Salomé de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGENAge: 60 years1488–1548
- Name
- Given names
- Salomé
- Surname
Birth | 1488 36 28 _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Jost Nicolas de HOHENZOLLERN 1488 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Eitel-Frédéric Iii de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN 1494 (Age 6 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Madeleine de HOHENZOLLERN June 26, 1496 (Age 8 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Louis Xvi von OETTINGEN 1508 (Age 20 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Agnès de POMÉRANIE May 19, 1512 (Age 24 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Eitel-Frédéric Ii de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN June 28, 1512 (Age 24 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Eitel-Frédéric Iii de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN January 25, 1525 (Age 37 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Louis Xvi von OETTINGEN — Marguerite de WITTELSBACH — View this family 1543 (Age 55 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Louis Xv von OETTINGEN — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1548 (Age 60 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Eitel-Frédéric Ii de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN Birth: 1452 Death: June 28, 1512 |
mother |
Madeleine de HOHENZOLLERN Birth: 1460 36 Death: June 26, 1496 |
herself |
Salomé de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN Birth: 1488 36 28 Death: 1548 |
7 years younger brother |
Eitel-Frédéric Iii de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN Birth: 1494 42 34 Death: January 25, 1525 |
Family with Louis Xv von OETTINGEN |
husband |
Louis Xv von OETTINGEN Birth: 1486 30 Death: 1557 |
herself |
Salomé de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN Birth: 1488 36 28 Death: 1548 |
son |
Louis Xvi von OETTINGEN Birth: 1508 22 20 Death: 1569 |
daughter |
Marie Egyptienne von OETTINGEN Death: 1559 |
- Generation 1
Salomé de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN , daughter ofEitel-Frédéric Ii de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN andMadeleine de HOHENZOLLERN , was born in 1488 and died in 1548 at the age of 60.Children of
Salomé de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN andLouis Xv von OETTINGEN :Louis Xvi von OETTINGEN (1508–1569)Marie Egyptienne von OETTINGEN (–1559)
- Generation 2back to top
Louis Xvi von OETTINGEN , son ofLouis Xv von OETTINGEN andSalomé de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN , was born in 1508 and died in 1569 at the age of 61. He marriedMarguerite de WITTELSBACH , daughter ofLouis V de WITTELSBACH , in 1543. She was born in 1523 and died in 1560 at the age of 37.Children of
Louis Xvi von OETTINGEN andMarguerite de WITTELSBACH :Godefroy von OETTINGEN (1554–1622)
Marie Egyptienne von OETTINGEN , daughter ofLouis Xv von OETTINGEN andSalomé de HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN . She died in 1559.Children of
Marie Egyptienne von OETTINGEN andPhilippe François de SALM NEUVILLE :Frédéric de SALM NEUVILLE (1547–1608)
- Generation 3back to top
Godefroy von OETTINGEN , son ofLouis Xvi von OETTINGEN andMarguerite de WITTELSBACH , was born in 1554 and died in 1622 at the age of 68.Children of
Godefroy von OETTINGEN andJeanne de HOHENLOHE-WALDENBURG :Louis Eberhard von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN (1577–1634)Jeanne von OETTINGEN-OETTINGEN (1578–1619)
Frédéric de SALM NEUVILLE , son ofPhilippe François de SALM NEUVILLE andMarie Egyptienne von OETTINGEN , was born on February 13, 1547 and died on November 5, 1608 at the age of 61. He married 3 times. The first time he marriedAnne-Amélie de NASSAU-WEILBOURG , daughter ofPhilippe Iii de NASSAU-WEILBOURG andAmélie von ISENBURG BUDINGEN , on May 27, 1588. She was born on August 5, 1549 and died on January 7, 1598 at the age of 48. The second time he marriedFrançoise de SALM , daughter ofJean Vi de SALM andClaude de STAINVILLE , on April 20, 1570. She died in 1587. The third time he marriedJuliana Sibylle von ISENBURG BIRSTEIN , daughter ofPhilippe von ISENBURG BIRSTEIN andErmengarde von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS , on June 25, 1598. She was born on February 8, 1574 and died on May 2, 1604 at the age of 30.Children of
Frédéric de SALM NEUVILLE andFrançoise de SALM :Juliane-Ursule de SALM-NEUFVILLE (1572–1614)Françoise de SALM-NEUFVILLE (1580–1619)Jean-Georges de SALM-NEUFVILLE (1580–1650)
Children of
Frédéric de SALM NEUVILLE andJuliana Sibylle von ISENBURG BIRSTEIN :Juliana Elisabeth de SALM NEUVILLE (1602–1653)