Eberhart UNROCHIDESAge: 66 years800866

Given names
Birth 800

Birth of a daughter
836 (Age 36 years)

MarriageGisèle CAROLINGIENSView this family
840 (Age 40 years)

Birth of a son
843 (Age 43 years)

Marriage of a childHenri de LA MARCKIngeltrude UNROCHIDESView this family
855 (Age 55 years)

Death of a daughterIngeltrude UNROCHIDES
after 857 (Age 57 years)

Marquis de Frioul


_USTGisèle CAROLINGIENSView this family

Death 866 (Age 66 years)

  1. Generation 1
    1. Eberhart UNROCHIDES, marquis de Frioul, was born in 800 and died in 866 at the age of 66. He married Gisèle CAROLINGIENS, daughter of Louis Ier Le Pieux Ou Le Débonnaire CAROLINGIENS and Judith de BAVIÈRE, in 840. She was born in 820 and died in 874 at the age of 54.

      Children of Eberhart UNROCHIDES and Gisèle CAROLINGIENS:

      1. Ingeltrude UNROCHIDES (836857)
      2. Béranger Ier UNROCHIDES (843924)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Ingeltrude UNROCHIDES, daughter of Eberhart UNROCHIDES and Gisèle CAROLINGIENS, was born in 836 and died after 857. She married Henri de LA MARCK in 855. He was born in 830 and died in 886 at the age of 56.

      Children of Ingeltrude UNROCHIDES and Henri de LA MARCK:

      1. Edwige de LA MARCH (856903)
    2. Béranger Ier UNROCHIDES, roi d'Italie, son of Eberhart UNROCHIDES and Gisèle CAROLINGIENS, was born in 843 and died in 924 at the age of 81.

      Children of Béranger Ier UNROCHIDES and Bertille de SPOLETE:

      1. Gisèle de FRIOUL (883910)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Edwige de LA MARCH, daughter of Henri de LA MARCK and Ingeltrude UNROCHIDES, was born in 856 and died in 903 at the age of 47. She married Otton 1er de SAXE, son of Luidolf de SAXE and Oda de SAXE-BILLUNG, in 875. He was born in 845 and died in 912 at the age of 67.

      Children of Edwige de LA MARCH and Otton 1er de SAXE:

      1. Henri Ier L'Oiseleur de SAXE (876936)
    2. Gisèle de FRIOUL, daughter of Béranger Ier UNROCHIDES and Bertille de SPOLETE, was born in 883 and died in 910 at the age of 27. She married Adalbert 1er d'IVRÉE in 900. He died about December 18, 922.

      Children of Gisèle de FRIOUL and Adalbert 1er d'IVRÉE:

      1. Beranger Ii d'IVRÉE (901966)
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