Charles VISCONTIAge: 44 years1359–1403
- Name
- Charles VISCONTI
- Given names
- Charles
- Surname
Birth | 1359 40 34 _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Valentine DORIA 1359 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Madeleine VISCONTI about 1360 (Age 12 months) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Antoinette VISCONTI 1361 (Age 2 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Agnès VISCONTI 1362 (Age 3 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Lucia VISCONTI about 1372 (Age 13 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Elisabeth VISCONTI 1374 (Age 15 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Angleria VISCONTI 1375 (Age 16 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Taddée da CARRARA 1375 (Age 16 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Thadée VISCONTI October 6, 1381 (Age 22 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Béatrice d'ARMAGNAC — View this family 1382 (Age 23 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Régine Béatrice della SCALA 1384 (Age 25 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Bonne VISCONTI 1385 (Age 26 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Bernarbo VISCONTI 1385 (Age 26 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Agnès VISCONTI 1391 (Age 32 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Valenza VISCONTI 1393 (Age 34 years) _FNA: NO |
Occupation | duc de Parme |
_UST | Béatrice d'ARMAGNAC — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1403 (Age 44 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Bernarbo VISCONTI Birth: 1319 29 Death: 1385 |
mother |
Régine Béatrice della SCALA Birth: 1325 17 Death: 1384 |
Marriage: 1350 — |
1 year elder sister |
Viridis VISCONTI Birth: about 1350 31 25 Death: about March 20, 1414 |
3 years elder sister |
Thadée VISCONTI Birth: 1352 33 27 Death: October 6, 1381 |
6 years elder sister |
Valenza VISCONTI Birth: 1357 38 32 Death: 1393 |
2 years elder sister |
Caterina VISCONTI Birth: 1358 39 33 Death: 1404 |
2 years himself |
Charles VISCONTI Birth: 1359 40 34 Death: 1403 |
2 years younger sister |
Madeleine VISCONTI Birth: about 1360 41 35 Death: July 26, 1404 |
2 years younger sister |
Antoinette VISCONTI Birth: 1361 42 36 Death: April 4, 1405 |
2 years younger sister |
Agnès VISCONTI Birth: 1362 43 37 Death: 1391 |
11 years younger sister |
Lucia VISCONTI Birth: about 1372 53 47 Death: April 13, 1424 |
3 years younger sister |
Elisabeth VISCONTI Birth: 1374 55 49 Death: February 11, 1432 |
2 years younger sister |
Angleria VISCONTI Birth: 1375 56 50 Death: 1417 |
Family with Béatrice d'ARMAGNAC |
himself |
Charles VISCONTI Birth: 1359 40 34 Death: 1403 |
wife |
Béatrice d'ARMAGNAC Birth: 1362 Death: 1410 |
Marriage: 1382 — |
4 years daughter |
Bonne VISCONTI Birth: 1385 26 23 Death: 1469 |
Gaston de FOIX + Béatrice d'ARMAGNAC |
wife’s husband | |
wife |
Béatrice d'ARMAGNAC Birth: 1362 Death: 1410 |
- Generation 1
Charles VISCONTI , duc de Parme, son ofBernarbo VISCONTI andRégine Béatrice della SCALA , was born in 1359 and died in 1403 at the age of 44. He marriedBéatrice d'ARMAGNAC , daughter ofJean Ii d'ARMAGNAC andJeanne de PÉRIGORD , in 1382. She was born in 1362 and died in 1410 at the age of 48.Children of
Charles VISCONTI andBéatrice d'ARMAGNAC :Bonne VISCONTI (1385–1469)
- Generation 2back to top
Bonne VISCONTI , daughter ofCharles VISCONTI andBéatrice d'ARMAGNAC , was born in 1385 and died in 1469 at the age of 84. She marriedGuillaume de MONTAUBAN in 1411. He died in 1432.Children of
Bonne VISCONTI andGuillaume de MONTAUBAN :Jean de MONTAUBAN (–1456)Marie de MONTAUBAN (1420–1440)Béatrix de MONTAUBAN
- Generation 3back to top
Jean de MONTAUBAN , son ofGuillaume de MONTAUBAN andBonne VISCONTI . He died in 1456.Children of
Jean de MONTAUBAN andAnne de KERENRAIS :Marie de MONTAUBAN (–1497)
Marie de MONTAUBAN , daughter ofGuillaume de MONTAUBAN andBonne VISCONTI , was born in 1420 and died in 1440 at the age of 20. She marriedJean Vi MALET de GRAVILLE on July 6, 1440 in Tours, , Indre et Loire, , FRANCE,. He was born in 1420.Children of