Jeanne von OETTINGENAge: 37 years1602–1639
- Name
- Jeanne von OETTINGEN
- Given names
- Jeanne
- Surname
Birth | 1602 25 26 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Dorothée von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN 1605 (Age 3 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Georges Iii von ERBACH February 26, 1605 (Age 3 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Joachim Ernest von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN 1612 (Age 10 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Philippe Wolfgang von HANAU-LICHTENBERG — View this family 1619 (Age 17 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Godefroy von OETTINGEN 1622 (Age 20 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Jean-Reinhardt Ii von HANAU-LICHTENBERG January 13, 1628 (Age 26 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Agathe-Christine von HANAU-LICHTENBERG September 23, 1632 (Age 30 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Louis Eberhard von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN 1634 (Age 32 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Marguerite von ERBACH 1635 (Age 33 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Philippe Wolfgang von HANAU-LICHTENBERG — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1639 (Age 37 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Louis Eberhard von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN Birth: 1577 23 20 Death: 1634 |
mother |
Marguerite von ERBACH Birth: 1576 27 19 Death: 1635 |
herself |
Jeanne von OETTINGEN Birth: 1602 25 26 Death: 1639 |
4 years younger sister |
Dorothée von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN Birth: 1605 28 29 Death: 1651 |
8 years younger brother |
Joachim Ernest von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN Birth: 1612 35 36 Death: 1658 |
Family with Philippe Wolfgang von HANAU-LICHTENBERG |
husband |
Philippe Wolfgang von HANAU-LICHTENBERG Birth: 1595 27 19 Death: 1641 |
herself |
Jeanne von OETTINGEN Birth: 1602 25 26 Death: 1639 |
Marriage: 1619 — |
9 years son |
Jean-Reinhardt Ii von HANAU-LICHTENBERG Birth: January 13, 1628 33 26 Death: April 24, 1666 |
5 years daughter |
Agathe-Christine von HANAU-LICHTENBERG Birth: September 23, 1632 37 30 Death: December 5, 1681 |
- Generation 1
Jeanne von OETTINGEN , daughter ofLouis Eberhard von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN andMarguerite von ERBACH , was born in 1602 and died in 1639 at the age of 37. She marriedPhilippe Wolfgang von HANAU-LICHTENBERG , son ofJean Reinhard Ier von HANAU-LICHTENBERG andMarie Elisabeth von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN , in 1619. He was born in 1595 and died in 1641 at the age of 46.Children of
Jeanne von OETTINGEN andPhilippe Wolfgang von HANAU-LICHTENBERG :Jean-Reinhardt Ii von HANAU-LICHTENBERG (1628–1666)Agathe-Christine von HANAU-LICHTENBERG (1632–1681)
- Generation 2back to top
Jean-Reinhardt Ii von HANAU-LICHTENBERG , son ofPhilippe Wolfgang von HANAU-LICHTENBERG andJeanne von OETTINGEN , was born on January 13, 1628 and died on April 24, 1666 at the age of 38. He marriedAnne-Madeleine de WITTELSBACH , daughter ofChristian 1er de WITTELSBACH andMadeleine Catherine de WITTELSBACH , on October 18, 1659. She was born on February 17, 1640 and died on December 12, 1693 at the age of 53.Children of
Jean-Reinhardt Ii von HANAU-LICHTENBERG andAnne-Madeleine de WITTELSBACH :Jeanne Madeleine von HANAU-LICHTENBERG (1660–1715)Jean Reinhardt Iii von HANAU-LICHTENBERG (1665–1736)
Agathe-Christine von HANAU-LICHTENBERG , daughter ofPhilippe Wolfgang von HANAU-LICHTENBERG andJeanne von OETTINGEN , was born on September 23, 1632 and died on December 5, 1681 at the age of 49. She marriedLéopold Louis de WITTELSBACH , son ofGeorges-Gustave de WITTELSBACH andMarie-Elisabeth de WITTELSBACH , on July 4, 1648. He was born on February 1, 1625 and died on September 29, 1694 at the age of 69.Children of
Agathe-Christine von HANAU-LICHTENBERG andLéopold Louis de WITTELSBACH :Anne-Sophie de WITTELSBACH (1650–1706)Gustave-Philippe de WITTELSBACH (1651–1679)Elisabeth-Jeanne de WITTELSBACH (1653–1718)Christine de WITTELSBACH (1654–1655)Christine-Louise de WITTELSBACH (1655–1656)Christian-Louis de WITTELSBACH (1656–1658)Dorothée de WITTELSBACH (1658–1723)Léopold-Louis de WITTELSBACH (1659–1660)Charles-Georges de WITTELSBACH (1660–1686)Agathe-Eléonore de WITTELSBACH (1662–1664)Léopold-Auguste de WITTELSBACH (1663–1689)
- Generation 3back to top
Jeanne Madeleine von HANAU-LICHTENBERG , comtesse, daughter ofJean-Reinhardt Ii von HANAU-LICHTENBERG andAnne-Madeleine de WITTELSBACH , was born on December 18, 1660 and died on August 21, 1715 at the age of 54. She marriedJean-Charles von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM , son ofGeorges-Guillaume von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM andAnne-Elisabeth von DAUN , on November 24, 1685. He was born on March 13, 1662 and died on November 13, 1698 at the age of 36.Children of
Jeanne Madeleine von HANAU-LICHTENBERG andJean-Charles von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM :Christian-Charles von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM (1695–1766)
Jean Reinhardt Iii von HANAU-LICHTENBERG , son ofJean-Reinhardt Ii von HANAU-LICHTENBERG andAnne-Madeleine de WITTELSBACH , was born in 1665 and died in 1736 at the age of 71.Children of
Jean Reinhardt Iii von HANAU-LICHTENBERG andDorothée-Frédérique de HOHENZOLLERN :Charlotte von HANAU-LICHTENBERG (1700–1726)
Dorothée de WITTELSBACH , daughter ofLéopold Louis de WITTELSBACH andAgathe-Christine von HANAU-LICHTENBERG , was born on January 16, 1658 and died on August 17, 1723 at the age of 65. She marriedGustave Samuel Léopold de WITTELSBACH , son ofAdolphe Jean 1er de WITTELSBACH andElse Elisabeth BRAHE , on July 10, 1707. He was born on April 2, 1670 and died on September 17, 1731 at the age of 61.Dorothée de WITTELSBACH andGustave Samuel Léopold de WITTELSBACH were divorced in 1723.