Gian Galeazzo VISCONTIAge: 51 years1351–1402
- Name
- Gian Galeazzo VISCONTI
- Given names
- Gian Galeazzo
- Surname
Birth | 1351 31 _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Valentine DORIA 1359 (Age 8 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Valentine VISCONTI 1366 (Age 15 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a wife | Isabelle de VALOIS 1372 (Age 21 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Galeazzo Ii VISCONTI 1378 (Age 27 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Blanche-Marie de SAVOIE January 8, 1388 (Age 37 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #2 | Giovanni Maria VISCONTI 1389 (Age 38 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Louis Ier d'ORLÉANS — Valentine VISCONTI — View this family Type: Religious marriage August 25, 1389 (Age 38 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #3 | Filippo Maria VISCONTI 1392 (Age 41 years) _FNA: NO |
Occupation | Duc de Milan |
_UST | Isabelle de VALOIS — View this family MARRIED |
_UST | Caterina VISCONTI — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1402 (Age 51 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Galeazzo Ii VISCONTI Birth: 1320 30 Death: 1378 |
mother |
Blanche-Marie de SAVOIE Death: January 8, 1388 |
himself |
Gian Galeazzo VISCONTI Birth: 1351 31 Death: 1402 — Melegnano, , , , ITALIE, près de Florence |
Family with Isabelle de VALOIS |
himself |
Gian Galeazzo VISCONTI Birth: 1351 31 Death: 1402 — Melegnano, , , , ITALIE, près de Florence |
wife |
Isabelle de VALOIS Birth: 1348 28 33 Death: 1372 |
daughter |
Valentine VISCONTI Birth: 1366 15 18 Death: December 13, 1408 — Blois, 41, , , FRANCE, |
Family with Caterina VISCONTI |
himself |
Gian Galeazzo VISCONTI Birth: 1351 31 Death: 1402 — Melegnano, , , , ITALIE, près de Florence |
wife |
Caterina VISCONTI Birth: 1358 39 33 Death: 1404 |
son |
Giovanni Maria VISCONTI Birth: 1389 38 31 Death: 1412 |
4 years son |
Filippo Maria VISCONTI Birth: 1392 41 34 Death: 1447 |
Note | Il a combattu contre Charles de Valois en Italie du Nord. Pour rapprocher les anciens belligérants, Charles V est heureux de marier son fils cadet, Louis d'Orléans, à Valentine, fille de Jean Galéas, héritière de cette riche famille milanaise. C'est de ce mariage que Louis XII tire par la suite ses revendications sur le Milanais. Il remporte de très nombreuses victoires : Vicence, Vérone et Padoue en 1388, Pise et Sienne en 1399, Pérouse, Lucques et Bologne en 1400. Il favorise les arts et construit la cathédrale de Milan et la Chartreuse de Pavie. |
Note | Gian Galeazzo épouse en secondes noces sa cousine germaine, fille de Barnabé Visconti |
- Generation 1
Gian Galeazzo VISCONTI , duc de Milan, son ofGaleazzo Ii VISCONTI andBlanche-Marie de SAVOIE , was born in 1351 and died in 1402 in Melegnano, , , , ITALIE, près de Florence at the age of 51.Children of
Gian Galeazzo VISCONTI andIsabelle de VALOIS :Valentine VISCONTI (1366–1408)
Children of
Gian Galeazzo VISCONTI andCaterina VISCONTI :Giovanni Maria VISCONTI (1389–1412)Filippo Maria VISCONTI (1392–1447)
- Generation 2back to top
Valentine VISCONTI , comtesse d'Asti, daughter ofGian Galeazzo VISCONTI andIsabelle de VALOIS , was born in 1366 and died on December 13, 1408 in Blois, 41, , , FRANCE, at the age of 42. She marriedLouis Ier d'ORLÉANS , son ofCharles V Le Sage de VALOIS andJeanne de BOURBON , on August 25, 1389. He was born on March 21, 1371 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, and died on December 2, 1407 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, rue Vieille du Temple at the age of 36.Children of
Valentine VISCONTI andLouis Ier d'ORLÉANS :Ne d'ORLÉANS (1390–1390)Charles Ier d'ORLÉANS (1391–1465)Jean d'ORLÉANS (1393–1393)Charles d'ORLÉANS (1394–1395)Philippe d'ORLÉANS (1396–1420)Ne d'ORLÉANS (1401–)Jean Ii d'ANGOULÊME (1404–1467)Marguerite d'ORLÉANS (1406–1466)
Filippo Maria VISCONTI , son ofGian Galeazzo VISCONTI andCaterina VISCONTI , was born in 1392 and died in 1447 at the age of 55.Children of
Filippo Maria VISCONTI andAgnès del MAINO :Blanche-Marie VISCONTI (1424–1468)
- Generation 3back to top
Charles Ier d'ORLÉANS , duc d'Orléans, Duc de Milan, son ofLouis Ier d'ORLÉANS andValentine VISCONTI , was born on June 3, 1391 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, and died on January 13, 1465 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, at the age of 73. He married 3 times. The first time he marriedBonne d'ARMAGNAC , daughter ofBernard Vii d'ARMAGNAC andBonne de BERRY , in 1410. She was born in 1399 and died in 1419 at the age of 20. The second time he marriedMarie de CLÈVES , daughter ofAdolphe Ii (1er) de CLÈVES andMarie de BOURGOGNE , in 1440. She was born on October 28, 1426 and died in July 1486 at the age of 59. The third time he marriedIsabelle de VALOIS , daughter ofCharles Vi Le Fou de VALOIS andIsabeau de WITTELSBACH , on July 8, 1406. She was born on November 25, 1389 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, au Louvre and died on September 22, 1409 in Blois, 41, , , FRANCE, at the age of 19.Children of
Charles Ier d'ORLÉANS andMarie de CLÈVES :Marie d'ORLÉANS (1460–1493)Louis Xii d'ORLÉANS (1462–1515)Anne d'ORLÉANS (–1491)
Children of
Charles Ier d'ORLÉANS andIsabelle de VALOIS :Jeanne d'ORLÉANS (1409–1432)
Jean Ii d'ANGOULÊME , comte d'Angoulême et de Périgord, son ofLouis Ier d'ORLÉANS andValentine VISCONTI , was born on July 5, 1404 and died on May 9, 1467 at the age of 62. He marriedMarguerite de ROHAN , daughter ofAlain Ix de ROHAN andMarguerite de BRETAGNE , on September 9, 1449. She was born about 1426 and died in 1496.Children of
Jean Ii d'ANGOULÊME andMarguerite de ROHAN :Louis d'ANGOULÊME (1458–)Charles d'ORLÉANS (1459–1496)Jeanne d'ANGOULÊME (1462–1519)
Marguerite d'ORLÉANS , daughter ofLouis Ier d'ORLÉANS andValentine VISCONTI , was born in 1406 and died on May 3, 1466 at the age of 60. She marriedRichard de BRETAGNE , son ofJean Iv de BRETAGNE andJeanne de NAVARRE , in 1423. He was born in 1395 and died on June 11, 1438 at the age of 43.Children of
Marguerite d'ORLÉANS andRichard de BRETAGNE :Marie de BRETAGNE (1424–1477)Isabelle de BRETAGNE (1428–1438)Catherine de BRETAGNE (1430–1476)François Ii de BRETAGNE (1435–1488)N... de BRETAGNE Marguerite de BRETAGNE Madeleine de BRETAGNE (–1442)
Blanche-Marie VISCONTI , princesse de Milan, daughter ofFilippo Maria VISCONTI andAgnès del MAINO , was born about 1424 and died on November 1, 1468. She marriedFrançois 1er SFORZA on November 3, 1441. He was born on August 1, 1401 and died on March 15, 1466 at the age of 64.Children of
Blanche-Marie VISCONTI andFrançois 1er SFORZA :Galéas Marie SFORZA (1444–1477)Hippolyte SFORZA (1446–1484)Ludovic Le More SFORZA (1451–1508)Elisabeth SFORZA (1456–1473)