Jeanne de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURGAge: 28 years1557–1585
- Name
- Given names
- Jeanne
- Surname
Birth | 1557 22 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Georges-Frédéric de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG May 10, 1562 (Age 5 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Hélène von WALDBURG-ZEIL 1567 (Age 10 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Conrad V von TÜBINGEN 1569 (Age 12 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Eberhard de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG 1570 (Age 13 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Louis Eberhard von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN 1577 (Age 20 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Jeanne von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN September 7, 1578 (Age 21 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Godefroy von OETTINGEN — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1585 (Age 28 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Eberhard de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG Birth: 1535 47 21 Death: 1570 |
mother |
Agathe von TÜBINGEN Death: 1609 |
herself |
Jeanne de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG Birth: 1557 22 Death: 1585 |
5 years younger brother |
Georges-Frédéric de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG Birth: May 10, 1562 27 Death: October 22, 1600 |
Family with Godefroy von OETTINGEN |
husband |
Godefroy von OETTINGEN Birth: 1554 46 31 Death: 1622 |
herself |
Jeanne de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG Birth: 1557 22 Death: 1585 |
son |
Louis Eberhard von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN Birth: 1577 23 20 Death: 1634 |
20 months daughter |
Jeanne von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN Birth: September 7, 1578 24 21 Death: March 18, 1619 |
- Generation 1
Jeanne de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG , daughter ofEberhard de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG andAgathe von TÜBINGEN , was born in 1557 and died in 1585 at the age of 28.Children of
Jeanne de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG andGodefroy von OETTINGEN :Louis Eberhard von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN (1577–1634)Jeanne von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN (1578–1619)
- Generation 2back to top
Louis Eberhard von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN , comte, son ofGodefroy von OETTINGEN andJeanne de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG , was born in 1577 and died in 1634 at the age of 57.Children of
Louis Eberhard von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN andMarguerite von ERBACH :Jeanne von OETTINGEN (1602–1639)Dorothée von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN (1605–1651)Joachim Ernest von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN (1612–1658)
Jeanne von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN , daughter ofGodefroy von OETTINGEN andJeanne de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG , was born on September 7, 1578 and died on March 18, 1619 at the age of 40. She marriedFrédéric-Magnus von ERBACH-FÜRSTENAU , son ofGeorges Iii von ERBACH andAnne von SOLMS-LAUBACH , on September 18, 1597. He was born on April 28, 1575 and died on August 20, 1618 at the age of 43.Children of
Jeanne von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN andFrédéric-Magnus von ERBACH-FÜRSTENAU :Anne-Marie von ERBACH-FÜRSTENAU (1603–1663)
- Generation 3back to top
Jeanne von OETTINGEN , daughter ofLouis Eberhard von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN andMarguerite von ERBACH , was born in 1602 and died in 1639 at the age of 37. She marriedPhilippe Wolfgang von HANAU-LICHTENBERG , son ofJean Reinhard Ier von HANAU-LICHTENBERG andMarie Elisabeth von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN , in 1619. He was born in 1595 and died in 1641 at the age of 46.Children of
Jeanne von OETTINGEN andPhilippe Wolfgang von HANAU-LICHTENBERG :Jean-Reinhardt Ii von HANAU-LICHTENBERG (1628–1666)Agathe-Christine von HANAU-LICHTENBERG (1632–1681)
Dorothée von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN , daughter ofLouis Eberhard von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN andMarguerite von ERBACH , was born in 1605 and died in 1651 at the age of 46.Children of
Dorothée von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN andJean Godefroy von LIMPURG GAILSDORF :Guillaume Louis von LIMPURG (1624–1657)
Joachim Ernest von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN , comte, son ofLouis Eberhard von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN andMarguerite von ERBACH , was born in 1612 and died in 1658 at the age of 46. He married 3 times. The first time he marriedAnne-Sophie de WITTELSBACH , daughter ofAuguste de WITTELSBACH andHedwige de HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP , on May 9, 1646. She was born on July 6, 1621 and died on May 25, 1675 at the age of 53. The second time he marriedAnne Dorothée von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN , daughter ofKraft von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN andSophie de WITTELSBACH , on December 5, 1638. She was born in 1621 and died in 1643 at the age of 22. The third time he marriedAnne Sibylle von SOLMS-SONNENWALDE , daughter ofHenri Guillaume von SOLMS-SONNENWALDE andSophie Dorothée von MANSFELD , on December 8, 1633. She was born in 1615 and died on September 19, 1635 at the age of 20.Children of
Joachim Ernest von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN andAnne-Sophie de WITTELSBACH :Sophie-Juliane von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN (1656–1743)
Children of
Joachim Ernest von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN andAnne Dorothée von HOHENLOHE-NEUENSTEIN :Marie-Dorothée-Sophie von OETTINGEN (1639–1698)Albert Ernest 1er von OETTINGEN (1642–1683)
Children of
Joachim Ernest von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN andAnne Sibylle von SOLMS-SONNENWALDE :Sophie-Marguerite von OETTINGEN (1634–1664)
Anne-Marie von ERBACH-FÜRSTENAU , daughter ofFrédéric-Magnus von ERBACH-FÜRSTENAU andJeanne von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN , was born on July 5, 1603 and died on March 5, 1663 at the age of 59. She marriedJean-Georges Ii von SOLMS-BARUTH , son ofJean Georges Ier von SOLMS-LAUBACH andMarguerite von SCHÖNBURG-GLAUCHAU , on May 28, 1620. He was born on November 19, 1591 and died on February 4, 1632 at the age of 40.Children of
Anne-Marie von ERBACH-FÜRSTENAU andJean-Georges Ii von SOLMS-BARUTH :Jean-Auguste von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM (1623–1680)Jean-Frédéric von SOLMS-LAUBACH (1625–1696)Sophie-Marie von SOLMS-BARUTH (1626–1688)