Anne MORTIMERAge: 19 years1391–1411
- Name
- Given names
- Anne
- Surname
Birth | January 4, 1391 16 18 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Edmond MORTIMER November 14, 1391 (Age 10 months) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Thomas HOLLAND May 3, 1397 (Age 6 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Roger MORTIMER July 28, 1398 (Age 7 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Aliénor HOLLAND October 27, 1405 (Age 14 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Richard PLANTAGENÊT — View this family Type: Religious marriage 1406 (Age 14 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Isabelle PLANTAGENÊT 1409 (Age 17 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #2 | Richard PLANTAGENÊT 1411 (on the date of death) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Richard PLANTAGENÊT — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1411 (Age 19 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Roger MORTIMER Birth: April 19, 1374 22 19 Death: July 28, 1398 |
mother |
Aliénor HOLLAND Birth: 1373 23 21 Death: October 27, 1405 |
Marriage: 1388 — |
3 years herself |
Anne MORTIMER Birth: January 4, 1391 16 18 Death: 1411 |
10 months younger brother |
Edmond MORTIMER Birth: November 14, 1391 17 18 Death: January 27, 1425 |
Mother’s family with Edouard de CHERLTON |
step-father |
Edouard de CHERLTON Death: 1422 |
mother |
Aliénor HOLLAND Birth: 1373 23 21 Death: October 27, 1405 |
Family with Richard PLANTAGENÊT |
husband |
Richard PLANTAGENÊT Birth: 1376 34 21 Death: August 14, 1415 |
herself |
Anne MORTIMER Birth: January 4, 1391 16 18 Death: 1411 |
Marriage: 1406 — |
4 years daughter |
Isabelle PLANTAGENÊT Birth: 1409 33 17 Death: 1484 |
3 years son |
Richard PLANTAGENÊT Birth: 1411 35 19 Death: January 9, 1461 |
husband |
Richard PLANTAGENÊT Birth: 1376 34 21 Death: August 14, 1415 |
husband’s wife | |
Marriage: estimated 1414 — |
- Generation 1
Anne MORTIMER , daughter ofRoger MORTIMER andAliénor HOLLAND , was born on January 4, 1391 and died in 1411 at the age of 19. She marriedRichard PLANTAGENÊT , son ofEdmond PLANTAGENÊT andIsabelle de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE , in 1406. He was born in 1376 and died on August 14, 1415 at the age of 39.Children of
Anne MORTIMER andRichard PLANTAGENÊT :Isabelle PLANTAGENÊT (1409–1484)Richard PLANTAGENÊT (1411–1461)
- Generation 2back to top
Isabelle PLANTAGENÊT , daughter ofRichard PLANTAGENÊT andAnne MORTIMER , was born in 1409 and died in 1484 at the age of 75. She marriedHenry BOURCHIER , son ofWilliam BOURCHIER andAnne PLANTAGENÊT , on May 4, 1426. He was born in 1406 and died in 1483 at the age of 77.Richard PLANTAGENÊT , duc d'York, son ofRichard PLANTAGENÊT andAnne MORTIMER , was born in 1411 and died on January 9, 1461 at the age of 50. He marriedCécile NEVILLE , daughter ofRalph NEVILLE andJeanne PLANTAGENÊT de BEAUFORT , in 1438. She died on June 9, 1495.Children of
Richard PLANTAGENÊT andCécile NEVILLE :Anne PLANTAGENÊT (1439–1475)Edouard Iv PLANTAGENÊT (1442–1483)Edmond PLANTAGENÊT (1443–1461)Elisabeth PLANTAGENÊT (1444–1503)Marguerite d'YORK (1446–1503)Georges PLANTAGENÊT (1449–1478)Richard Iii PLANTAGENÊT (1452–1485)
- Generation 3back to top
Anne PLANTAGENÊT , daughter ofRichard PLANTAGENÊT andCécile NEVILLE , was born on August 19, 1439 and died on January 23, 1475 at the age of 35.Children of
Anne PLANTAGENÊT andHenry HOLLAND :Edouard Iv PLANTAGENÊT , roi d'Angleterre, son ofRichard PLANTAGENÊT andCécile NEVILLE , was born on May 7, 1442 and died on April 18, 1483 at the age of 40. He marriedElisabeth WOODVILLE , daughter ofRichard WOODVILLE andJacqueline de LUXEMBOURG ST. POL , on May 10, 1464. She was born in 1437 and died on June 17, 1492 at the age of 55.Children of
Edouard Iv PLANTAGENÊT :Elisabeth PLANTAGENÊT (1464–)
Children of
Edouard Iv PLANTAGENÊT andElisabeth WOODVILLE :Elisabeth PLANTAGENÊT (1466–1503)Cécile PLANTAGENÊT (1469–1507)Edouard V PLANTAGENÊT (1470–1483)Richard PLANTAGENÊT (1472–1483)Anne PLANTAGENÊT (1475–1510)Catherine PLANTAGENÊT (1479–1527)
Elisabeth PLANTAGENÊT , daughter ofRichard PLANTAGENÊT andCécile NEVILLE , was born on May 1, 1444 and died about 1503. She marriedJohn SUFFOLK , son ofWilliam SUFFOLK andAlice CHAUCER , in 1458. He died in 1491.Marguerite d'YORK , daughter ofRichard PLANTAGENÊT andCécile NEVILLE , was born on May 12, 1446 and died on December 3, 1503 at the age of 57. She marriedCharles Le Téméraire de BOURGOGNE , son ofPhilippe Le Bon de BOURGOGNE andIsabelle de PORTUGAL , on July 18, 1468. He was born on November 19, 1433 in Dijon, , , , FRANCE, and died in January 1477 in Nancy, , , , , at the age of 43.Georges PLANTAGENÊT , duc de Clarence, son ofRichard PLANTAGENÊT andCécile NEVILLE , was born on October 30, 1449 and died on February 27, 1478 at the age of 28. He marriedIsabelle NEVILLE , daughter ofRichard NEVILLE andAnne de BEAUCHAMP , on July 21, 1469. She was born in 1451 and died on December 31, 1476 at the age of 25.Children of
Georges PLANTAGENÊT andIsabelle NEVILLE :N... PLANTAGENÊT (1470–1470)Marguerite PLANTAGENÊT (1473–1541)Edouard PLANTAGENÊT (1475–1499)Richard PLANTAGENÊT (1476–)
Richard Iii PLANTAGENÊT , duc de Gloucester puis roi d'Angleterre, son ofRichard PLANTAGENÊT andCécile NEVILLE , was born on October 11, 1452 and died on August 31, 1485 at the age of 32. He marriedAnne NEVILLE , daughter ofRichard NEVILLE andAnne de BEAUCHAMP , on July 21, 1472. She died on March 20, 1485.Children of
Richard Iii PLANTAGENÊT andAnne NEVILLE :Edouard PLANTAGENÊT (1473–1484)