Marguerite Ii de FLANDREAge: 78 years1202–1280
- Name
- Marguerite Ii de FLANDRE
- Given names
- Marguerite Ii
- Surname
Birth | 1202 30 28 _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Marie de CHAMPAGNE August 16, 1204 (Age 2 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Baudoin Ix (Vi)(I) de FLANDRE April 22, 1205 (Age 3 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Bouchard d'AVESNES — View this family Type: Religious marriage 1212 (Age 10 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Jean d'AVESNES 1218 (Age 16 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Guillaume Ii de DAMPIERRE — View this family 1223 (Age 21 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #2 | Guillaume de DAMPIERRE 1224 (Age 22 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a husband | Guillaume Ii de DAMPIERRE 1231 (Age 29 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a husband | Bouchard d'AVESNES 1244 (Age 42 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Jeanne de FLANDRE December 12, 1244 (Age 42 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Jean d'AVESNES — Adélaïde de HOLLANDE — View this family Type: Religious marriage 1246 (Age 44 years)_FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Guy de DAMPIERRE — Mathilde de BETHUNE — View this family 1246 (Age 44 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Guillaume de DAMPIERRE — Béatrice de BRABANT — View this family Type: Religious marriage 1247 (Age 45 years)_FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Jean Ier de DAMPIERRE — Laure de LORRAINE — View this family 1250 (Age 48 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Guillaume de DAMPIERRE 1251 (Age 49 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Jean d'AVESNES 1257 (Age 55 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Jean Ier de DAMPIERRE 1258 (Age 56 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Guy de DAMPIERRE — Isabelle de LUXEMBOURG — View this family 1264 (Age 62 years) _FNA: NO |
Occupation | comtesse |
_UST | Bouchard d'AVESNES — View this family MARRIED |
_UST | Guillaume Ii de DAMPIERRE — View this family MARRIED |
Death | November 17, 1280 (Age 78 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Baudoin Ix (Vi)(I) de FLANDRE Birth: July 1171 26 Death: April 22, 1205 |
mother |
Marie de CHAMPAGNE Birth: 1174 48 29 Death: August 16, 1204 |
Marriage: 1186 — |
3 years elder sister |
Jeanne de FLANDRE Birth: 1188 16 14 Death: December 12, 1244 |
15 years herself |
Marguerite Ii de FLANDRE Birth: 1202 30 28 Death: November 17, 1280 |
Family with Bouchard d'AVESNES |
husband |
Bouchard d'AVESNES Death: 1244 |
herself |
Marguerite Ii de FLANDRE Birth: 1202 30 28 Death: November 17, 1280 |
Marriage: 1212 — |
7 years son |
Jean d'AVESNES Birth: 1218 16 Death: 1257 |
son |
Baudouin d'AVESNES Death: 1295 |
Family with Guillaume Ii de DAMPIERRE |
husband |
Guillaume Ii de DAMPIERRE Death: 1231 |
herself |
Marguerite Ii de FLANDRE Birth: 1202 30 28 Death: November 17, 1280 |
Marriage: 1223 — |
2 years son |
Guillaume de DAMPIERRE Birth: 1224 22 Death: 1251 |
son |
Guy de DAMPIERRE Death: 1304 |
son |
Jean Ier de DAMPIERRE Death: 1258 |
- Generation 1
Marguerite Ii de FLANDRE , comtesse, daughter ofBaudoin Ix (Vi)(I) de FLANDRE andMarie de CHAMPAGNE , was born in 1202 and died on November 17, 1280 at the age of 78. She married 2 times. The first time she marriedBouchard d'AVESNES , son ofJacques 1er d'AVESNES andAlix de GUISE , in 1212. He died in 1244. The second time she marriedGuillaume Ii de DAMPIERRE , son ofGuy Ii de DAMPIERRE andMahaut de BOURBON , in 1223. He died in 1231.Children of
Marguerite Ii de FLANDRE andBouchard d'AVESNES :Jean d'AVESNES (1218–1257)Baudouin d'AVESNES (–1295)
Children of
Marguerite Ii de FLANDRE andGuillaume Ii de DAMPIERRE :Guillaume de DAMPIERRE (1224–1251)Guy de DAMPIERRE (–1304)Jean Ier de DAMPIERRE (–1258)
- Generation 2back to top
Jean d'AVESNES , son ofBouchard d'AVESNES andMarguerite Ii de FLANDRE , was born in 1218 and died in 1257 at the age of 39. He marriedAdélaïde de HOLLANDE , daughter ofFlorent Iv de HOLLANDE andMathilde de BRABANT , in 1246. She died in 1284.Children of
Jean d'AVESNES andAdélaïde de HOLLANDE :Jean Iii d'ASVESNES (1248–1304)Florent de HOLLANDE (1255–1297)
Baudouin d'AVESNES , son ofBouchard d'AVESNES andMarguerite Ii de FLANDRE . He died in 1295.Children of
Baudouin d'AVESNES andFélicité de COUCY :Béatrice d'AVESNES (–1320)
Guillaume de DAMPIERRE , comte titulaire de Flandre, son ofGuillaume Ii de DAMPIERRE andMarguerite Ii de FLANDRE , was born in 1224 and died in 1251 at the age of 27. He marriedBéatrice de BRABANT , daughter ofHenri Ii de BRABANT andMarie de HOHENSTAUFEN , in 1247. She died in 1288.Guy de DAMPIERRE , comte de Flandre, son ofGuillaume Ii de DAMPIERRE andMarguerite Ii de FLANDRE . He died in 1304. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedIsabelle de LUXEMBOURG , daughter ofHenri Ii de LUXEMBOURG andMarguerite de BAR , in 1264. She died in 1298. The second time he marriedMathilde de BETHUNE , daughter ofRobert de BÉTHUNE andIsabeau de MORIALMÉ , in 1246. She was born in 1220 and died in 1264 at the age of 44.Children of
Guy de DAMPIERRE andIsabelle de LUXEMBOURG :Jean Ier de NAMUR (1266–1331)Isabelle de FLANDRE (1275–1323)Béatrice de DAMPIERRE (1280–1307)Marguerite de DAMPIERRE (–1331)Marie de DAMPIERRE
Children of
Guy de DAMPIERRE andMathilde de BETHUNE :Robert Iii de DAMPIERRE (1247–1322)Guillaume de DAMPIERRE (1260–1313)Béatrice de DAMPIERRE (1260–1296)Marguerite de DAMPIERRE (1262–1285)
Jean Ier de DAMPIERRE , troyes, son ofGuillaume Ii de DAMPIERRE andMarguerite Ii de FLANDRE . He died in 1258. He marriedLaure de LORRAINE , daughter ofMatthieu Ii de LORRAINE andCatherine de LIMBOURG , in 1250. She died in 1281.Children of
Jean Ier de DAMPIERRE andLaure de LORRAINE :Jean Ii de DAMPIERRE (–1307)
- Generation 3back to top
Jean Iii d'ASVESNES , comte de Hainaut et de Hollande, son ofJean d'AVESNES andAdélaïde de HOLLANDE , was born in 1248 and died in 1304 at the age of 56. He marriedPhilippine de LUXEMBOURG , daughter ofHenri Ii de LUXEMBOURG andMarguerite de BAR , in 1270. She died in 1311.Children of
Jean Iii d'ASVESNES andPhilippine de LUXEMBOURG :Guillaume 1er de HAINAUT (1286–1337)Marie de HAINAUT (–1354)Jean d'AVESNES (–1356)
Florent de HOLLANDE , prince d'Achaïe, son ofJean d'AVESNES andAdélaïde de HOLLANDE , was born in 1255 and died in 1297 at the age of 42.Children of
Florent de HOLLANDE andIsabelle de VILLEHARDOUIN :Mathilde de HOLLANDE (1293–1331)
Béatrice d'AVESNES , daughter ofBaudouin d'AVESNES andFélicité de COUCY . She died in 1320.Children of
Béatrice d'AVESNES andHenri Iii de LUXEMBOURG :Henri Vii de LUXEMBOURG (1274–1313)
Jean Ier de NAMUR , son ofGuy de DAMPIERRE andIsabelle de LUXEMBOURG , was born in 1266 and died in 1331 at the age of 65. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedMarguerite de CLERMONT , daughter ofRobert de CLERMONT andBéatrice de BOURGOGNE , in 1307. She died in January 1309. The second time he marriedMarie d'ARTOIS , daughter ofPhilippe Ier d'ARTOIS andBlanche de BRETAGNE , in 1310. She died on January 30, 1365.Children of
Jean Ier de NAMUR andMarie d'ARTOIS :Jean de NAMUR (1311–1335)Guy de NAMUR (1312–1336)Henri de NAMUR (1313–1333)Philippe de NAMUR (1318–1337)Blanche de NAMUR (1320–1363)Marie de NAMUR (1322–1354)Guillaume de NAMUR (1324–1391)Louis de NAMUR (1325–1386)Robert de NAMUR (1326–1391)Elisabeth de NAMUR (1329–1382)Marguerite de NAMUR (–1383)
Isabelle de FLANDRE , daughter ofGuy de DAMPIERRE andIsabelle de LUXEMBOURG , was born in 1275 and died in 1323 at the age of 48.Children of
Isabelle de FLANDRE andJean de FIENNES :Jeanne de FIENNES (1307–1353)Mahaut de FIENNES
Béatrice de DAMPIERRE , daughter ofGuy de DAMPIERRE andIsabelle de LUXEMBOURG , was born in 1280 and died in 1307 at the age of 27. She marriedHugues Ii de CHÂTILLON , son ofGuy Iv de CHÂTILLON andMahaut de BRABANT , in 1287. He was born on April 16, 1258 and died in 1303 at the age of 44.Children of
Béatrice de DAMPIERRE andHugues Ii de CHÂTILLON :Guy de CHÂTILLON BLOIS (1298–1342)
Marguerite de DAMPIERRE , daughter ofGuy de DAMPIERRE andIsabelle de LUXEMBOURG . She died in 1331.. She had a relationship withRenaud Ier de GUELDRES , son ofOthon Ii de GUELDRES andPhilippa de DAMMARTIN She marriedAlexandre d'ECOSSE , son ofAlexandre Iii d'ECOSSE andMarguerite PLANTAGENÊT , in 1282. He was born in 1264 and died in 1284 at the age of 20.Children of
Marguerite de DAMPIERRE andRenaud Ier de GUELDRES :Renaud Ii de GUELDRES (1295–1343)Marguerite de GUELDRES (–1333)
Marie de DAMPIERRE , daughter ofGuy de DAMPIERRE andIsabelle de LUXEMBOURG .Children of
Robert Iii de DAMPIERRE , comte de Flandre, son ofGuy de DAMPIERRE andMathilde de BETHUNE , was born in 1247 and died on September 25, 1322 at the age of 75. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedYolande de BOURGOGNE , daughter ofEudes de BOURGOGNE andMahaut de BOURBON , in 1272. She was born in 1247 and died on June 9, 1280 at the age of 33. The second time he marriedBlanche d'ANJOU , daughter ofCharles Ier d'ANJOU andBéatrice de PROVENCE , in 1266. She was born in 1250 and died in 1269 at the age of 19.Children of
Robert Iii de DAMPIERRE andYolande de BOURGOGNE :Louis Ier de DAMPIERRE (1272–1322)Robert de FLANDRE (1275–1331)Yolande de DAMPIERRE (–1313)
Children of
Robert Iii de DAMPIERRE andBlanche d'ANJOU :Guillaume de DAMPIERRE , son ofGuy de DAMPIERRE andMathilde de BETHUNE , was born before 1260 and died in 1313.Children of
Guillaume de DAMPIERRE andAlix de CLERMONT :Jean de DAMPIERRE (1290–1325)Guy V de DAMPIERRE (1295–1345)Marie de DAMPIERRE
Béatrice de DAMPIERRE , daughter ofGuy de DAMPIERRE andMathilde de BETHUNE , was born in 1260 and died in 1296 at the age of 36.Children of
Béatrice de DAMPIERRE andFlorent V de HOLLANDE :Jean 1er de HOLLANDE (1282–1299)
Marguerite de DAMPIERRE , daughter ofGuy de DAMPIERRE andMathilde de BETHUNE , was born in 1262 and died in 1285 at the age of 23. She marriedJean Ier de BRABANT , son ofHenri Iii de BRABANT andAdélaïde de BOURGOGNE , in 1273. He was born in 1252 and died in 1294 at the age of 42.Children of
Marguerite de DAMPIERRE andJean Ier de BRABANT :Jean Ii de BRABANT (1275–1312)Marguerite de BRABANT (1276–1311)Marie de BRABANT (–1338)
Jean Ii de DAMPIERRE , troyes, son ofJean Ier de DAMPIERRE andLaure de LORRAINE . He died in 1307.Children of
Jean Ii de DAMPIERRE andIsabelle de BRIENNE :Marguerite de DAMPIERRE (–1315)Jeanne de DAMPIERRE (–1316)