 1527 and died on April 14, 1563 at the age of 36. She marriedAlphonse d'ESTE , son ofAlphonse 1er d'ESTE andLaure DIANTI , in January 1549. He was born on March 20, 1527 and died on November 1, 1587 at the age of 60.Children of
Julie della ROVERE andAlphonse d'ESTE :César d'ESTE (1552–1628)Alphonse d'ESTE (1560–1578)Eléonore d'ESTE (1561–1637)