Mathilde de LORRAINEAge: 40 years11701210

Mathilde de LORRAINE
Given names
Birth 1170 30 34

Marriage of a parentMathieu de LORRAINEEléonore de VERMANDOISView this family

Death of a fatherMathieu de LORRAINE
1173 (Age 3 years)

MarriageHenri Ier de BRABANTView this family
1179 (Age 9 years)

Death of a motherMarie de BLOIS
about 1182 (Age 12 years)

Birth of a daughter
Adélaïde de BRABANT
1190 (Age 20 years)

Birth of a son
Henri Ii de BRABANT
1207 (Age 37 years)


_USTHenri Ier de BRABANTView this family

Death 1210 (Age 40 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1160
2 years
elder sister
10 years
Father’s family with Eléonore de VERMANDOIS - View this family
Marriage: 1170
Family with Henri Ier de BRABANT - View this family
Marriage: 1179
12 years
18 years
Henri Ier de BRABANT + Marie de FRANCE - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: 1213

  1. Generation 1
    1. Mathilde de LORRAINE, daughter of Mathieu de LORRAINE and Marie de BLOIS, was born in 1170 and died in 1210 at the age of 40. She married Henri Ier de BRABANT, son of Godefroi de BRABANT and Marguerite de LIMBOURG, in 1179. He was born in 1160 and died in 1235 at the age of 75.

      Children of Mathilde de LORRAINE and Henri Ier de BRABANT:

      1. Adélaïde de BRABANT (11901261)
      2. Henri Ii de BRABANT (12071248)
      3. Mathilde de BRABANT
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Adélaïde de BRABANT, daughter of Henri Ier de BRABANT and Mathilde de LORRAINE, was born in 1190 and died in 1261 at the age of 71. She married Guillaume X d'AUVERGNE, son of Guy Ii d'AUVERGNE and Perronnelle de CHAMBON, in 1225. He was born in 1195 and died in 1247 at the age of 52.

      Children of Adélaïde de BRABANT and Guillaume X d'AUVERGNE:

      1. Robert V d'AUVERGNE (12251276)
      2. Marie d'AUVERGNE (12251280)
      3. Mathilde d'AUVERGNE (12301280)
    2. Henri Ii de BRABANT, son of Henri Ier de BRABANT and Mathilde de LORRAINE, was born in 1207 and died in 1248 at the age of 41. He married 2 times. The first time he married Sophie de THURINGE, daughter of Louis Iv de THURINGE and Elisabeth de HONGRIE, in 1240. She was born in 1224 and died in 1275 at the age of 51. The second time he married Marie de HOHENSTAUFEN, daughter of Philippe de HOHENSTAUFEN and Irène ANGE, on August 29, 1215. She was born in 1201 and died in 1235 at the age of 34.

      Children of Henri Ii de BRABANT and Sophie de THURINGE:

      1. Elisabeth de BRABANT (12431261)
      2. Henri 1er de HESSE (12441308)

      Children of Henri Ii de BRABANT and Marie de HOHENSTAUFEN:

      1. Henri Iii de BRABANT (1261)
      2. Mahaut de BRABANT (12241288)
      3. Béatrice de BRABANT (1288)
      4. Marie de BRABANT (12261256)
      5. Marguerite de BRABANT (12351277)
    3. Mathilde de BRABANT, daughter of Henri Ier de BRABANT and Mathilde de LORRAINE.

      Children of Mathilde de BRABANT and Florent Iv de HOLLANDE:

      1. Guillaume de HOLLANDE (12271256)
      2. Adélaïde de HOLLANDE (1284)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Robert V d'AUVERGNE, comte, son of Guillaume X d'AUVERGNE and Adélaïde de BRABANT, was born in 1225 and died in 1276 at the age of 51.

      Children of Robert V d'AUVERGNE and Eléonore de BASSIE:

      1. Guillaume Xi d'AUVERGNE (1280)
      2. Robert Vi d'AUVERGNE (12501314)
    2. Marie d'AUVERGNE, daughter of Guillaume X d'AUVERGNE and Adélaïde de BRABANT, was born in 1225 and died in 1280 at the age of 55.

      Children of Marie d'AUVERGNE and Gautier de MALINES:

      1. Mahaut de MALINES (1306)
    3. Mathilde d'AUVERGNE, daughter of Guillaume X d'AUVERGNE and Adélaïde de BRABANT, was born in 1230 and died in 1280 at the age of 50.

      Children of Mathilde d'AUVERGNE and Robert Ii d'AUVERGNE:

      1. Robert Iii d'AUVERGNE (12551324)
    4. Elisabeth de BRABANT, daughter of Henri Ii de BRABANT and Sophie de THURINGE, was born in 1243 and died on October 16, 1261 at the age of 18. She married Albert 1er de BRUNSWICK, son of Othon 1er de BRUNSWICK and Mathilde de BRANDEBOURG, on July 20, 1254. He was born in 1236 and died on August 22, 1279 at the age of 43.

    5. Henri 1er de HESSE, son of Henri Ii de BRABANT and Sophie de THURINGE, was born on July 1, 1244 and died on December 29, 1308 at the age of 64. He married 2 times. The first time he married Adélaïde de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG, daughter of Othon 1er de BRUNSWICK and Mathilde de BRANDEBOURG, in 1263. She died on June 19, 1274. The second time he married Mathilde de CLÈVES in 1275. She died on December 29, 1309.

      Children of Henri 1er de HESSE and Adélaïde de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG:

      1. Sophie de HESSE (12641331)
      2. Henri de HESSE (12641298)
      3. Mathilde de HESSE (12671332)
      4. Adélaïde de HESSE (12681317)
      5. Elisabeth de HESSE (12691293)
      6. N... de HESSE (12701274)
      7. Othon de HESSE (12721328)

      Children of Henri 1er de HESSE and Mathilde de CLÈVES:

      1. Elisabeth de HESSE (12761306)
      2. Agnès de HESSE (12771335)
      3. Jean de HESSE (12781311)
      4. Louis de HESSE (12821357)
      5. Elisabeth de HESSE (12841308)
      6. Catherine de HESSE (12851322)
      7. Judith de HESSE (12861317)
    6. Henri Iii de BRABANT, duc, son of Henri Ii de BRABANT and Marie de HOHENSTAUFEN. He died in 1261. He married Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE, daughter of Hugues Iv de BOURGOGNE and Yolande de DREUX, in 1250. She was born in 1233 and died on October 30, 1273 at the age of 40.

      Children of Henri Iii de BRABANT and Adélaïde de BOURGOGNE:

      1. Henri Iv de BRABANT (1272)
      2. Jean Ier de BRABANT (12521294)
      3. Godefroid de BRABANT (1302)
      4. Marie de BRABANT (12541321)
    7. Mahaut de BRABANT, daughter of Henri Ii de BRABANT and Marie de HOHENSTAUFEN, was born in 1224 and died on October 13, 1288 at the age of 64. She married 2 times. The first time she married Robert Ier Le Vaillant d'ARTOIS, son of Louis Viii Le Lion de FRANCE and Blanche de CASTILLE, on June 28, 1237. He was born in September 1216 and died on February 22, 1250 in Mansourah, , , , EGYPTE, at the age of 33. The second time she married Guy Iv de CHÂTILLON, son of Hugues V de CHÂTILLON and Marie d'AVESNES, on June 7, 1254. He was born in 1228 and died on March 19, 1289 at the age of 61.

      Children of Mahaut de BRABANT and Robert Ier Le Vaillant d'ARTOIS:

      1. Blanche d'ARTOIS (12491302)
      2. Robert Ii Le Noble d'ARTOIS (12501302)

      Children of Mahaut de BRABANT and Guy Iv de CHÂTILLON:

      1. Guy V de CHÂTILLON SAINT-POL (12541317)
      2. Béatrice de CHÂTILLON SAINT-POL (12571304)
      3. Hugues Ii de CHÂTILLON (12581303)
      4. Jeanne de CHÂTILLON
      5. Jacques de CHÂTILLON (1302)
    8. Béatrice de BRABANT, daughter of Henri Ii de BRABANT and Marie de HOHENSTAUFEN. She died in 1288. She married Guillaume de DAMPIERRE, son of Guillaume Ii de DAMPIERRE and Marguerite Ii de FLANDRE, in 1247. He was born in 1224 and died in 1251 at the age of 27.

    9. Marie de BRABANT, daughter of Henri Ii de BRABANT and Marie de HOHENSTAUFEN, was born in 1226 and died on January 25, 1256 at the age of 30. She married Louis Ii de WITTELSBACH, son of Othon Ii de WITTELSBACH and Agnès de HANOVRE, on August 9, 1254. He was born on April 20, 1229 and died on February 9, 1294 at the age of 64.

    10. Guillaume de HOLLANDE, son of Florent Iv de HOLLANDE and Mathilde de BRABANT, was born in 1227 and died in 1256 at the age of 29.

      Children of Guillaume de HOLLANDE and Elisabeth de BRUNSWICK-LUNEBOURG:

      1. Florent V de HOLLANDE (1296)
    11. Adélaïde de HOLLANDE, daughter of Florent Iv de HOLLANDE and Mathilde de BRABANT. She died in 1284. She married Jean d'AVESNES, son of Bouchard d'AVESNES and Marguerite Ii de FLANDRE, in 1246. He was born in 1218 and died in 1257 at the age of 39.

      Children of Adélaïde de HOLLANDE and Jean d'AVESNES:

      1. Jean Iii d'ASVESNES (12481304)
      2. Florent de HOLLANDE (12551297)
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