Guillaume Henri von LIMPURGAge: 38 years1652–1690
- Name
- Guillaume Henri von LIMPURG
- Given names
- Guillaume Henri
- Surname
Birth | 1652 45 29 _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Jean Guillaume von LIMPURG 1655 (Age 3 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Juliana Dorothée von LIMPURG 1677 (Age 25 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Elisabeth Dorothée von LIMPURG — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1690 (Age 38 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Jean Guillaume von LIMPURG Birth: 1607 39 28 Death: 1655 |
mother |
Marie Juliane de HOHENLOHE Birth: 1623 39 38 Death: 1695 |
Marriage: 1647 — |
6 years himself |
Guillaume Henri von LIMPURG Birth: 1652 45 29 Death: 1690 |
Family with Elisabeth Dorothée von LIMPURG |
himself |
Guillaume Henri von LIMPURG Birth: 1652 45 29 Death: 1690 |
wife |
Elisabeth Dorothée von LIMPURG Birth: 1656 32 16 Death: 1712 |
daughter |
Juliana Dorothée von LIMPURG Birth: 1677 25 21 Death: 1734 |
- Generation 1
Guillaume Henri von LIMPURG , son ofJean Guillaume von LIMPURG andMarie Juliane de HOHENLOHE , was born in 1652 and died in 1690 at the age of 38.Children of
Guillaume Henri von LIMPURG andElisabeth Dorothée von LIMPURG :Juliana Dorothée von LIMPURG (1677–1734)
- Generation 2back to top
Juliana Dorothée von LIMPURG , daughter ofGuillaume Henri von LIMPURG andElisabeth Dorothée von LIMPURG , was born in 1677 and died in 1734 at the age of 57. She marriedEucharius Casimir de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-VIRNEBURG , son ofLouis Ernest de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-VIRNEBURG andCatherine de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN , in 1693. He was born in 1668 and died in 1698 at the age of 30.Children of
Juliana Dorothée von LIMPURG andEucharius Casimir de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-VIRNEBURG :
- Generation 3back to top
Juliana Dorothée de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-VIRNEBURG , daughter ofEucharius Casimir de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-VIRNEBURG andJuliana Dorothée von LIMPURG , was born in 1694 and died in 1734 at the age of 40. She marriedHenri Ii REUSS-SCHLEIZ , son ofHenri Xi REUSS-SCHLEIZ andJeanne Dorothée von TATTENBACH GEILSDORF , on March 7, 1721. He was born on March 10, 1695 and died on December 6, 1744 at the age of 49.Children of