Pierre de POLIGNACAge: 69 years18951964

Pierre de POLIGNAC
Given names
Birth October 24, 1895 38 37
Death of a motherSuzanne de LA TORRE
1913 (Age 17 years)

MarriageCharlotte Louise Juliette GRIMALDIView this family
March 18, 1920 (Age 24 years)
Monaco, , , , MONACO,
Latitude: 43.733330 Longitude: 7.416670

MarriageCharlotte Louise Juliette GRIMALDIView this family
Type: Religious marriage
March 19, 1920 (Age 24 years)
Monaco, , , , MONACO,
Latitude: 43.733330 Longitude: 7.416670

Birth of a daughter
Antoinette Louise Alberte Suzanne GRIMALDI
December 28, 1920 (Age 25 years)
Paris, 75, , , FRANCE,
Latitude: 48.853410 Longitude: 2.348800

Birth of a son
Rainier Iii Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand GRIMALDI
May 31, 1923 (Age 27 years)
Monaco, , , , MONACO,
Latitude: 43.733330 Longitude: 7.416670

comte, duc de Valentinois

SeparationCharlotte Louise Juliette GRIMALDIView this family
March 20, 1930 (Age 34 years)

DivorceCharlotte Louise Juliette GRIMALDIView this family
February 18, 1933 (Age 37 years)
Monaco, , , , MONACO,
Latitude: 43.733330 Longitude: 7.416670

Death of a fatherMaxence de POLIGNAC
1936 (Age 40 years)

Marriage of a childJean-Charles REYAntoinette Louise Alberte Suzanne GRIMALDIView this family
December 2, 1961 (Age 66 years)

_USTCharlotte Louise Juliette GRIMALDIView this family

Death November 10, 1964 (Age 69 years)
Neuilly-sur-Seine, 92, Hauts-de-Seine, , FRANCE,
Latitude: 48.883330 Longitude: 2.266670

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1881
2 years
elder sister
14 years
Family with Charlotte Louise Juliette GRIMALDI - View this family
Marriage: March 18, 1920Monaco, , , , MONACO,
Marriage: March 19, 1920Monaco, , , , MONACO,
Divorce: February 18, 1933Monaco, , , , MONACO,
9 months
2 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Pierre de POLIGNAC, comte, duc de Valentinois, son of Maxence de POLIGNAC and Suzanne de LA TORRE, was born on October 24, 1895 in Kerscamp, , Morbihan, Bretagne, FRANCE, and died on November 10, 1964 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, 92, Hauts-de-Seine, , FRANCE, at the age of 69. He married Charlotte Louise Juliette GRIMALDI, daughter of Louis II GRIMALDI and Marie-Juliette LOUVET, on March 18, 1920 in Monaco, , , , MONACO,. She was born on September 30, 1898 in Constantine, , , , ALGÉRIE, and died on November 16, 1977 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, at the age of 79. Pierre de POLIGNAC and Charlotte Louise Juliette GRIMALDI were divorced on February 18, 1933.

      Children of Pierre de POLIGNAC and Charlotte Louise Juliette GRIMALDI:

      1. Antoinette Louise Alberte Suzanne GRIMALDI (19202011)
      2. Rainier Iii Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand GRIMALDI (19232005)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Antoinette Louise Alberte Suzanne GRIMALDI, princesse de Monaco puis baronne de Massy, daughter of Pierre de POLIGNAC and Charlotte Louise Juliette GRIMALDI, was born on December 28, 1920 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, and died on March 18, 2011 at the age of 90. She married 3 times. The first time she married Alexandre NOGHÈS. The second time she married Jean-Charles REY on December 2, 1961 in La Haye, , , , PAYS-BAS,. He was born on October 22, 1914 in Monaco, , , , MONACO, and died on September 17, 1994 in Monaco, , , , MONACO, at the age of 79. Antoinette Louise Alberte Suzanne GRIMALDI and Jean-Charles REY were divorced on July 17, 1973. The third time she married John GILPIN on July 28, 1983 in Monaco, , , , MONACO,. He was born on February 10, 1930 in Southsea, , Hampshire, Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, and died on September 5, 1983 in Londres, , , Angleterre, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, at the age of 53.

      Children of Antoinette Louise Alberte Suzanne GRIMALDI and Alexandre NOGHÈS:

      1. Private
      2. Private
      3. Christine-Alix de MASSY (19511989)
    2. Rainier Iii Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand GRIMALDI, prince de Monaco en 1949, son of Pierre de POLIGNAC and Charlotte Louise Juliette GRIMALDI, was born on May 31, 1923 in Monaco, , , , MONACO, and died on April 6, 2005 in Monaco, , , , MONACO, at the age of 81. He married Grace Patricia KELLY.

      Rainier Iii Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand GRIMALDI and Grace Patricia KELLY had 3 children.

  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. The details of this family are private.
    2. The details of this family are private.
    3. Christine-Alix de MASSY, daughter of Alexandre NOGHÈS and Antoinette Louise Alberte Suzanne GRIMALDI, was born in 1951 and died in 1989 at the age of 38.

      Christine-Alix de MASSY had 1 child.

    4. The details of this family are private.
    5. The details of this family are private.
    6. The details of this family are private.
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