Edmond TUDORAge: 26 years1430–1456
- Name
- Edmond TUDOR
- Given names
- Edmond
- Surname
Birth | 1430 28 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Jasper TUDOR 1431 (Age 12 months) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Isabeau de WITTELSBACH October 3, 1435 (Age 5 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Catherine de VALOIS January 12, 1438 (Age 8 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Marguerite PLANTAGENÊT de BEAUFORT — View this family Type: Religious marriage November 10, 1455 (Age 25 years)_FNA: NO |
Occupation | comte de Richmond |
_UST | Marguerite PLANTAGENÊT de BEAUFORT — View this family MARRIED |
Death | November 12, 1456 (Age 26 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Henri Vii TUDOR February 6, 1457 (2 months after death) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Owen TUDOR Death: February 13, 1461 |
mother |
Catherine de VALOIS Birth: November 5, 1401 32 30 Death: January 12, 1438 |
Marriage: 1429 — |
2 years himself |
Edmond TUDOR Birth: 1430 28 Death: November 12, 1456 |
2 years younger brother |
Jasper TUDOR Birth: 1431 29 Death: December 30, 1495 |
brother |
Owen TUDOR Death: 1501 |
sister |
Mother’s family with Henri V PLANTAGENÊT |
step-father |
Henri V PLANTAGENÊT Birth: August 27, 1387 20 17 Death: September 9, 1422 |
mother |
Catherine de VALOIS Birth: November 5, 1401 32 30 Death: January 12, 1438 |
Marriage: June 11, 1420 — |
18 months half-brother |
Henri Vi PLANTAGENÊT Birth: December 15, 1421 34 20 Death: May 30, 1472 |
Family with Marguerite PLANTAGENÊT de BEAUFORT |
himself |
Edmond TUDOR Birth: 1430 28 Death: November 12, 1456 |
wife |
Marguerite PLANTAGENÊT de BEAUFORT Birth: 1441 38 31 Death: July 9, 1509 |
Marriage: November 10, 1455 — |
15 months son |
Henri Vii TUDOR Birth: February 6, 1457 27 16 Death: May 1, 1509 |
wife’s husband |
John SUFFOLK Death: 1491 |
wife |
Marguerite PLANTAGENÊT de BEAUFORT Birth: 1441 38 31 Death: July 9, 1509 |
Marriage: 1450 — |
Divorce: 1453 — |
wife’s husband |
Henry STAFFORD Death: 1471 |
wife |
Marguerite PLANTAGENÊT de BEAUFORT Birth: 1441 38 31 Death: July 9, 1509 |
Marriage: 1462 — |
wife’s husband |
Thomas STANLEY Birth: 1435 Death: 1504 |
wife |
Marguerite PLANTAGENÊT de BEAUFORT Birth: 1441 38 31 Death: July 9, 1509 |
Marriage: 1482 — |
- Generation 1
Edmond TUDOR , comte de Richmond, son ofOwen TUDOR andCatherine de VALOIS , was born in 1430 and died on November 12, 1456 at the age of 26. He marriedMarguerite PLANTAGENÊT de BEAUFORT , daughter ofJean PLANTAGENÊT de BEAUFORT andMarguerite BEAUCHAMP , on November 10, 1455. She was born in 1441 and died on July 9, 1509 at the age of 68.Children of
Edmond TUDOR andMarguerite PLANTAGENÊT de BEAUFORT :Henri Vii TUDOR (1457–1509)
- Generation 2back to top
Henri Vii TUDOR , comte de Richmond puis roi d'Angleterre, son ofEdmond TUDOR andMarguerite PLANTAGENÊT de BEAUFORT , was born on February 6, 1457 and died on May 1, 1509 at the age of 52. He marriedElisabeth PLANTAGENÊT , daughter ofEdouard Iv PLANTAGENÊT andElisabeth WOODVILLE , on January 27, 1486. She was born on February 20, 1466 and died on February 21, 1503 at the age of 37.Children of
Henri Vii TUDOR andElisabeth PLANTAGENÊT :Arthur TUDOR (1486–1502)Marguerite TUDOR (1489–1541)Henri Viii TUDOR (1491–1547)Marie d'ANGLETERRE (1496–1533)
- Generation 3back to top
Arthur TUDOR , prince de Galles, son ofHenri Vii TUDOR andElisabeth PLANTAGENÊT , was born on September 29, 1486 and died on April 12, 1502 at the age of 15. He marriedCatherine d'ARAGON , daughter ofFerdinand Ii Dit Le Catholique d'ARAGON andIsabelle Ière Dite La Catholique de CASTILLE , on November 24, 1501. She was born on December 24, 1485 and died on January 17, 1536 at the age of 50.Marguerite TUDOR , daughter ofHenri Vii TUDOR andElisabeth PLANTAGENÊT , was born on December 8, 1489 and died on October 28, 1541 at the age of 51. She married 2 times. The first time she marriedJacques Iv STUART , son ofJacques Iii STUART andMarguerite d'OLDENBOURG , on August 18, 1503. He was born on March 26, 1472 and died on September 19, 1513 at the age of 41. The second time she marriedArchibald DOUGLAS , son ofGeorges DOUGLAS andMarguerite DRUMMOND , in 1514. He was born in 1489 and died in 1557 at the age of 68.Children of
Marguerite TUDOR andJacques Iv STUART :Jacques STUART (1506–1507)Ne... STUART (1508–)Arthur STUART (1509–1510)Jacques V STUART (1512–1542)Ne... STUART (1513–)Alexandre STUART (1514–1515)
Children of
Marguerite TUDOR andArchibald DOUGLAS :Marguerite DOUGLAS (1515–1578)
Henri Viii TUDOR , roi d'Angleterre, son ofHenri Vii TUDOR andElisabeth PLANTAGENÊT , was born on July 7, 1491 and died on February 7, 1547 at the age of 55. He married 6 times. The first time he marriedCatherine d'ARAGON , daughter ofFerdinand Ii Dit Le Catholique d'ARAGON andIsabelle Ière Dite La Catholique de CASTILLE , on January 13, 1509. She was born on December 24, 1485 and died on January 17, 1536 at the age of 50.Henri Viii TUDOR andCatherine d'ARAGON were divorced in 1533. The second time he marriedAnne de CLÈVES , daughter ofJean Iii de CLÈVES andMarie de JULIERS , on January 16, 1540. She was born on October 2, 1515 and died on July 26, 1557 at the age of 41.Henri Viii TUDOR andAnne de CLÈVES were divorced in 1540. The third time he marriedAnne de BOLEYN , daughter ofThomas de BOLEYN andElisabeth HOWARD , in January 1533. She was born in 1507 and died on May 29, 1536 at the age of 29. The fourth time he marriedJeanne SEYMOUR , daughter ofJohn SEYMOUR andMargery WENTWORTH , on May 30, 1536. She was born in 1509 and died on November 2, 1537 at the age of 28. The fifth time he marriedCatherine HOWARD , daughter ofEdmond HOWARD andJoyce CULPEPPER , on August 18, 1540. She was born in 1521 and died on February 23, 1542 at the age of 21. The sixth time he marriedCatherine PAAR , daughter ofThomas PAAR andMaud GREEN , on July 22, 1543. She was born in 1512 and died on September 17, 1548 at the age of 36.Children of
Henri Viii TUDOR andCatherine d'ARAGON :Ne... TUDOR (1510–1510)Henri TUDOR (1511–1511)Henri TUDOR (1513–1513)N... TUDOR (1514–1514)Marie Dite La Catholique TUDOR (1516–1558)Ne... TUDOR (1518–1518)
Children of
Henri Viii TUDOR andAnne de BOLEYN :Elisabeth 1ère TUDOR (1533–1603)
Children of
Henri Viii TUDOR andJeanne SEYMOUR :Edouard Vi TUDOR (1537–1553)
Marie d'ANGLETERRE , daughter ofHenri Vii TUDOR andElisabeth PLANTAGENÊT , was born in March 1496 and died on July 5, 1533 in Westhorpe, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, at the age of 37. She married 2 times. The first time she marriedLouis Xii d'ORLÉANS , son ofCharles Ier d'ORLÉANS andMarie de CLÈVES , on October 29, 1514 in Abbeville, , , , ,. He was born on July 15, 1462 in Blois, 41, , , FRANCE, and died on January 21, 1515 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, Palais des Tournelles at the age of 52. The second time she marriedCharles BRANDON , son ofWilliam BRANDON andElisabeth BRUYN , on March 13, 1515. He was born in 1484 and died in 1545 at the age of 61.Children of
Marie d'ANGLETERRE andCharles BRANDON :Henri BRANDON (1516–1534)Frances BRANDON (1517–1559)Catherine BRANDON (1518–1518)Eléonore BRANDON (1519–1547)