Marguerite d'OLDENBOURGAge: 30 years1456–1486
- Name
- Marguerite d'OLDENBOURG
- Given names
- Marguerite
- Surname
Birth | July 2, 1456 31 26 _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Jean L'Alchimiste de HOHENZOLLERN November 25, 1464 (Age 8 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Barbara de SAXE-WITTENBERG October 19, 1465 (Age 9 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Jacques Iii STUART — View this family Type: Religious marriage July 22, 1469 (Age 13 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Frédéric 1er d'OLDENBOURG September 12, 1471 (Age 15 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Jacques Iv STUART March 26, 1472 (Age 15 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #2 | Jacques STUART March 1475 (Age 18 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #3 | Jean STUART December 1479 (Age 23 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Christian Viii (1er) d'OLDENBOURG May 30, 1481 (Age 24 years) _FNA: NO |
Occupation | princesse de Danemark |
_UST | Jacques Iii STUART — View this family MARRIED |
Death | July 23, 1486 (Age 30 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Christian Viii (1er) d'OLDENBOURG Birth: 1425 Death: May 30, 1481 |
mother |
Dorothée de HOHENZOLLERN Birth: 1430 24 25 Death: November 19, 1495 |
Marriage: November 4, 1449 — |
11 months elder brother |
Olaf d'OLDENBOURG Birth: October 8, 1450 25 20 Death: 1451 |
15 months elder brother |
Canut d'OLDENBOURG Birth: 1451 26 21 Death: 1455 |
5 years elder brother |
Jean 1er d'OLDENBOURG Birth: July 17, 1455 30 25 Death: March 2, 1513 |
1 year herself |
Marguerite d'OLDENBOURG Birth: July 2, 1456 31 26 Death: July 23, 1486 |
15 years younger brother |
Frédéric 1er d'OLDENBOURG Birth: September 12, 1471 46 41 Death: April 20, 1533 |
Mother’s family with Christophe Iii de WITTELSBACH |
step-father |
Christophe Iii de WITTELSBACH Birth: March 6, 1416 33 26 Death: January 15, 1448 |
mother |
Dorothée de HOHENZOLLERN Birth: 1430 24 25 Death: November 19, 1495 |
Marriage: 1445 — |
Family with Jacques Iii STUART |
husband |
Jacques Iii STUART Birth: July 19, 1451 20 Death: June 20, 1488 |
herself |
Marguerite d'OLDENBOURG Birth: July 2, 1456 31 26 Death: July 23, 1486 |
Marriage: July 22, 1469 — |
3 years son |
Jacques Iv STUART Birth: March 26, 1472 20 15 Death: September 19, 1513 |
3 years son |
Jacques STUART Birth: March 1475 23 18 Death: January 22, 1502 |
5 years son |
Jean STUART Birth: December 1479 28 23 Death: March 21, 1502 |
- Generation 1
Marguerite d'OLDENBOURG , princesse de Danemark, daughter ofChristian Viii (1er) d'OLDENBOURG andDorothée de HOHENZOLLERN , was born on July 2, 1456 and died on July 23, 1486 at the age of 30. She marriedJacques Iii STUART , son ofJacques Ii STUART andMarie de GUELDRES , on July 22, 1469. He was born on July 19, 1451 and died on June 20, 1488 at the age of 36.Children of
Marguerite d'OLDENBOURG andJacques Iii STUART :Jacques Iv STUART (1472–1513)Jacques STUART (1475–1502)Jean STUART (1479–1502)
- Generation 2back to top
Jacques Iv STUART , roi d'Ecosse, son ofJacques Iii STUART andMarguerite d'OLDENBOURG , was born on March 26, 1472 and died on September 19, 1513 at the age of 41. He marriedMarguerite TUDOR , daughter ofHenri Vii TUDOR andElisabeth PLANTAGENÊT , on August 18, 1503. She was born on December 8, 1489 and died on October 28, 1541 at the age of 51.Children of
Jacques Iv STUART :Catherine STUART (1491–1554)
Children of
Jacques Iv STUART andMarguerite TUDOR :Jacques STUART (1506–1507)Ne... STUART (1508–)Arthur STUART (1509–1510)Jacques V STUART (1512–1542)Ne... STUART (1513–)Alexandre STUART (1514–1515)
- Generation 3back to top
Catherine STUART , daughter ofJacques Iv STUART , was born in 1491 and died after 1554.Children of
Catherine STUART andJames DOUGLAS :Margaret DOUGLAS (1510–1579)
Jacques V STUART , roi d'Ecosse, son ofJacques Iv STUART andMarguerite TUDOR , was born on April 20, 1512 and died on December 24, 1542 at the age of 30. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedMadeleine de VALOIS , daughter ofFrançois Ier d'ANGOULÊME andClaude de FRANCE , in 1536. She was born on August 20, 1520 and died on July 12, 1537 at the age of 16. The second time he marriedMarie de LORRAINE-GUISE , daughter ofClaude de LORRAINE-GUISE andAntoinette de VENDÔME , on May 19, 1538. She was born on December 2, 1515 and died on June 20, 1560 at the age of 44.Children of
Jacques V STUART :James STUART (1531–1569)
Children of
Jacques V STUART andMarie de LORRAINE-GUISE :Jacques STUART (1540–)Arthur STUART (1541–)Marie Ière STUART (1542–1587)