Albert de HABSBOURGAge: 11 months1607–1608
- Name
- Albert de HABSBOURG
- Given names
- Albert
- Surname
Birth | January 27, 1607 47 40 _FNA: NO |
Occupation | archiduc infant |
Death | about 1608 (Age 11 months) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Albert de HABSBOURG Birth: November 23, 1559 32 31 Death: July 13, 1621 |
mother |
Isabelle de HABSBOURG Birth: November 1, 1566 39 21 Death: December 1, 1633 — Bruxelles, , Brabant, , BELGIQUE, |
Marriage: April 18, 1599 — |
7 years elder brother |
Philippe de HABSBOURG Birth: October 21, 1605 45 38 Death: about 1606 |
15 months himself |
Albert de HABSBOURG Birth: January 27, 1607 47 40 Death: about 1608 |
sister |
- Generation 1
Albert de HABSBOURG , archiduc infant, son ofAlbert de HABSBOURG andIsabelle de HABSBOURG , was born on January 27, 1607 and died about 1608.
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#2 /modules_v3/ressources/module.php:221 getRessources('', '')
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