Charles Ii d'ALBRETAge: 64 years14071471

Charles Ii d'ALBRET
Given names
Charles Ii
Birth 1407 43

Death of a motherMarie de SULLY
1409 (Age 2 years)

Death of a paternal grandmotherMarguerite de BOURBON
about 1415 (Age 8 years)

Death of a fatherCharles d'ALBRET
1415 (Age 8 years)

Birth of a son
Jean 1er d'ALBRET
about 1425 (Age 18 years)

Death of a sisterJeanne d'ALBRET
1433 (Age 26 years)

Death of a half-sisterMarie de LA TRÉMOÏLLE
about 1433 (Age 26 years)

Marriage of a childArthur Iii de BRETAGNEJeanne d'ALBRETView this family
Type: Religious marriage
September 7, 1442 (Age 35 years)

Death of a daughterJeanne d'ALBRET
September 1444 (Age 37 years)

Death of a half-brotherGeorges de LA TRÉMOILLE
1446 (Age 39 years)

Marriage of a childArnaud Amanieu d'ALBRETIsabelle de LA TOUR D'AUVERGNEView this family
December 4, 1457 (Age 50 years)

Death of a sonArnaud Amanieu d'ALBRET
1463 (Age 56 years)

Death of a sonJean 1er d'ALBRET
1468 (Age 61 years)

comte de Dreux


_USTAnne d'ARMAGNACView this family

Death 1471 (Age 64 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 4, 1400
4 years
elder sister
5 years
Mother’s family with Charles de BERRY - View this family
Marriage: about 1381
Mother’s family with Guy Vi de LA TRÉMOILLE - View this family
Marriage: 1382
1 year
Family with Anne d'ARMAGNAC - View this family

  1. Generation 1
    1. Charles Ii d'ALBRET, comte de Dreux, son of Charles d'ALBRET and Marie de SULLY, was born in 1407 and died in 1471 at the age of 64.

      Children of Charles Ii d'ALBRET and Anne d'ARMAGNAC:

      1. Jean 1er d'ALBRET (14251468)
      2. Jeanne d'ALBRET (1444)
      3. Arnaud Amanieu d'ALBRET (1463)
      4. Gilles d'ALBRET (1479)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Jean 1er d'ALBRET, vicomte de Tartas, son of Charles Ii d'ALBRET and Anne d'ARMAGNAC, was born about 1425 and died in 1468.

      Children of Jean 1er d'ALBRET and Catherine de ROHAN:

      1. Alain Le Grand d'ALBRET (14401522)
      2. Louise d'ALBRET (1494)
    2. Jeanne d'ALBRET, daughter of Charles Ii d'ALBRET and Anne d'ARMAGNAC. She died in September 1444. She married Arthur Iii de BRETAGNE, son of Jean Iv de BRETAGNE and Jeanne de NAVARRE, on September 7, 1442. He was born on September 1, 1393 and died on January 4, 1459 at the age of 65.

    3. Arnaud Amanieu d'ALBRET, baron de Lesparre, son of Charles Ii d'ALBRET and Anne d'ARMAGNAC. He died in 1463. He married Isabelle de LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE, daughter of Bertrand V de LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE and Jacquette du PESCHIN, on December 4, 1457. She died in 1488.

      Children of Arnaud Amanieu d'ALBRET and Isabelle de LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE:

      1. Jean d'ALBRET (1524)
      2. Françoise d'ALBRET (14601521)
    4. Gilles d'ALBRET, seigneur de castelmoron, son of Charles Ii d'ALBRET and Anne d'ARMAGNAC. He died in 1479.

      Children of Gilles d'ALBRET:

      1. Etienne Arnaud d'ALBRET
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Alain Le Grand d'ALBRET, comte de Graves, son of Jean 1er d'ALBRET and Catherine de ROHAN, was born about 1440 and died about 1522. He married Françoise de CHÂTILLON, daughter of Guillaume de CHÂTILLON and Isabelle de LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE, in 1470. She died in 1481.

      Children of Alain Le Grand d'ALBRET and Françoise de CHÂTILLON:

      1. Jean Ii d'ALBRET (14691516)
      2. Louise d'ALBRET (14701531)
      3. Isabelle d'ALBRET
      4. Charlotte d'ALBRET (14811514)
    2. Louise d'ALBRET, daughter of Jean 1er d'ALBRET and Catherine de ROHAN. She died in 1494. She married Jacques d'ESTOUTEVILLE, son of Michel d'ESTOUTEVILLE and Marie de LA ROCHE GUYON, in 1480. He was born in 1448 and died in 1489 at the age of 41. . She had a relationship with Jean Ii de BOURBON, son of Charles Ier de BOURBON and Agnès de BOURGOGNE

      Children of Louise d'ALBRET and Jacques d'ESTOUTEVILLE:

      1. Jean d'ESTOUTEVILLE (14821517)
    3. Jean d'ALBRET, baron d'Orval, son of Arnaud Amanieu d'ALBRET and Isabelle de LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE. He died on May 20, 1524. He married Charlotte de BOURGOGNE, daughter of Jean de BOURGOGNE and Pauline de BROSSE, in 1486. She was born in 1476 and died on September 2, 1500 at the age of 24.

      Children of Jean d'ALBRET and Charlotte de BOURGOGNE:

      1. Marie d'ALBRET (14911549)
      2. Charlotte d'ALBRET
    4. Françoise d'ALBRET, daughter of Arnaud Amanieu d'ALBRET and Isabelle de LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE, was born about 1460 and died on March 30, 1521. She married Jean de BOURGOGNE, son of Philippe de BOURGOGNE and Bonne d'ARTOIS, on March 20, 1480. He was born on November 3, 1415 and died on October 4, 1491 at the age of 75.

    5. Etienne Arnaud d'ALBRET, son of Gilles d'ALBRET. He married Françoise de BÉARN in 1510.

      Children of Etienne Arnaud d'ALBRET and Françoise de BÉARN:

      1. Jean d'ALBRET
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