Renée de BOURBONAge: 45 years1494–1539
- Name
- Renée de BOURBON
- Given names
- Renée
- Surname
Birth | 1494 51 29 _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Gilbert de BOURBON 1496 (Age 2 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Louis Ii de BOURBON August 24, 1501 (Age 7 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Claire de GONZAGUE June 12, 1503 (Age 9 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Anne de BOURBON 1510 (Age 16 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Antoine Ii de LORRAINE — View this family Type: Religious marriage June 5, 1515 (Age 21 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | François de BOURBON September 23, 1515 (Age 21 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | François 1er de LORRAINE September 2, 1517 (Age 23 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Anne de LORRAINE August 4, 1522 (Age 28 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #3 | Nicolas de LORRAINE October 27, 1524 (Age 30 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #4 | Jean de LORRAINE 1526 (Age 32 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Charles Iii Dit Le Connétable De Bourbon de BOURBON May 16, 1527 (Age 33 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #5 | Antoine de LORRAINE 1528 (Age 34 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #6 | Elisabeth de LORRAINE 1530 (Age 36 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Jean de LORRAINE 1532 (Age 38 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Antoine Ii de LORRAINE — View this family MARRIED |
Death | June 5, 1539 (Age 45 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Gilbert de BOURBON Birth: 1443 Death: 1496 |
mother |
Claire de GONZAGUE Birth: July 10, 1464 23 22 Death: June 12, 1503 |
Marriage: 1481 — |
2 years elder sister |
Louise de BOURBON Birth: 1482 39 17 Death: July 15, 1561 |
2 years elder brother |
Louis Ii de BOURBON Birth: 1483 40 18 Death: August 24, 1501 |
6 years elder brother |
Charles Iii Dit Le Connétable De Bourbon de BOURBON Birth: February 26, 1489 46 24 — Montpensier, 63, , , , Death: May 16, 1527 — Rome, , , , ITALIE, |
6 years herself |
Renée de BOURBON Birth: 1494 51 29 Death: June 5, 1539 |
brother |
François de BOURBON Death: September 23, 1515 |
sister |
Anne de BOURBON Death: 1510 |
Family with Antoine Ii de LORRAINE |
husband |
Antoine Ii de LORRAINE Birth: June 13, 1489 38 24 Death: June 24, 1544 |
herself |
Renée de BOURBON Birth: 1494 51 29 Death: June 5, 1539 |
Marriage: June 5, 1515 — |
2 years son |
François 1er de LORRAINE Birth: September 2, 1517 28 23 Death: June 22, 1545 |
5 years daughter |
Anne de LORRAINE Birth: August 4, 1522 33 28 Death: May 25, 1568 |
2 years son |
Nicolas de LORRAINE Birth: October 27, 1524 35 30 Death: February 3, 1577 |
2 years son |
Jean de LORRAINE Birth: 1526 36 32 Death: 1532 |
3 years son |
Antoine de LORRAINE Birth: 1528 38 34 |
3 years daughter |
Elisabeth de LORRAINE Birth: 1530 40 36 |
- Generation 1
Renée de BOURBON , daughter ofGilbert de BOURBON andClaire de GONZAGUE , was born in 1494 and died on June 5, 1539 at the age of 45. She marriedAntoine Ii de LORRAINE , son ofRené Ii de LORRAINE andPhilippine de GUELDRES , on June 5, 1515. He was born on June 13, 1489 and died on June 24, 1544 at the age of 55.Children of
Renée de BOURBON andAntoine Ii de LORRAINE :François 1er de LORRAINE (1517–1545)Anne de LORRAINE (1522–1568)Nicolas de LORRAINE (1524–1577)Jean de LORRAINE (1526–1532)Antoine de LORRAINE (1528–)Elisabeth de LORRAINE (1530–)
- Generation 2back to top
François 1er de LORRAINE , son ofAntoine Ii de LORRAINE andRenée de BOURBON , was born on September 2, 1517 and died on June 22, 1545 at the age of 27. He marriedChristine d'OLDENBOURG , daughter ofChristian Ii d'OLDENBOURG andIsabelle de HABSBOURG , on July 20, 1541. She was born in 1521 and died on December 10, 1590 at the age of 69.Children of
François 1er de LORRAINE andChristine d'OLDENBOURG :Charles Ii de LORRAINE (1543–1608)Renée de LORRAINE (1544–1602)Dorothée de LORRAINE (1545–1618)
Anne de LORRAINE , daughter ofAntoine Ii de LORRAINE andRenée de BOURBON , was born on August 4, 1522 and died on May 25, 1568 at the age of 45. She married 2 times. The first time she marriedRené de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , son ofHenri Iii de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andClaude de CHÂLONS , on September 1, 1540. He was born on February 15, 1519 and died on July 27, 1544 at the age of 25. The second time she marriedPhilippe Ii de CROY , son ofHenri de CROY andCharlotte de CHATEAUBRIAND , on July 19, 1548. He was born in 1496 and died in April 1549 at the age of 53.Children of
Children of
Anne de LORRAINE andPhilippe Ii de CROY :Charles-Philippe de CROY (1549–1613)
Nicolas de LORRAINE , évêque de Metz-Verdun duc de Mercoeur, son ofAntoine Ii de LORRAINE andRenée de BOURBON , was born on October 27, 1524 and died on February 3, 1577 at the age of 52. He married 3 times. The first time he marriedMarguerite d'EGMONT , daughter ofJean Iv d'EGMONT andFrançoise de LUXEMBOURG , on May 11, 1549. She was born in 1517 and died on March 20, 1554 at the age of 37. The second time he marriedJeanne de SAVOIE-NEMOURS , daughter ofPhilippe de SAVOIE-NEMOURS andCharlotte de LONGUEVILLE , on March 6, 1555. She was born in 1532 and died on July 14, 1568 at the age of 36. The third time he marriedCatherine de LORRAINE-AUMALE , daughter ofClaude de LORRAINE-AUMALE andLouise de DREUX-BRÉZÉ , on May 21, 1569. She was born on November 18, 1550 and died on June 25, 1606 at the age of 55.Children of
Nicolas de LORRAINE andMarguerite d'EGMONT :Marguerite de LORRAINE (1550–)Catherine de LORRAINE (1551–)Henri de LORRAINE (1552–)Louise de LORRAINE (1553–1601)
Children of
Nicolas de LORRAINE andJeanne de SAVOIE-NEMOURS :Philippe-Emmanuel de LORRAINE (1558–1602)Charles de LORRAINE (1561–1587)Jean de LORRAINE (1563–)Marguerite de LORRAINE (1564–1625)Claude de LORRAINE (1566–)François de LORRAINE (1567–1592)
Children of
Nicolas de LORRAINE andCatherine de LORRAINE-AUMALE :Henri 1er de LORRAINE (1570–1601)Christine de LORRAINE (1571–)Antoine de LORRAINE (1572–1587)Louise de LORRAINE (1575–)Eric de LORRAINE (1576–1623)
- Generation 3back to top
Charles Ii de LORRAINE , son ofFrançois 1er de LORRAINE andChristine d'OLDENBOURG , was born on February 28, 1543 and died on May 14, 1608 at the age of 65. He marriedClaude de VALOIS , daughter ofHenri Ii de VALOIS andCatherine de MEDICIS , on February 15, 1559. She was born on November 22, 1547 and died on March 2, 1575 at the age of 27.Children of
Charles Ii de LORRAINE andClaude de VALOIS :Henri 1er de LORRAINE (1563–1624)Christine de LORRAINE (1565–1637)Charles de LORRAINE (1567–1607)Antoinette de LORRAINE (1568–1610)Anne de LORRAINE (1569–1576)François Ii de LORRAINE (1572–1632)Catherine de LORRAINE (1573–1648)Elisabeth de LORRAINE (1574–1636)Claude de LORRAINE (1574–1576)
Renée de LORRAINE , daughter ofFrançois 1er de LORRAINE andChristine d'OLDENBOURG , was born on April 30, 1544 and died on May 22, 1602 at the age of 58. She marriedGuillaume V de WITTELSBACH , son ofAlbert V de WITTELSBACH andAnne de HABSBOURG , on March 3, 1568. He was born on December 9, 1548 and died on February 17, 1626 at the age of 77.Children of
Renée de LORRAINE andGuillaume V de WITTELSBACH :Christophe de WITTELSBACH (1571–1571)Christiane de WITTELSBACH (1572–1580)Maximilien 1er de WITTELSBACH (1573–1651)Marie-Anne de WITTELSBACH (1574–1616)Philippe de WITTELSBACH (1576–1598)Ferdinand de WITTELSBACH (1577–1650)Eléonore Madeleine de WITTELSBACH (1578–1579)Charles de WITTELSBACH (1580–1587)Albert Vi de WITTELSBACH (1584–1666)Madeleine de WITTELSBACH (1587–1628)
Dorothée de LORRAINE , daughter ofFrançois 1er de LORRAINE andChristine d'OLDENBOURG , was born on September 3, 1545 and died in 1618 at the age of 72. She marriedEric Ii de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL , son ofEric 1er de BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL andElisabeth de HOHENZOLLERN , in January 1576. He was born on August 20, 1528 and died on November 17, 1584 at the age of 56.Charles-Philippe de CROY , marquis d'Havré, son ofPhilippe Ii de CROY andAnne de LORRAINE , was born on September 11, 1549 and died on November 25, 1613 at the age of 64. He marriedDiane de DOMPMARTIN , daughter ofLouis de DOMPMARTIN andPhilippa von derMARCK , on March 27, 1570. She was born in October 1552 and died after October 14, 1625.Children of
Charles-Philippe de CROY andDiane de DOMPMARTIN :Charles-Alexandre de CROY (1581–1624)
Louise de LORRAINE , daughter ofNicolas de LORRAINE andMarguerite d'EGMONT , was born on May 10, 1553 in Nomény, , , , , and died on January 29, 1601 in Moulins, , , , , at the age of 47. She marriedAlexandre Edouard Dit Henri Iii de VALOIS , son ofHenri Ii de VALOIS andCatherine de MEDICIS , on March 7, 1575. He was born on October 9, 1551 in Fontainebleau, , , , , and died on August 2, 1589 in Saint-Cloud, , , , FRANCE, at the age of 37.Philippe-Emmanuel de LORRAINE , duc de Mercoeur, son ofNicolas de LORRAINE andJeanne de SAVOIE-NEMOURS , was born on September 19, 1558 and died on February 19, 1602 at the age of 43. He marriedMarie de LUXEMBOURG , daughter ofSébastien de LUXEMBOURG andMarie de BEAUCAIRE , on July 22, 1576. She was born on February 25, 1562 and died on September 6, 1623 at the age of 61.Children of
Philippe-Emmanuel de LORRAINE andMarie de LUXEMBOURG :Louis de LORRAINE (1589–1590)Françoise de LORRAINE (1592–1669)
Marguerite de LORRAINE , daughter ofNicolas de LORRAINE andJeanne de SAVOIE-NEMOURS , was born on May 24, 1564 and died on September 20, 1625 at the age of 61. She marriedAnne de JOYEUSE , son ofGuillaume de JOYEUSE andMarie de BATARNAY , on October 4, 1581. He was born in 1561 and died in 1587 at the age of 26.Henri 1er de LORRAINE , comte de Chaligny, son ofNicolas de LORRAINE andCatherine de LORRAINE-AUMALE , was born on February 10, 1570 and died in 1601 at the age of 30. He marriedClaude de MOUY on September 19, 1585. She was born in 1572 and died on November 3, 1627 at the age of 55.Children of
Henri 1er de LORRAINE andClaude de MOUY :Charles de LORRAINE (1592–1631)Louise de LORRAINE (1594–1667)Henri Ii de LORRAINE (1596–1672)François de LORRAINE (1599–1661)