Adélaïde de TOURSAge: 42 years840882

Adélaïde de TOURS
Given names
Birth 840 30

MarriageRobert Le Fort ROBERTIENSView this family
863 (Age 23 years)

Birth of a son
about 865 (Age 25 years)

Death of a husbandRobert Le Fort ROBERTIENS
866 (Age 26 years)

Death of a fatherHugues Le Poltron de TOURS
866 (Age 26 years)


_USTRobert Le Fort ROBERTIENSView this family

Death 882 (Age 42 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Family with Robert Le Fort ROBERTIENS - View this family
Marriage: 863
3 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Adélaïde de TOURS, daughter of Hugues Le Poltron de TOURS, was born in 840 and died in 882 at the age of 42. She married Robert Le Fort ROBERTIENS, son of Robert ROBERTIENS and Waldrade d'ORLÉANS, in 863. He died in 866.

      Children of Adélaïde de TOURS and Robert Le Fort ROBERTIENS:

      1. Robert Ier ROBERTIENS (865923)
      2. Richilde ROBERTIENS (907)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Robert Ier ROBERTIENS, roi de France (922-923), marquis de Neustrie, son of Robert Le Fort ROBERTIENS and Adélaïde de TOURS, was born about 865 and died on June 20, 923.. He had a relationship with Aélis d'ALSACE He married Béatrice de VERMANDOIS, daughter of Herbert Ier de VERMANDOIS and Béatrice de MORVOIS, in 894. She was born in 880 and died in 929 at the age of 49.

      Children of Robert Ier ROBERTIENS and Aélis d'ALSACE:

      1. Liegarde Dite Adèle de FRANCE (892943)

      Children of Robert Ier ROBERTIENS and Béatrice de VERMANDOIS:

      1. Emma ROBERTIENS (894934)
      2. Hugue Le Grand de FRANCE (897956)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Liegarde Dite Adèle de FRANCE, daughter of Robert Ier ROBERTIENS and Aélis d'ALSACE, was born in 892 and died in 943 at the age of 51.

      Children of Liegarde Dite Adèle de FRANCE and Herbert Ii de VERMANDOIS:

      1. Eudes de VERMANDOIS (915946)
      2. Leutgarde de VERMANDOIS (915978)
      3. Albert 1er Le Pieux de VERMANDOIS (916987)
      4. Herbert de VERMANDOIS (928984)
      5. Robert 1er de VERMANDOIS (931967)
      6. Adèle de VERMANDOIS (960)
    2. Emma ROBERTIENS, daughter of Robert Ier ROBERTIENS and Béatrice de VERMANDOIS, was born about 894 and died in 934.

    3. Hugue Le Grand de FRANCE, comte de Paris et Duc des Francs, son of Robert Ier ROBERTIENS and Béatrice de VERMANDOIS, was born about 897 and died on June 24, 956. He married 3 times. The first time he married Rohaut (Judith) du MAINE, daughter of Roger du MAINE and Rothilde CAROLINGIENS, about 914. She was born in 890 and died in 922 at the age of 32. The second time he married Hadvige de SAXE, daughter of Henri Ier L'Oiseleur de SAXE and Mathilde de RHEINGELHEIM, about 937. She was born in 922 and died about 965. The third time he married Ethilde d'ANGLETERRE, daughter of Edouard 1er d'ANGLETERRE and Aeflede de BERNICIE, in 927. She died before 938.

      Children of Hugue Le Grand de FRANCE and Hadvige de SAXE:

      1. Béatrix de FRANCE (939987)
      2. Hugues Ier Capet de FRANCE (941996)
      3. Eudes-Henri Le Grand de FRANCE (9481002)
      4. Emma de FRANCE (968)
      5. Otton Dit Eudes de FRANCE (965)
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