Anne Claude von SALM-KYRBURGAge: 58 years16151673

Anne Claude von SALM-KYRBURG
Given names
Anne Claude
Birth 1615 38 36

Death of a motherDorothée von SOLMS-LAUBACH
1631 (Age 16 years)

Birth of a daughter
Catherine-Agathe von RAPPOLSTEIN
June 15, 1648 (Age 33 years)

Death of a fatherJean Casimir von SALM-KYRBURG
about 1651 (Age 36 years)

Death of a sisterAnne-Catherine-Dorothée von SALM-KYRBURG
June 27, 1655 (Age 40 years)

Marriage of a childChristian Ii de WITTELSBACHCatherine-Agathe von RAPPOLSTEINView this family
Type: Religious marriage
September 5, 1667 (Age 52 years)

Death of a husbandJean-Jacques von RAPPOLSTEIN
1673 (on the date of death)


_USTJean-Jacques von RAPPOLSTEINView this family

Death 1673 (Age 58 years)

Family with parents - View this family
elder sister
2 years
Family with Jean-Jacques von RAPPOLSTEIN - View this family

  1. Generation 1
    1. Anne Claude von SALM-KYRBURG, daughter of Jean Casimir von SALM-KYRBURG and Dorothée von SOLMS-LAUBACH, was born in 1615 and died in 1673 at the age of 58.

      Children of Anne Claude von SALM-KYRBURG and Jean-Jacques von RAPPOLSTEIN:

      1. Catherine-Agathe von RAPPOLSTEIN (16481683)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Catherine-Agathe von RAPPOLSTEIN, daughter of Jean-Jacques von RAPPOLSTEIN and Anne Claude von SALM-KYRBURG, was born on June 15, 1648 and died on July 16, 1683 at the age of 35. She married Christian Ii de WITTELSBACH, son of Christian 1er de WITTELSBACH and Madeleine Catherine de WITTELSBACH, on September 5, 1667. He was born on June 22, 1637 and died on April 26, 1717 at the age of 79.

      Children of Catherine-Agathe von RAPPOLSTEIN and Christian Ii de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Madeleine-Claudine de WITTELSBACH (16681704)
      2. Christian Iii de WITTELSBACH (16741735)
      3. Louise de WITTELSBACH (16781753)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Christian Iii de WITTELSBACH, son of Christian Ii de WITTELSBACH and Catherine-Agathe von RAPPOLSTEIN, was born on November 7, 1674 and died on February 3, 1735 at the age of 60. He married Caroline de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, daughter of Louis-Kraft de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK and Philippine-Henriette de HOHENLOHE-LANGENBOURG, on September 21, 1719. She was born on August 12, 1704 and died on March 25, 1774 at the age of 69.

      Children of Christian Iii de WITTELSBACH and Caroline de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK:

      1. Caroline de WITTELSBACH (17211774)
      2. Christian Iv de WITTELSBACH (17221775)
      3. Frédéric-Michel de WITTELSBACH (17241767)
      4. Christiane de WITTELSBACH (17251816)
    2. Louise de WITTELSBACH, daughter of Christian Ii de WITTELSBACH and Catherine-Agathe von RAPPOLSTEIN, was born on October 28, 1678 and died on May 3, 1753 at the age of 74. She married Antoine-Ulrich de WALDECK, son of Christian-Louis de WALDECK and Anne-Elisabeth von RAPPOLSTEIN, in 1700. He was born in 1676 and died in 1728 at the age of 52.

      Children of Louise de WITTELSBACH and Antoine-Ulrich de WALDECK:

      1. Charles de WALDECK-PYRMONT (17041763)
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