Marie STUARTAge: 36 years1452–1488
- Name
- Marie STUART
- Given names
- Marie
- Surname
Birth | estimated 1452 21 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Alexandre STUART 1453 (Age 12 months) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | David STUART 1454 (Age 2 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | David STUART July 27, 1457 (Age 5 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Jean STUART 1459 (Age 7 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Jacques Ii STUART August 12, 1460 (Age 8 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Marie de GUELDRES December 10, 1463 (Age 11 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Arnold d'EGMONT 1473 (Age 21 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Elisabeth HAMILTON before 1474 (Age 22 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | James Ii HAMILTON — View this family 1474 (Age 22 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #2 | James Iii HAMILTON 1475 (Age 23 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a husband | James Ii HAMILTON 1479 (Age 27 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Jean STUART 1479 (Age 27 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Catherine de CLÈVES February 19, 1479 (Age 27 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Alexandre STUART 1485 (Age 33 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Jacques Iii STUART June 20, 1488 (Age 36 years) _FNA: NO |
Occupation | ancêtre de Sophie Rhys-Jones |
_UST | James Ii HAMILTON — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1488 (Age 36 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Jacques Ii STUART Birth: October 25, 1430 35 Death: August 12, 1460 |
mother |
Marie de GUELDRES Death: December 10, 1463 |
Marriage: August 12, 1449 — |
23 months elder brother |
Jacques Iii STUART Birth: July 19, 1451 20 Death: June 20, 1488 |
17 months herself |
Marie STUART Birth: estimated 1452 21 Death: 1488 |
2 years younger brother |
Alexandre STUART Birth: 1453 22 Death: 1485 |
2 years younger brother |
David STUART Birth: 1454 23 Death: July 27, 1457 |
6 years younger brother |
Jean STUART Birth: 1459 28 Death: 1479 |
sister |
Family with James Ii HAMILTON |
husband |
James Ii HAMILTON Birth: 1425 Death: 1479 |
herself |
Marie STUART Birth: estimated 1452 21 Death: 1488 |
Marriage: 1474 — |
1 year daughter |
Elisabeth HAMILTON Birth: before 1474 49 22 Death: after 1531 |
2 years son |
James Iii HAMILTON Birth: 1475 50 23 Death: 1529 |
- Generation 1
Marie STUART , ancêtre de Sophie Rhys-Jones, daughter ofJacques Ii STUART andMarie de GUELDRES , was born estimated 1452 and died in 1488. She marriedJames Ii HAMILTON in 1474. He was born in 1425 and died in 1479 at the age of 54.Children of
Marie STUART andJames Ii HAMILTON :Elisabeth HAMILTON (1474–1531)James Iii HAMILTON (1475–1529)
- Generation 2back to top
Elisabeth HAMILTON , daughter ofJames Ii HAMILTON andMarie STUART , was born before 1474 and died after 1531. She marriedMathieu STUART , son ofJean STUART andMarguerite MONTGOMMERY , in 1494. He died in 1513.Children of
Elisabeth HAMILTON andMathieu STUART :Jean STUART (1490–1526)
James Iii HAMILTON , son ofJames Ii HAMILTON andMarie STUART , was born in 1475 and died in 1529 at the age of 54. He marriedJeanet BEATON in 1516. She died in 1522.Children of
James Iii HAMILTON andJeanet BEATON :James Iv HAMILTON (1515–1575)
- Generation 3back to top
Jean STUART , 3ème comte de Lennox, son ofMathieu STUART andElisabeth HAMILTON , was born in 1490 and died in 1526 at the age of 36. He marriedElisabeth STUART , daughter ofJean STUART andEléonore SINCLAIR , in 1511. She died in 1529.Children of
Jean STUART andElisabeth STUART :Mathieu STUART (1516–1571)Jean STUART (1519–1567)
James Iv HAMILTON , 2ème comte de Arran, duc de Châtellerault, son ofJames Iii HAMILTON andJeanet BEATON , was born in 1515 and died in 1575 at the age of 60. He marriedMargaret DOUGLAS , daughter ofJames DOUGLAS andCatherine STUART , about 1532. She was born in 1510 and died after 1579.Children of
James Iv HAMILTON andMargaret DOUGLAS :John HAMILTON (1535–1604)Anne HAMILTON (–1574)