Marguerite de LORRAINEAge: 58 years1463–1521
- Name
- Marguerite de LORRAINE
- Given names
- Marguerite
- Surname
Birth | 1463 35 34 _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Frédéric Vi de LORRAINE September 9, 1470 (Age 7 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Marie d'HARCOURT April 28, 1476 (Age 13 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Jeanne de LORRAINE February 3, 1480 (Age 17 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandfather | René Ier Le Bon d'ANJOU 1480 (Age 17 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Yolande d'ANJOU March 4, 1483 (Age 20 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | René d'ALENÇON — View this family Type: Religious marriage May 23, 1488 (Age 25 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Charles Iv d'ALENÇON September 11, 1489 (Age 26 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Françoise d'ALENÇON 1490 (Age 27 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Anne d'ALENÇON November 8, 1492 (Age 29 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a husband | René d'ALENÇON November 10, 1492 (Age 29 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Yolande de LORRAINE May 31, 1500 (Age 37 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | François Ii de LONGUEVILLE — Françoise d'ALENÇON — View this family Type: Religious marriage April 16, 1505 (Age 42 years)_FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Guillaume Xi (Ix) de MONTFERRAT — Anne d'ALENÇON — View this family Type: Religious marriage September 10, 1508 (Age 45 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | René Ii de LORRAINE December 20, 1508 (Age 45 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Charles Iv d'ALENÇON — Marguerite d'ANGOULÊME — View this family Type: Religious marriage December 12, 1509 (Age 46 years)_FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Charles de BOURBON — Françoise d'ALENÇON — View this family Type: Religious marriage May 28, 1513 (Age 50 years)_FNA: NO |
Occupation | princesse de Lorraine |
_UST | René d'ALENÇON — View this family MARRIED |
Death | September 11, 1521 (Age 58 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Frédéric Vi de LORRAINE Birth: 1428 33 29 Death: September 9, 1470 |
mother |
Yolande d'ANJOU Birth: November 11, 1428 19 18 Death: March 4, 1483 |
Marriage: 1444 — |
7 years elder brother |
René Ii de LORRAINE Birth: May 11, 1451 23 22 Death: December 20, 1508 |
8 years elder sister |
Jeanne de LORRAINE Birth: 1458 30 29 Death: February 3, 1480 |
6 years herself |
Marguerite de LORRAINE Birth: 1463 35 34 Death: September 11, 1521 — Argentan, 61, Orne, , FRANCE, Monastère de Sainte-Claire |
brother | |
brother | |
brother | |
brother | |
brother | |
sister |
Yolande de LORRAINE Death: May 31, 1500 |
Family with René d'ALENÇON |
husband |
René d'ALENÇON Birth: 1454 44 34 Death: November 10, 1492 — Alençon, 61, Orne, , , |
herself |
Marguerite de LORRAINE Birth: 1463 35 34 Death: September 11, 1521 — Argentan, 61, Orne, , FRANCE, Monastère de Sainte-Claire |
Marriage: May 23, 1488 — Toul, 54, Meurthe et Moselle, , , |
16 months son |
Charles Iv d'ALENÇON Birth: September 11, 1489 35 26 Death: April 21, 1525 |
16 months daughter |
Françoise d'ALENÇON Birth: 1490 36 27 Death: September 24, 1550 — Château de la Flèche, , Anjou, , FRANCE, |
3 years daughter |
Anne d'ALENÇON Birth: November 8, 1492 38 29 Death: October 28, 1562 |
René d'ALENÇON + Marguerite d'HARCOURT |
husband |
René d'ALENÇON Birth: 1454 44 34 Death: November 10, 1492 — Alençon, 61, Orne, , , |
husband’s wife |
- Generation 1
Marguerite de LORRAINE , princesse de Lorraine, daughter ofFrédéric Vi de LORRAINE andYolande d'ANJOU , was born in 1463 and died on September 11, 1521 in Argentan, 61, Orne, , FRANCE, Monastère de Sainte-Claire at the age of 58. She marriedRené d'ALENÇON , son ofJean Ii d'ALENÇON andMarie d'ARMAGNAC , on May 23, 1488 in Toul, 54, Meurthe et Moselle, , ,. He was born in 1454 and died on November 10, 1492 in Alençon, 61, Orne, , , at the age of 38.Children of
Marguerite de LORRAINE andRené d'ALENÇON :Charles Iv d'ALENÇON (1489–1525)Françoise d'ALENÇON (1490–1550)Anne d'ALENÇON (1492–1562)
- Generation 2back to top
Charles Iv d'ALENÇON , duc d'Alençon (dernier), son ofRené d'ALENÇON andMarguerite de LORRAINE , was born on September 11, 1489 and died on April 21, 1525 at the age of 35. He marriedMarguerite d'ANGOULÊME , daughter ofCharles d'ORLÉANS andLouise de SAVOIE , on December 12, 1509. She was born on April 11, 1492 in Angoulême, , , , , and died on December 31, 1549 in Odos, , , , , Bigorre at the age of 57.Françoise d'ALENÇON , daughter ofRené d'ALENÇON andMarguerite de LORRAINE , was born in 1490 and died on September 24, 1550 in Château de la Flèche, , Anjou, , FRANCE, at the age of 60. She married 2 times. The first time she marriedCharles de BOURBON , son ofFrançois de VENDÔME andMarie de LUXEMBOURG SAINT-PAUL , on May 28, 1513. He was born on June 11, 1489 in Montpensier, 63, , , , (Auvergne) and died on April 4, 1537 in Amiens, , Picardie, , , at the age of 47. The second time she marriedFrançois Ii de LONGUEVILLE , son ofFrançois Ier de LONGUEVILLE andAgnès de SAVOIE , on April 16, 1505. He was born in 1478 and died on February 22, 1512 at the age of 34.Children of
Françoise d'ALENÇON andCharles de BOURBON :Louis de BOURBON (1514–1516)Marie de BOURBON (1515–1538)Marguerite de BOURBON (1516–1589)Antoine de BOURBON (1518–1562)François de BOURBON (1519–1546)Madeleine de BOURBON (1520–1561)Louis de BOURBON (1522–1525)Charles “X” de BOURBON (1524–1590)Catherine de BOURBON (1525–1594)Renée de BOURBON (1527–1583)Jean de BOURBON (1528–1557)Louis Ier de BOURBON (1530–1569)Eléonore de BOURBON (1532–1611)
Children of
Françoise d'ALENÇON andFrançois Ii de LONGUEVILLE :Renée de LONGUEVILLE (1508–1515)Jacques de LONGUEVILLE
Anne d'ALENÇON , daughter ofRené d'ALENÇON andMarguerite de LORRAINE , was born on November 8, 1492 and died on October 28, 1562 at the age of 69. She marriedGuillaume Xi (Ix) de MONTFERRAT , son ofBoniface Iv de MONTFERRAT andMarie COMMENE , on September 10, 1508. He was born on August 19, 1486 and died on October 14, 1518 at the age of 32.Children of
Anne d'ALENÇON andGuillaume Xi (Ix) de MONTFERRAT :Marie de MONTFERRAT (1509–1531)Marguerite de MONTFERRAT (1510–1567)Boniface V de MONTFERRAT (1512–1530)
- Generation 3back to top
Marguerite de BOURBON , daughter ofCharles de BOURBON andFrançoise d'ALENÇON , was born on November 5, 1516 and died on October 20, 1589 at the age of 72. She marriedFrançois 1er de CLÈVES , son ofCharles de CLÈVES andMarie d'ALBRET , on January 29, 1538. He was born on September 12, 1516 and died on February 23, 1561 at the age of 44.Children of
Marguerite de BOURBON andFrançois 1er de CLÈVES :François Ii de CLÈVES (1540–1562)Henriette de CLÈVES (1542–1601)Jacques de CLÈVES (1544–1564)Henri de CLÈVES (1546–)Catherine de CLÈVES (1548–1633)Marie de CLÈVES (1553–1574)
Antoine de BOURBON , duc de Vendôme - Roi de Navarre (1555-1562), son ofCharles de BOURBON andFrançoise d'ALENÇON , was born on May 2, 1518 in Château de la Fère, , Picardie, , FRANCE, and died on November 27, 1562 in Les Andelys, , , , , pendant le siège de Rouen at the age of 44. He marriedJeanne Iii d'ALBRET , daughter ofHenri Ii d'ALBRET andMarguerite d'ANGOULÊME , on October 30, 1548 in Moulins, , , , ,. She was born on January 17, 1528 in Pau, , , , FRANCE, and died on June 19, 1572 in Paris, 75, , , FRANCE, at the age of 44.Children of
Antoine de BOURBON andJeanne Iii d'ALBRET :Henri de BOURBON (1551–1553)Henri Iv Le Grand de BOURBON (1554–1610)Louis-Charles de BOURBON (1555–1557)Madeleine de BOURBON (1556–1556)Catherine de BOURBON (1559–1604)
Jean de BOURBON , comte d'Enghein-duc d'Estouteville, son ofCharles de BOURBON andFrançoise d'ALENÇON , was born on July 16, 1528 and died on August 20, 1557 at the age of 29. He marriedMarie de BOURBON ST. PAUL , daughter ofFrançois de VENDÔME andAdrienne d'ESTOUTEVILLE , on June 24, 1557. She was born on June 9, 1539 and died on April 7, 1601 at the age of 61.Louis Ier de BOURBON , fondateur de la maison de Condé, son ofCharles de BOURBON andFrançoise d'ALENÇON , was born in 1530 in Vendôme, , , , , and died in 1569 in Jarnac, , , , , at the age of 39. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedFrançoise de LONGUEVILLE , daughter ofFrançois de LONGUEVILLE andJacqueline de ROHAN-GIÉ , on November 18, 1565. She was born on April 15, 1548 and died on June 11, 1601 at the age of 53. The second time he marriedEléonore de ROYE , daughter ofCharles de ROYE andMadeleine de MAILLY CONTY , on July 2, 1551. She was born on March 6, 1535 and died on August 2, 1564 at the age of 29.Children of
Louis Ier de BOURBON andFrançoise de LONGUEVILLE :Charles de BOURBON-CONDÉ (1566–1612)Louis de BOURBON-CONDÉ (1567–1568)Benjamin de BOURBON-CONDÉ (1569–1573)
Children of
Louis Ier de BOURBON andEléonore de ROYE :Henri Ier de BOURBON (1553–1588)Marguerite de BOURBON-CONDÉ (1556–)Charles de BOURBON-CONDÉ (1557–)François de BOURBON-CONDÉ (1558–1614)Louis de BOURBON-CONDÉ (1562–1563)Charles de BOURBON-CONDÉ (1562–1594)Madeleine de BOURBON-CONDÉ (1563–)Catherine de BOURBON-CONDÉ (1564–)
Marguerite de MONTFERRAT , daughter ofGuillaume Xi (Ix) de MONTFERRAT andAnne d'ALENÇON , was born on August 21, 1510 and died on January 7, 1567 at the age of 56. She marriedFrédéric Ii de GONZAGUE , son ofJean-François Ii de GONZAGUE andIsabelle d'ESTE , on November 26, 1531. He was born on May 27, 1500 and died on July 8, 1540 at the age of 40.Children of
Marguerite de MONTFERRAT andFrédéric Ii de GONZAGUE :François Iii de GONZAGUE (1533–1550)Eléonore de GONZAGUE (1534–)Anne de GONZAGUE (1535–)Isabelle de GONZAGUE (1537–1579)Guillaume de GONZAGUE (1538–1587)Louis de GONZAGUE (1539–1595)Frédéric de GONZAGUE (1540–1565)