Pierre de CHAMBLEYAge: 57 years12621319

Pierre de CHAMBLEY
Given names
Birth 1262

Birth of a daughter
Jeanne de CHAMBLEY
1292 (Age 30 years)


_USTAgnès (Isabelle) de BOURGOGNEView this family

Death before 1319 (Age 57 years)

Family with Agnès (Isabelle) de BOURGOGNE - View this family
Rodolphe 1er de HABSBOURG + Agnès (Isabelle) de BOURGOGNE - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: May 1284

  1. Generation 1
    1. Pierre de CHAMBLEY was born in 1262 and died before 1319.

      Children of Pierre de CHAMBLEY and Agnès (Isabelle) de BOURGOGNE:

      1. Jeanne de CHAMBLEY (12921371)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Jeanne de CHAMBLEY, daughter of Pierre de CHAMBLEY and Agnès (Isabelle) de BOURGOGNE, was born in 1292 and died in 1371 at the age of 79.

      Children of Jeanne de CHAMBLEY and Philippe de VIENNE:

      1. Hugues de VIENNE (1384)

      Children of Jeanne de CHAMBLEY and Jean de VERGY:

      1. Guillaume de VERGY (1374)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Hugues de VIENNE, son of Philippe de VIENNE and Jeanne de CHAMBLEY. He died in 1384.

      Children of Hugues de VIENNE and Henriette de CHALON:

      1. Henri de VIENNE (1421)
    2. Guillaume de VERGY, son of Jean de VERGY and Jeanne de CHAMBLEY. He died in 1374.

      Children of Guillaume de VERGY and Agnès de JONVELLE:

      1. Jeanne de VERGY
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