Jean V de NASSAU-DILLENBURGAge: 60 years1455–1516
- Name
- Given names
- Jean V
- Surname
Birth | November 18, 1455 45 31 _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Jeanne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG 1468 (Age 12 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Jean Iv de NASSAU-DILLENBURG February 12, 1475 (Age 19 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Adrienne de NASSAU 1477 (Age 21 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Elisabeth de HESSE — View this family Type: Religious marriage February 20, 1482 (Age 26 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Henri Iii de NASSAU-DILLENBURG January 21, 1483 (Age 27 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #2 | Jean de NASSAU-DILLENBURG November 12, 1484 (Age 28 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #3 | Ernest de NASSAU-DILLENBURG April 18, 1486 (Age 30 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Ernest de NASSAU-DILLENBURG October 21, 1486 (Age 30 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #4 | Guillaume 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG April 19, 1487 (Age 31 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #5 | Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG 1488 (Age 32 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #6 | Marie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG February 1491 (Age 35 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Marie von LOON U. HEINSBERG April 30, 1502 (Age 46 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Henri Iii de NASSAU-DILLENBURG — Louise-Françoise de SAVOIE — View this family Type: Religious marriage August 13, 1503 (Age 47 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Engelbert Ii de NASSAU-DILLENBURG June 10, 1504 (Age 48 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Jean de NASSAU-DILLENBURG August 25, 1504 (Age 48 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Guillaume 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG — Walburga d'EGMONT — View this family Type: Religious marriage May 9, 1506 (Age 50 years)_FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Jean Iii zu WIED — Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG — View this family Type: Religious marriage 1506 (Age 50 years)_FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Jobst 1er von HOLSTEIN-SCHAUENBURG — Marie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG — View this family 1506 (Age 50 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Anne de NASSAU-DIETZ April 18, 1514 (Age 58 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Henri Iii de NASSAU-DILLENBURG — Claude de CHÂLONS — View this family Type: Religious marriage May 1515 (Age 59 years)_FNA: NO |
_UST | Elisabeth de HESSE — View this family MARRIED |
Death | August 9, 1516 (Age 60 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Jean Iv de NASSAU-DILLENBURG Birth: August 10, 1410 30 18 Death: February 12, 1475 |
mother |
Marie von LOON U. HEINSBERG Birth: 1424 64 Death: April 30, 1502 |
Marriage: February 16, 1440 — |
10 months elder sister |
Anne de NASSAU-DIETZ Birth: 1440 29 16 Death: April 18, 1514 |
5 years elder sister |
Jeanne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG Birth: 1444 33 20 Death: 1468 |
6 years elder sister |
Adrienne de NASSAU Birth: 1449 38 25 Death: 1477 |
2 years elder brother |
Engelbert Ii de NASSAU-DILLENBURG Birth: May 26, 1451 40 27 Death: June 10, 1504 |
5 years himself |
Jean V de NASSAU-DILLENBURG Birth: November 18, 1455 45 31 Death: August 9, 1516 |
Family with Elisabeth de HESSE |
himself |
Jean V de NASSAU-DILLENBURG Birth: November 18, 1455 45 31 Death: August 9, 1516 |
wife |
Elisabeth de HESSE Birth: May 1466 25 22 Death: January 27, 1523 |
Marriage: February 20, 1482 — |
11 months son |
Henri Iii de NASSAU-DILLENBURG Birth: January 21, 1483 27 16 Death: September 24, 1538 |
22 months son |
Jean de NASSAU-DILLENBURG Birth: November 12, 1484 28 18 Death: August 25, 1504 |
17 months son |
Ernest de NASSAU-DILLENBURG Birth: April 18, 1486 30 19 Death: October 21, 1486 |
1 year son |
Guillaume 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG Birth: April 19, 1487 31 20 Death: October 16, 1559 |
20 months daughter |
Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG Birth: 1488 32 21 Death: June 13, 1559 |
3 years daughter |
Marie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG Birth: February 1491 35 24 Death: 1547 |
- Generation 1
Jean V de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , son ofJean Iv de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andMarie von LOON U. HEINSBERG , was born on November 18, 1455 and died on August 9, 1516 at the age of 60. He marriedElisabeth de HESSE , daughter ofHenri Iii de HESSE andAnne von KATZENELNBOGEN , on February 20, 1482. She was born in May 1466 and died on January 27, 1523 at the age of 56.Children of
Jean V de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andElisabeth de HESSE :Henri Iii de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1483–1538)Jean de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1484–1504)Ernest de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1486–1486)Guillaume 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1487–1559)Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1488–1559)Marie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1491–1547)
- Generation 2back to top
Henri Iii de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , son ofJean V de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andElisabeth de HESSE , was born on January 21, 1483 and died on September 24, 1538 at the age of 55. He married 3 times. The first time he marriedLouise-Françoise de SAVOIE , daughter ofJacques de SAVOIE andMarie de LUXEMBOURG SAINT-PAUL , on August 13, 1503. She died on September 27, 1511. The second time he marriedMencie de MENDOZA on July 7, 1524. She died on January 14, 1554. The third time he marriedClaude de CHÂLONS , daughter ofJean Iv de CHALON andPhiliberte de LUXEMBOURG , in May 1515. She was born in 1498 and died on June 10, 1521 at the age of 23.Children of
Henri Iii de NASSAU-DILLENBURG :Children of
Henri Iii de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andClaude de CHÂLONS :René de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1519–1544)
Guillaume 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , son ofJean V de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andElisabeth de HESSE , was born on April 19, 1487 and died on October 16, 1559 at the age of 72. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedWalburga d'EGMONT , daughter ofJean Iii d'EGMONT andMadeleine von WERDENBERG , on May 9, 1506. She was born on November 7, 1495 and died on March 17, 1529 at the age of 33. The second time he marriedJuliane von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE , daughter ofBotto V von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE andAnne von EPPSTEIN , on September 30, 1531. She was born on March 9, 1506 and died on June 28, 1580 at the age of 74.Children of
Guillaume 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andWalburga d'EGMONT :Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1515–1523)Madeleine de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1522–1567)
Children of
Guillaume 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andJuliane von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE :Guillaume 1er (Ii) Le Taciturne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1533–1584)Hermanna de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1534–)Jean 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1536–1606)Louis de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1538–1574)Marie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1539–1599)Adolphe de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1540–1568)Anne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1541–1616)Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1542–1603)Catherine de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1544–1624)Juliane de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1546–1588)Madeleine de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1547–1630)Henri de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1550–1574)
Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , daughter ofJean V de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andElisabeth de HESSE , was born in 1488 and died on June 13, 1559 at the age of 71. She marriedJean Iii zu WIED , son ofFrédéric zu WIED andAdrienne von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG , in 1506. He was born in 1485 and died in 1533 at the age of 48.Children of
Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andJean Iii zu WIED :Jean Iv zu WIED (1505–1581)Elisabeth zu WIED (1509–1542)Agnès zu WIED (1520–1588)Walburga zu WIED (–1578)
Marie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , daughter ofJean V de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andElisabeth de HESSE , was born in February 1491 and died in 1547 at the age of 55. She marriedJobst 1er von HOLSTEIN-SCHAUENBURG in 1506. He was born in 1483 and died in 1531 at the age of 48.Children of
- Generation 3back to top
Elisabeth de NASSAU , bâtarde, daughter ofHenri Iii de NASSAU-DILLENBURG .Children of
Elisabeth de NASSAU andJean de RENESSE :Anne de RENESSE (1535–1588)
René de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , prince d'Orange, son ofHenri Iii de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andClaude de CHÂLONS , was born on February 15, 1519 and died on July 27, 1544 at the age of 25. He marriedAnne de LORRAINE , daughter ofAntoine Ii de LORRAINE andRenée de BOURBON , on September 1, 1540. She was born on August 4, 1522 and died on May 25, 1568 at the age of 45.Children of
Guillaume 1er (Ii) Le Taciturne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , son ofGuillaume 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andJuliane von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE , was born on May 5, 1533 and died on July 18, 1584 at the age of 51. He married 4 times. The first time he marriedCharlotte de MONTPENSIER , daughter ofLouis Iii de MONTPENSIER andJacqueline de LONGWY , on June 22, 1575. She was born in 1546 and died on May 15, 1582 at the age of 36. The second time he marriedAnne de SAXE , daughter ofMaurice de SAXE andAgnès de HESSE , on September 3, 1561. She was born on January 2, 1545 and died on December 28, 1577 at the age of 32.Guillaume 1er (Ii) Le Taciturne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andAnne de SAXE were divorced in 1574. The third time he marriedAnne d'EGMONT , daughter ofMaximilien d'EGMONT andFrançoise de LANNOY , on July 18, 1551. She was born in 1533 and died on April 3, 1558 at the age of 25. The fourth time he marriedLouise de COLIGNY , daughter ofGaspard Ii de COLIGNY andCharlotte de LAVAL , on April 12, 1583. She was born on October 3, 1555 and died on November 15, 1620 at the age of 65.Children of
Guillaume 1er (Ii) Le Taciturne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andCharlotte de MONTPENSIER :Louise Juliane de NASSAU-ORANGE (1576–1644)Elisabeth-Flandrine de NASSAU-ORANGE (1577–1642)Catherine Belgique de NASSAU-ORANGE (1578–1648)Flandrine de NASSAU-ORANGE (1579–1640)Charlotte Brabantine de NASSAU-ORANGE (1580–1631)Amélie Antwerpiane de NASSAU-ORANGE (1581–1657)
Children of
Guillaume 1er (Ii) Le Taciturne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andAnne de SAXE :Anne de NASSAU-ORANGE (1562–1588)Maurice de NASSAU-ORANGE (1564–1566)Maurice de NASSAU-ORANGE (1567–1625)Emilie de NASSAU-ORANGE (1569–1629)
Children of
Guillaume 1er (Ii) Le Taciturne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andAnne d'EGMONT :Philippe-Guillaume de NASSAU-ORANGE (1554–1618)Marie de NASSAU-ORANGE (1556–1616)
Children of
Guillaume 1er (Ii) Le Taciturne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andLouise de COLIGNY :Frédéric-Henri de NASSAU-ORANGE (1584–1647)
Jean 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , son ofGuillaume 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andJuliane von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE , was born on December 2, 1536 and died on October 8, 1606 at the age of 69. He married 3 times. The first time he marriedCunégonde Jacqueline de WITTELSBACH , daughter ofFrédéric Iii de WITTELSBACH andMarie de BRANDEBOURG-KULMBACH , on September 23, 1580. She was born on October 19, 1556 and died on January 26, 1586 at the age of 29. The second time he marriedElisabeth de LEUCHTENBERG , daughter ofGeorges Iii de LEUCHTENBERG andBarbara de HOHENZOLLERN , on June 16, 1559. She died on July 16, 1579. The third time he marriedJeannette de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN on June 14, 1586. She was born on February 25, 1561 and died on April 13, 1622 at the age of 61.Children of
Jean 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andCunégonde Jacqueline de WITTELSBACH :N... de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1581–1581)Amélie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1582–1635)Cunégonde de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1583–1584)N... de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1585–1585)
Children of
Jean 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andElisabeth de LEUCHTENBERG :Guillaume-Louis de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1560–1620)Jean Ii de NASSAU-SIEGEN (1561–1623)Georges de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1562–1623)Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1564–1611)Juliane de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1565–1630)Philippe de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1566–1595)Marie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1568–1625)Anne-Sibylle de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1569–1576)Mathilde de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1571–1625)Albert de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1572–1572)Ernest-Casimir de NASSAU-DIETZ (1574–1632)Louis-Gonthier de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1575–1604)N... de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1579–1579)
Children of
Jean 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andJeannette de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN :Georges-Louis de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1588–1588)Jean-Louis de NASSAU-HADAMAR (1590–1653)Jeannette-Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1593–1654)Anne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1594–1660)Madeleine de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1595–1633)Anne-Amélie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1599–1667)Juliane de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1602–1602)
Marie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , daughter ofGuillaume 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andJuliane von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE , was born on March 28, 1539 and died on May 18, 1599 at the age of 60. She marriedGuillaume Iv BERG-S'HEERENBERG in 1556. He was born in 1537 and died in 1586 at the age of 49.Children of
Marie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andGuillaume Iv BERG-S'HEERENBERG :Frédéric BERG-S'HEERENBERG (1559–1618)Henri BERG-S'HEERENBERG (1573–1638)
Anne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , daughter ofGuillaume 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andJuliane von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE , was born on October 1, 1541 and died on February 12, 1616 at the age of 74. She marriedAlbert de NASSAU-WEILBOURG , son ofPhilippe Iii de NASSAU-WEILBOURG andAnne von MANSFELD , on June 16, 1559. He was born on January 5, 1538 and died on November 11, 1593 at the age of 55.Children of
Anne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andAlbert de NASSAU-WEILBOURG :Anne Amélie de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (1560–1634)Louis Ii de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (1565–1627)Guillaume de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (1570–1597)Elisabeth de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (1572–1607)Anne Sibylle de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (1575–1643)Jean-Casimir de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (1577–1602)Anne Ottilia de NASSAU-WEILBOURG (1582–1635)
Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , daughter ofGuillaume 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andJuliane von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE , was born on October 5, 1542 and died on November 18, 1603 at the age of 61. She marriedConrad von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS , son ofPhilippe von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS andAnne von TECKLENBURG , on June 26, 1559. He was born on June 27, 1540 and died on January 6, 1593 at the age of 52.Children of
Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andConrad von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS :Jean Albert von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS (1563–1623)Guillaume 1er von SOLMS GREIFENSTEIN (1570–1635)Elisabeth Juliana von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS (1578–1634)
Juliane de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , daughter ofGuillaume 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andJuliane von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE , was born on August 20, 1546 and died on August 31, 1588 at the age of 42. She marriedAlbert Vii de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT , son ofGonthier Xi de SCHWARZBOURG andElisabeth von ISENBURG , on June 25, 1575. He was born on January 26, 1537 and died on April 10, 1605 at the age of 68.Children of
Juliane de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andAlbert Vii de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT :Sophie de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT (1579–1630)Madeleine de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT (1580–1652)Louis Gonthier 1er de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT (1581–1646)Anne Sibylle de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT (1584–1623)
Madeleine de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , daughter ofGuillaume 1er de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andJuliane von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE , was born on December 25, 1547 and died on May 16, 1630 at the age of 82. She marriedWolfgang von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN , son ofLouis Casimir von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN andAnne von SOLMS-LAUBACH , in 1567. He was born on June 24, 1546 and died on April 7, 1610 at the age of 63.Children of
Madeleine de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andWolfgang von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN :Juliane de HOHENLOHE-WEIKERSHEIM (1571–1634)Madeleine de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG (1573–1596)Marie Elisabeth von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN (1576–1605)Kraft von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN (1582–1641)Philippe Ernest de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG (1584–1628)Dorothée-Walburga von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN (1590–1656)
Jean Iv zu WIED , comte, son ofJean Iii zu WIED andElisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , was born in 1505 and died in 1581 at the age of 76. He marriedCatherine von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG , daughter ofPhilippe Ii von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG andJuliane von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE , in 1543. She was born in 1525 and died after 1581.Children of
Jean Iv zu WIED andCatherine von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG :Hermann 1er zu WIED (–1591)Madeleine zu WIED (1539–1606)Anne zu WIED (–1590)Guillaume Iv zu WIED (1560–1612)
Elisabeth zu WIED , princesse, daughter ofJean Iii zu WIED andElisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , was born in 1509 and died on August 3, 1542 in Ronneburg, , , , ALLEMAGNE, at the age of 33. She marriedAntoine von ISENBURG , son ofPhilippe von ISENBURG andAmélie von RIENECK , in 1522 in Wied, , , , ALLEMAGNE,. He was born in 1501 and died in 1560 at the age of 59.Children of
Elisabeth zu WIED andAntoine von ISENBURG :Anne von ISENBURG (1536–1597)Sibylle von ISENBURG (1540–1608)
Agnès zu WIED , daughter ofJean Iii zu WIED andElisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , was born in 1520 and died in 1588 at the age of 68.Children of
Agnès zu WIED andFrédéric Magnus von SOLMS-LAUBACH :Jean Georges Ier von SOLMS-LAUBACH (1547–1600)Dorothée von SOLMS-SONNENWALDE (1547–1595)Elisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH (1549–1599)Othon Ii von SOLMS-SONNENWALDE (1550–1612)Anne von SOLMS-LAUBACH (1557–1586)
Walburga zu WIED , daughter ofJean Iii zu WIED andElisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG . She died in 1578.Children of
Walburga zu WIED andLouis von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE :Anne von STOLBERG (1548–1599)
Elisabeth von HOLSTEIN-SCHAUENBURG , daughter ofJobst 1er von HOLSTEIN-SCHAUENBURG andMarie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , was born in 1520 and died in 1545 at the age of 25. She marriedJean Ix von SAYN-HACHENBURG in 1538. He was born in 1518 and died in 1560 at the age of 42.Children of
Elisabeth von HOLSTEIN-SCHAUENBURG andJean Ix von SAYN-HACHENBURG :Adolf von SAYN-HACHENBURG (1538–1568)