Elisabeth de BRABANTAge: 18 years1243–1261
- Name
- Elisabeth de BRABANT
- Given names
- Elisabeth
- Surname
Birth | 1243 36 19 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Henri 1er de HESSE July 1, 1244 (Age 18 months) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Henri Ii de BRABANT 1248 (Age 5 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Albert 1er de BRUNSWICK — View this family Type: Religious marriage July 20, 1254 (Age 11 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a half-sister | Marie de BRABANT January 25, 1256 (Age 13 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a half-brother | Henri Iii de BRABANT 1261 (Age 18 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Albert 1er de BRUNSWICK — View this family MARRIED |
Death | October 16, 1261 (Age 18 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Henri Ii de BRABANT Birth: 1207 47 37 Death: 1248 |
mother |
Sophie de THURINGE Birth: 1224 24 17 Death: 1275 |
Marriage: 1240 — |
4 years herself |
Elisabeth de BRABANT Birth: 1243 36 19 Death: October 16, 1261 |
18 months younger brother |
Henri 1er de HESSE Birth: July 1, 1244 37 20 Death: December 29, 1308 |
Father’s family with Marie de HOHENSTAUFEN |
father |
Henri Ii de BRABANT Birth: 1207 47 37 Death: 1248 |
step-mother |
Marie de HOHENSTAUFEN Birth: 1201 25 21 Death: 1235 |
Marriage: August 29, 1215 — |
half-brother |
Henri Iii de BRABANT Death: 1261 |
half-sister |
Mahaut de BRABANT Birth: 1224 17 23 Death: October 13, 1288 |
half-sister |
Béatrice de BRABANT Death: 1288 |
half-sister |
Marie de BRABANT Birth: 1226 19 25 Death: January 25, 1256 |
10 years half-sister |
Marguerite de BRABANT Birth: 1235 28 34 Death: 1277 |
Family with Albert 1er de BRUNSWICK |
husband |
Albert 1er de BRUNSWICK Birth: 1236 32 Death: August 22, 1279 |
herself |
Elisabeth de BRABANT Birth: 1243 36 19 Death: October 16, 1261 |
Marriage: July 20, 1254 — |
Albert 1er de BRUNSWICK + Alessine de MONTFERRAT |
husband |
Albert 1er de BRUNSWICK Birth: 1236 32 Death: August 22, 1279 |
husband’s wife |
Alessine de MONTFERRAT Birth: 1240 37 15 Death: February 13, 1285 |
Marriage: 1263 — |
5 years step-son |
Henri Ier de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Birth: August 1267 31 27 Death: September 15, 1322 |
17 months step-son |
Albert Ii de BRUNSWICK-GÖTTINGEN Birth: 1268 32 28 Death: September 30, 1318 |
3 years step-son |
Guillaume de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL Birth: 1270 34 30 Death: October 7, 1292 |
step-son |
Othon de BRUNSWICK Death: 1345 |
step-son |
Conrad de BRUNSWICK Death: 1303 |
step-son |
Lothaire de BRUNSWICK Death: April 26, 1335 |
step-daughter |
Mathilde de BRUNSWICK Death: about February 6, 1319 |
- Generation 1
Elisabeth de BRABANT , daughter ofHenri Ii de BRABANT andSophie de THURINGE , was born in 1243 and died on October 16, 1261 at the age of 18. She marriedAlbert 1er de BRUNSWICK , son ofOthon 1er de BRUNSWICK andMathilde de BRANDEBOURG , on July 20, 1254. He was born in 1236 and died on August 22, 1279 at the age of 43.
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