Ambroise Marie Charles Adrien Maurice JALLOTAge: 99 years1925

Ambroise Marie Charles Adrien Maurice JALLOT
Type: Naissance
about 1925

MarriageAline Gabrielle Marie CHANCERELView this family
Type: Union
July 9, 1954 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a son
Guillaume François Marie Charles JALLOT
Type: Naissance
June 22, 1955 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a daughter
Véronique Flore Mary Jacqueline JALLOT
Type: Naissance
November 24, 1956 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a daughter
Sabine Françoise Germaine JALLOT
Type: Naissance
April 24, 1958 (Age 33 years)
Birth of a son
Philippe Étienne Jacques Henri JALLOT
Type: Naissance
May 14, 1960 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a daughter
Anne-Édith Nicole Denise JALLOT
Type: Naissance
November 22, 1969 (Age 44 years)
Marriage of a childBertrand Louis Marie Christian BOUVATTIERSabine Françoise Germaine JALLOTView this family
Type: Union
July 26, 1980 (Age 55 years)
Marriage of a childPhilippe Étienne Jacques Henri JALLOTArmelle Élisabeth COATView this family
Type: Union
October 9, 1982 (Age 57 years)
Marriage of a childEugène Alain François GRUEAUVéronique Flore Mary Jacqueline JALLOTView this family
Type: Union
December 29, 1993 (Age 68 years)
Marriage of a childGrégoire PRÉAnne-Édith Nicole Denise JALLOTView this family
Type: Union
May 22, 1998 (Age 73 years)
Last change
10 JUL 0003

Family with Aline Gabrielle Marie CHANCEREL - View this family
Marriage: July 9, 1954Sainte-Adresse, 76552, ,
11 months
17 months
17 months
2 years
10 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Ambroise Marie Charles Adrien Maurice JALLOT was born about 1925. He married Aline Gabrielle Marie CHANCEREL, daughter of Augustin Marie Ernest CHANCEREL and Françoise Agathe GUILLEMETTE, on July 9, 1954 in Sainte-Adresse, 76552, ,. She was born on November 15, 1927 in Le Havre, 76351, ,.

      Children of Ambroise Marie Charles Adrien Maurice JALLOT and Aline Gabrielle Marie CHANCEREL:

      1. Guillaume François Marie Charles JALLOT (1955)
      2. Véronique Flore Mary Jacqueline JALLOT (1956)
      3. Sabine Françoise Germaine JALLOT (1958)
      4. Philippe Étienne Jacques Henri JALLOT (1960)
      5. Anne-Édith Nicole Denise JALLOT (1969)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Véronique Flore Mary Jacqueline JALLOT, daughter of Ambroise Marie Charles Adrien Maurice JALLOT and Aline Gabrielle Marie CHANCEREL, was born on November 24, 1956 in Sainte-Adresse, 76552, ,. She married Eugène Alain François GRUEAU on December 29, 1993 in Châteauneuf-d'Ille-et-Vilaine, 35070, ,. He was born about 1965.

      Children of Véronique Flore Mary Jacqueline JALLOT and Eugène Alain François GRUEAU:

      1. Charlotte JALLOT (1987)
      2. Pauline GRUEAU (1995)
      3. Olivier GRUEAU (1997)
    2. Sabine Françoise Germaine JALLOT, daughter of Ambroise Marie Charles Adrien Maurice JALLOT and Aline Gabrielle Marie CHANCEREL, was born on April 24, 1958 in Le Havre, 76351, ,. She married Bertrand Louis Marie Christian BOUVATTIER on July 26, 1980 in Sainte-Adresse, 76552, ,. He was born about 1955.

      Children of Sabine Françoise Germaine JALLOT and Bertrand Louis Marie Christian BOUVATTIER:

      1. Matthieu BOUVATTIER (1981)
      2. Caroline BOUVATTIER (1982)
      3. Nicolas BOUVATTIER (1987)
      4. Margaux BOUVATTIER (1991)
    3. Philippe Étienne Jacques Henri JALLOT, son of Ambroise Marie Charles Adrien Maurice JALLOT and Aline Gabrielle Marie CHANCEREL, was born on May 14, 1960 in Sainte-Adresse, 76552, ,. He married Armelle Élisabeth COAT on October 9, 1982 in Le Havre, 76351, ,. She was born about 1955.

      Children of Philippe Étienne Jacques Henri JALLOT and Armelle Élisabeth COAT:

      1. Alexandre JALLOT (1996)
      2. Constantin JALLOT (1998)
    4. Anne-Édith Nicole Denise JALLOT, daughter of Ambroise Marie Charles Adrien Maurice JALLOT and Aline Gabrielle Marie CHANCEREL, was born on November 22, 1969 in Sainte-Adresse, 76552, ,. She married Grégoire PRÉ on May 22, 1998 in Locmaria, 56114, ,. He was born about 1970.

      Children of Anne-Édith Nicole Denise JALLOT and Grégoire PRÉ:

      1. Alice PRÉ (1999)
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