Othon 1er von SALM-KYRBURGAge: 62 years1545–1607
- Name
- Othon 1er von SALM-KYRBURG
- Given names
- Othon 1er
- Surname
Birth | 1545 23 25 _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Jean von SALM-KYRBURG 1548 (Age 3 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Georges de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG 1551 (Age 6 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Anne von ISENBURG 1557 (Age 12 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Ottilie de NASSAU-WEILBOURG — View this family Type: Religious marriage July 3, 1567 (Age 22 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Anne von SALM-KYRBURG 1572 (Age 27 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Catherine von SALM-KYRBURG February 12, 1574 (Age 29 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Anne Marie von SALM-KYRBURG February 20, 1576 (Age 31 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #4 | Jean Casimir von SALM-KYRBURG about 1577 (Age 32 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Hugues Ii von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU-HARTENSTEIN — Catherine von SALM-KYRBURG — View this family Type: Religious marriage July 13, 1590 (Age 45 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Anne de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG 1593 (Age 48 years) _FNA: NO |
Occupation | comte à Salm |
_UST | Ottilie de NASSAU-WEILBOURG — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1607 (Age 62 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Jean von SALM-KYRBURG Birth: 1522 29 Death: 1548 |
mother |
Anne de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG Birth: 1520 32 25 Death: 1593 |
himself |
Othon 1er von SALM-KYRBURG Birth: 1545 23 25 Death: 1607 |
Family with Ottilie de NASSAU-WEILBOURG |
himself |
Othon 1er von SALM-KYRBURG Birth: 1545 23 25 Death: 1607 |
wife |
Ottilie de NASSAU-WEILBOURG Birth: August 6, 1546 41 24 |
Marriage: July 3, 1567 — |
6 years daughter |
Anne von SALM-KYRBURG Birth: 1572 27 25 Death: 1608 |
2 years daughter |
Catherine von SALM-KYRBURG Birth: February 12, 1574 29 27 Death: January 9, 1654 |
2 years daughter |
Anne Marie von SALM-KYRBURG Birth: February 20, 1576 31 29 |
22 months son |
Jean Casimir von SALM-KYRBURG Birth: about 1577 32 30 Death: about 1651 |
- Generation 1
Othon 1er von SALM-KYRBURG , comte à Salm, son ofJean von SALM-KYRBURG andAnne de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG , was born in 1545 and died in 1607 at the age of 62. He marriedOttilie de NASSAU-WEILBOURG , daughter ofPhilippe Iii de NASSAU-WEILBOURG andAmélie von ISENBURG BUDINGEN , on July 3, 1567. She was born on August 6, 1546.Children of
Othon 1er von SALM-KYRBURG andOttilie de NASSAU-WEILBOURG :Anne von SALM-KYRBURG (1572–1608)Catherine von SALM-KYRBURG (1574–1654)Anne Marie von SALM-KYRBURG (1576–)Jean Casimir von SALM-KYRBURG (1577–1651)
- Generation 2back to top
Anne von SALM-KYRBURG , daughter ofOthon 1er von SALM-KYRBURG andOttilie de NASSAU-WEILBOURG , was born in 1572 and died in 1608 at the age of 36.Children of
Anne von SALM-KYRBURG andEberhard von RAPPOLSTEIN :Georges-Frédéric von RAPPOLSTEIN (1594–1651)Jean-Jacques von RAPPOLSTEIN (1598–1673)
Catherine von SALM-KYRBURG , daughter ofOthon 1er von SALM-KYRBURG andOttilie de NASSAU-WEILBOURG , was born on February 12, 1574 and died on January 9, 1654 at the age of 79. She marriedHugues Ii von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU-HARTENSTEIN , son ofHugues 1er von SCHÖNBURG-LICHTENSTEIN andAnne von GLEICHEN , on July 13, 1590. He was born on December 23, 1559 and died on October 23, 1606 at the age of 46.Children of
Anne Marie von SALM-KYRBURG , daughter ofOthon 1er von SALM-KYRBURG andOttilie de NASSAU-WEILBOURG , was born on February 20, 1576.Children of
Anne Marie von SALM-KYRBURG andLouis Georges von STOLBERG :Anne Hedwige von STOLBERG (1599–1654)
Jean Casimir von SALM-KYRBURG , comte, son ofOthon 1er von SALM-KYRBURG andOttilie de NASSAU-WEILBOURG , was born about 1577 and died about 1651.Children of
Jean Casimir von SALM-KYRBURG andDorothée von SOLMS-LAUBACH :Anne-Catherine-Dorothée von SALM-KYRBURG (1614–1655)Anne Claude von SALM-KYRBURG (1615–1673)
- Generation 3back to top
Georges-Frédéric von RAPPOLSTEIN , son ofEberhard von RAPPOLSTEIN andAnne von SALM-KYRBURG , was born in 1594 and died in 1651 at the age of 57. He marriedElisabeth-Charlotte von SOLMS-SONNEWALDE , daughter ofHenri Guillaume von SOLMS-SONNENWALDE andMarie-Madeleine von OETTINGEN OETTINGEN OETTINGEN-WALLERSTEIN , in 1640. She was born in 1621 and died in 1660 at the age of 39.Children of
Georges-Frédéric von RAPPOLSTEIN andElisabeth-Charlotte von SOLMS-SONNEWALDE :Anne-Elisabeth von RAPPOLSTEIN (1644–1676)
Jean-Jacques von RAPPOLSTEIN , son ofEberhard von RAPPOLSTEIN andAnne von SALM-KYRBURG , was born in 1598 and died in 1673 at the age of 75.Children of
Jean-Jacques von RAPPOLSTEIN andAnne Claude von SALM-KYRBURG :Catherine-Agathe von RAPPOLSTEIN (1648–1683)
Othon-Albert von SCHÖNBURG HARTENSTEIN , son ofHugues Ii von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU-HARTENSTEIN andCatherine von SALM-KYRBURG , was born on July 2, 1601 and died on June 25, 1681 at the age of 79. He marriedErnestine REUSS von PLAUEN , daughter ofHenri REUSS ZU GERA andMadeleine de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT , on October 20, 1639. She was born on March 15, 1618 and died on February 23, 1650 at the age of 31.Children of
Othon-Albert von SCHÖNBURG HARTENSTEIN andErnestine REUSS von PLAUEN :Othon-Louis von SCHÖNBURG HARTENSTEIN (1643–1701)
Anne Hedwige von STOLBERG , daughter ofLouis Georges von STOLBERG andAnne Marie von SALM-KYRBURG , was born in 1599 and died in 1654 at the age of 55. She marriedFrédéric Louis de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-VIRNEBURG , son ofChristophe Louis de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-VIRNEBURG andElisabeth von MANDERSCHEID , in 1622. He was born in 1598 and died in 1657 at the age of 59.Children of
Anne Hedwige von STOLBERG andFrédéric Louis de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-VIRNEBURG :Louis Ernest de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-VIRNEBURG (1627–1691)Frédéric-Eberhard de LÖWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM-VIRNEBURG (1629–1689)
Anne-Catherine-Dorothée von SALM-KYRBURG , daughter ofJean Casimir von SALM-KYRBURG andDorothée von SOLMS-LAUBACH , was born in 1614 and died on June 27, 1655 at the age of 41. She marriedEberhard Iii de WURTEMBERG , son ofJean-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG andBarbara-Sophie de HOHENZOLLERN , on February 26, 1637. He was born on December 16, 1614 and died on July 2, 1674 at the age of 59.Children of
Anne-Catherine-Dorothée von SALM-KYRBURG andEberhard Iii de WURTEMBERG :Jean-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG (1637–1659)Louis-Frédéric de WURTEMBERG (1638–1639)Christian-Eberhard de WURTEMBERG (1639–1640)Eberhard de WURTEMBERG (1640–1641)Sophie-Louise de WURTEMBERG (1642–1702)Dorothée-Amélie de WURTEMBERG (1643–1650)Christine-Frédérique de WURTEMBERG (1644–1674)Christine-Charlotte de WURTEMBERG (1645–1699)Guillaume-Louis de WURTEMBERG (1647–1677)Anne-Catherine de WURTEMBERG (1648–1691)Charles-Christophe de WURTEMBERG (1650–1650)Eberhardine-Catherine de WURTEMBERG (1651–1683)Frédéric-Charles de WURTEMBERG (1652–1698)Charles-Maximilien de WURTEMBERG (1654–1689)
Anne Claude von SALM-KYRBURG , daughter ofJean Casimir von SALM-KYRBURG andDorothée von SOLMS-LAUBACH , was born in 1615 and died in 1673 at the age of 58.Children of
Anne Claude von SALM-KYRBURG andJean-Jacques von RAPPOLSTEIN :Catherine-Agathe von RAPPOLSTEIN (1648–1683)