Albert Iii de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGENAge: 65 years1419–1485
- Name
- Given names
- Albert Iii
- Surname
Birth | November 10, 1419 39 _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Eric de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN June 6, 1427 (Age 7 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Agnès de BRUNSWICK about December 31, 1434 (Age 15 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Agnès de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN 1439 (Age 19 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Marguerite de BERG July 27, 1442 (Age 22 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-GÖTTINGEN 1444 (Age 24 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN 1452 (Age 32 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Marguerite de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN 1456 (Age 36 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Henri Iii de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN December 29, 1464 (Age 45 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Elisabeth de WALDECK — View this family Type: Religious marriage October 24, 1471 (Age 51 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Juste de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN 1472 (Age 52 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Juste de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN 1472 (Age 52 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Sophie de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN 1474 (Age 54 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Anne de BRUNSWICK October 23, 1474 (Age 54 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #3 | Philippe 1er de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN 1476 (Age 56 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #4 | Ernest de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN 1477 (Age 57 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #5 | Eric de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN 1478 (Age 58 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Sophie de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN 1485 (Age 65 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Elisabeth de WALDECK — View this family MARRIED |
Death | August 24, 1485 (Age 65 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Eric de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Birth: 1380 Death: June 6, 1427 |
mother |
Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-GÖTTINGEN Death: 1444 |
Marriage: July 1405 — |
14 years himself |
Albert Iii de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Birth: November 10, 1419 39 Death: August 24, 1485 |
sister |
Anne de BRUNSWICK Death: October 23, 1474 |
sister |
Agnès de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Death: 1439 |
sister |
Sophie de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Death: 1485 |
sister |
Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Death: 1452 |
sister |
Marguerite de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Death: 1456 |
brother |
Henri Iii de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Death: December 29, 1464 |
brother |
Ernest de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Death: December 1496 |
Family with Elisabeth de WALDECK |
himself |
Albert Iii de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Birth: November 10, 1419 39 Death: August 24, 1485 |
wife |
Elisabeth de WALDECK Death: March 25, 1513 |
Marriage: October 24, 1471 — |
14 months son |
Juste de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Birth: 1472 52 Death: 1472 |
3 years daughter |
Sophie de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Birth: 1474 54 Death: |
3 years son |
Philippe 1er de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Birth: 1476 56 Death: September 14, 1551 |
2 years son |
Ernest de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Birth: 1477 57 Death: March 22, 1496 |
2 years son |
Eric de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Birth: 1478 58 Death: May 24, 1532 |
- Generation 1
Albert Iii de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN , son ofEric de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN andElisabeth de BRUNSWICK-GÖTTINGEN , was born on November 10, 1419 and died on August 24, 1485 at the age of 65. He marriedElisabeth de WALDECK , daughter ofWolrad 1er de WALDECK andBarbe von WERTHEIM , on October 24, 1471. She died on March 25, 1513.Children of
Albert Iii de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN andElisabeth de WALDECK :Juste de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1472–1472)Sophie de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1474–)Philippe 1er de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1476–1551)Ernest de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1477–1496)Eric de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1478–1532)
- Generation 2back to top
Philippe 1er de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN , son ofAlbert Iii de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN andElisabeth de WALDECK , was born in 1476 and died on September 14, 1551 at the age of 75. He marriedCatherine von MANSFELD , daughter ofErnest von MANSFELD andBarbara von QUERFURT , in 1517. She was born on October 11, 1501 and died in 1535 at the age of 33.Children of
Philippe 1er de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN :Philippe de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1509–1512)
Children of
Philippe 1er de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN andCatherine von MANSFELD :Ernest de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1518–1567)Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1520–1520)Albert de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1521–1546)Philippe de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1523–1531)Catherine de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1524–1581)Jean de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1526–1557)Barbara de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1528–1528)Wolfgang de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1531–1595)Philippe Ii de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1533–1596)
- Generation 3back to top
Ernest de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN , son ofPhilippe 1er de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN andCatherine von MANSFELD , was born on December 27, 1518 and died on April 12, 1567 at the age of 48. He marriedMarguerite de POMÉRANIE , daughter ofGeorges Ier de POMÉRANIE andAmélie de WITTELSBACH , on October 19, 1548. She was born in 1518 and died on August 3, 1569 at the age of 51.Children of
Ernest de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN andMarguerite de POMÉRANIE :Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN (1550–1586)
Catherine de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN , daughter ofPhilippe 1er de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN andCatherine von MANSFELD , was born on September 9, 1524 and died on March 6, 1581 at the age of 56. She marriedJean Ernest de SAXE , son ofJean de SAXE andMarguerite d'ANHALT , on February 22, 1542. He was born on May 20, 1521 and died on February 18, 1563 at the age of 41.Wolfgang de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN , son ofPhilippe 1er de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN andCatherine von MANSFELD , was born on April 16, 1531 and died on March 14, 1595 at the age of 63. He marriedDorothée de SAXE-LAUENBOURG , daughter ofFrançois 1er de SAXE-LAUENBOURG andSibylle de SAXE , on December 20, 1570. She was born on March 21, 1543 and died on April 5, 1586 at the age of 43.Philippe Ii de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN , son ofPhilippe 1er de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN andCatherine von MANSFELD , was born on May 12, 1533 and died on April 4, 1596 at the age of 62. He marriedClaire de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL , daughter ofHenri Ii de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL andMarie de WURTEMBERG , on July 11, 1560. She was born on November 16, 1532 and died on November 23, 1595 at the age of 63.