Dorothée REUSS-GREITZAge: 62 years1523–1585
- Name
- Given names
- Dorothée
- Surname
Birth | 1523 59 17 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Henri Xvi REUSS ZU GERA January 8, 1531 (Age 8 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Ernest von MANSFELD May 19, 1531 (Age 8 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Henri Xiii REUSS-GREITZ 1535 (Age 12 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Marguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU 1554 (Age 31 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Amélie von MANSFELD 1554 (Age 31 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Henri Xvi REUSS ZU GERA April 16, 1572 (Age 49 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Jean Georges Ier von SOLMS-LAUBACH — Marguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU — View this family Type: Religious marriage December 20, 1572 (Age 49 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a husband | Georges von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU 1585 (on the date of death) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Georges von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1585 (Age 62 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Henri Xiii REUSS-GREITZ Birth: 1464 Death: 1535 |
mother |
Amélie von MANSFELD Birth: 1506 26 24 Death: 1554 |
herself |
Dorothée REUSS-GREITZ Birth: 1523 59 17 Death: 1585 |
8 years younger brother |
Henri Xvi REUSS ZU GERA Birth: January 8, 1531 67 25 Death: April 16, 1572 |
Family with Georges von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU |
husband |
Georges von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU Birth: 1529 43 21 Death: 1585 |
herself |
Dorothée REUSS-GREITZ Birth: 1523 59 17 Death: 1585 |
daughter |
Marguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU Birth: 1554 25 31 Death: June 29, 1606 |
- Generation 1
Dorothée REUSS-GREITZ , daughter ofHenri Xiii REUSS-GREITZ andAmélie von MANSFELD , was born in 1523 and died in 1585 at the age of 62.Children of
Dorothée REUSS-GREITZ andGeorges von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU :Marguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU (1554–1606)
- Generation 2back to top
Marguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU , daughter ofGeorges von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU andDorothée REUSS-GREITZ , was born in 1554 and died on June 29, 1606 at the age of 52. She marriedJean Georges Ier von SOLMS-LAUBACH , son ofFrédéric Magnus von SOLMS-LAUBACH andAgnès zu WIED , on December 20, 1572. He was born on December 6, 1547 and died on August 29, 1600 at the age of 52.Children of
Marguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU andJean Georges Ier von SOLMS-LAUBACH :Albert-Othon 1er von SOLMS-LAUBACH (1576–1610)Agnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH (1578–1602)Dorothée von SOLMS-LAUBACH (1579–1631)Henri Guillaume von SOLMS-SONNENWALDE (1583–1632)Jean-Georges Ii von SOLMS-BARUTH (1591–1632)Sophie von SOLMS-LAUBACH (1594–1651)
- Generation 3back to top
Albert-Othon 1er von SOLMS-LAUBACH , comte, son ofJean Georges Ier von SOLMS-LAUBACH andMarguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU , was born on December 19, 1576 and died on March 2, 1610 at the age of 33. He marriedAnne de HESSE-DARMSTADT , daughter ofGeorges 1er de HESSE-DARMSTADT andMadeleine de LIPPE , on October 28, 1601. She was born on March 3, 1583 and died on September 13, 1631 at the age of 48.Children of
Albert-Othon 1er von SOLMS-LAUBACH andAnne de HESSE-DARMSTADT :Marguerite von SOLMS-LAUBACH (1604–1648)Christine von SOLMS-LAUBACH (1607–1638)Albert-Othon Ii von SOLMS-LAUBACH (1610–1639)
Agnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH , daughter ofJean Georges Ier von SOLMS-LAUBACH andMarguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU , was born on January 17, 1578 and died on November 23, 1602 at the age of 24. She marriedMaurice de HESSE-CASSEL , son ofGuillaume Iv de HESSE-CASSEL andSabine de WURTEMBERG , on September 23, 1593. He was born on June 4, 1572 and died on March 15, 1632 at the age of 59.Children of
Agnès von SOLMS-LAUBACH andMaurice de HESSE-CASSEL :Othon de HESSE-CASSEL (1594–1617)Elisabeth de HESSE-CASSEL (1596–1625)N... de HESSE-CASSEL (1597–1597)Maurice de HESSE-CASSEL (1600–1612)Guillaume V de HESSE-CASSEL (1602–1637)
Dorothée von SOLMS-LAUBACH , daughter ofJean Georges Ier von SOLMS-LAUBACH andMarguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU , was born in 1579 and died in 1631 at the age of 52.Children of
Dorothée von SOLMS-LAUBACH andJean Casimir von SALM-KYRBURG :Anne-Catherine-Dorothée von SALM-KYRBURG (1614–1655)Anne Claude von SALM-KYRBURG (1615–1673)
Henri Guillaume von SOLMS-SONNENWALDE , son ofJean Georges Ier von SOLMS-LAUBACH andMarguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU , was born in 1583 and died in 1632 at the age of 49. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedSophie Dorothée von MANSFELD , daughter ofGuillaume von MANSFELD andMathilde de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , in 1612. She was born in 1593 and died in 1617 at the age of 24. The second time he marriedMarie-Madeleine von OETTINGEN OETTINGEN OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN in 1620. She was born in 1600 and died in 1636 at the age of 36.Children of
Henri Guillaume von SOLMS-SONNENWALDE andSophie Dorothée von MANSFELD :Anne Sibylle von SOLMS-SONNENWALDE (1615–1635)
Children of
Henri Guillaume von SOLMS-SONNENWALDE andMarie-Madeleine von OETTINGEN OETTINGEN OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN :Elisabeth-Charlotte von SOLMS-SONNEWALDE (1621–1660)
Jean-Georges Ii von SOLMS-BARUTH , comte, son ofJean Georges Ier von SOLMS-LAUBACH andMarguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU , was born on November 19, 1591 and died on February 4, 1632 at the age of 40. He marriedAnne-Marie von ERBACH-FÜRSTENAU , daughter ofFrédéric-Magnus von ERBACH-FÜRSTENAU andJeanne von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN , on May 28, 1620. She was born on July 5, 1603 and died on March 5, 1663 at the age of 59.Children of
Jean-Georges Ii von SOLMS-BARUTH andAnne-Marie von ERBACH-FÜRSTENAU :Jean-Auguste von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM (1623–1680)Jean-Frédéric von SOLMS-LAUBACH (1625–1696)Sophie-Marie von SOLMS-BARUTH (1626–1688)
Sophie von SOLMS-LAUBACH , daughter ofJean Georges Ier von SOLMS-LAUBACH andMarguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU , was born on May 15, 1594 and died on May 16, 1651 at the age of 57. She marriedJoachim-Ernest de HOHENZOLLERN , son ofJean-Georges de HOHENZOLLERN andElisabeth d'ANHALT , on October 14, 1612. He was born on June 12, 1583 and died on March 7, 1625 at the age of 41.Children of
Sophie von SOLMS-LAUBACH andJoachim-Ernest de HOHENZOLLERN :Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN (1614–1646)Frédéric de HOHENZOLLERN (1616–1634)Albert de HOHENZOLLERN (1617–1617)Albert de HOHENZOLLERN (1620–1667)Christian de HOHENZOLLERN (1623–1633)