Antoinette de VENDÔMEAge: 89 years1494–1583
- Name
- Antoinette de VENDÔME
- Given names
- Antoinette
- Surname
Birth | January 3, 1494 24 22 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a sister | Louise de VENDÔME May 10, 1495 (Age 16 months) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | François de VENDÔME October 12, 1495 (Age 21 months) _FNA: NO |
Death of a half-sister | Louise-Françoise de SAVOIE September 27, 1511 (Age 17 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Claude de LORRAINE-GUISE — View this family Type: Religious marriage June 19, 1513 (Age 19 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Marie de LORRAINE-GUISE December 2, 1515 (Age 21 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #2 | François 1er de LORRAINE-GUISE February 27, 1519 (Age 25 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Louise de LORRAINE-GUISE January 20, 1520 (Age 26 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Renée de LORRAINE-GUISE October 2, 1522 (Age 28 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #5 | Charles de LORRAINE-GUISE February 27, 1524 (Age 30 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #6 | Claude de LORRAINE-AUMALE August 11, 1526 (Age 32 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #7 | Louis de LORRAINE-GUISE October 31, 1527 (Age 33 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #8 | Philippe de LORRAINE-GUISE September 13, 1529 (Age 35 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Philippe de LORRAINE-GUISE October 4, 1529 (Age 35 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #9 | Pierre de LORRAINE-GUISE April 13, 1530 (Age 36 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #10 | Antoinette de LORRAINE-GUISE September 10, 1531 (Age 37 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #11 | François de LORRAINE-GUISE April 28, 1534 (Age 40 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Louis Ii de LONGUEVILLE — Marie de LORRAINE-GUISE — View this family Type: Religious marriage August 14, 1534 (Age 40 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #12 | René de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF August 24, 1536 (Age 42 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Charles de BOURBON April 4, 1537 (Age 43 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Jacques V STUART — Marie de LORRAINE-GUISE — View this family Type: Religious marriage May 19, 1538 (Age 44 years)_FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Charles de CROY — Louise de LORRAINE-GUISE — View this family Type: Religious marriage March 2, 1542 (Age 48 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a daughter | Louise de LORRAINE-GUISE October 28, 1542 (Age 48 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | François de VENDÔME September 11, 1545 (Age 51 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Marie de LUXEMBOURG SAINT-PAUL April 11, 1546 (Age 52 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Claude de LORRAINE-AUMALE — Louise de DREUX-BRÉZÉ — View this family Type: Religious marriage August 11, 1547 (Age 53 years)_FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | François 1er de LORRAINE-GUISE — Anne d'ESTE — View this family Type: Religious marriage December 14, 1548 (Age 54 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a husband | Claude de LORRAINE-GUISE April 22, 1550 (Age 56 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | René de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF — Louise d'HARCOURT — View this family Type: Religious marriage February 13, 1554 (Age 60 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a brother | Louis de VENDÔME March 21, 1556 (Age 62 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a daughter | Marie de LORRAINE-GUISE June 20, 1560 (Age 66 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a daughter | Antoinette de LORRAINE-GUISE April 3, 1561 (Age 67 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | François 1er de LORRAINE-GUISE March 6, 1563 (Age 69 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | François de LORRAINE-GUISE March 16, 1563 (Age 69 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | René de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF about December 24, 1566 (Age 72 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Claude de LORRAINE-AUMALE March 13, 1573 (Age 79 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Charles de LORRAINE-GUISE January 5, 1575 (Age 81 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a sister | Louise de VENDÔME October 1, 1575 (Age 81 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Louis de LORRAINE-GUISE April 7, 1578 (Age 84 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Claude de LORRAINE-GUISE — View this family MARRIED |
Death | January 22, 1583 (Age 89 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
François de VENDÔME Birth: 1470 42 34 Death: October 12, 1495 — Verceil, Italie, , , , |
mother |
Marie de LUXEMBOURG SAINT-PAUL Birth: 1472 37 33 Death: April 11, 1546 |
Marriage: September 17, 1487 — Château de Ham, 80, Somme, , FRANCE, |
21 months elder brother |
Charles de BOURBON Birth: June 11, 1489 19 17 — Montpensier, 63, , , , (Auvergne) Death: April 4, 1537 — Amiens, , Picardie, , , |
13 months elder brother |
Jacques de VENDÔME Birth: July 15, 1490 20 18 Death: August 25, 1491 |
15 months elder brother |
François de VENDÔME Birth: October 15, 1491 21 19 Death: September 11, 1545 |
15 months elder brother |
Louis de VENDÔME Birth: January 11, 1493 23 21 Death: March 21, 1556 |
1 year herself |
Antoinette de VENDÔME Birth: January 3, 1494 24 22 Death: January 22, 1583 |
16 months younger sister |
Louise de VENDÔME Birth: May 10, 1495 25 23 Death: October 1, 1575 |
Mother’s family with Jacques de SAVOIE |
step-father |
Jacques de SAVOIE Birth: 1450 47 34 Death: February 8, 1486 |
mother |
Marie de LUXEMBOURG SAINT-PAUL Birth: 1472 37 33 Death: April 11, 1546 |
Marriage: 1480 — |
half-sister |
Louise-Françoise de SAVOIE Death: September 27, 1511 |
Family with Claude de LORRAINE-GUISE |
husband |
Claude de LORRAINE-GUISE Birth: October 29, 1496 45 31 Death: April 22, 1550 |
herself |
Antoinette de VENDÔME Birth: January 3, 1494 24 22 Death: January 22, 1583 |
Marriage: June 19, 1513 — |
2 years daughter |
Marie de LORRAINE-GUISE Birth: December 2, 1515 19 21 Death: June 20, 1560 |
3 years son |
François 1er de LORRAINE-GUISE Birth: February 27, 1519 22 25 Death: March 6, 1563 |
11 months daughter |
Louise de LORRAINE-GUISE Birth: January 20, 1520 23 26 Death: October 28, 1542 |
3 years daughter |
Renée de LORRAINE-GUISE Birth: October 2, 1522 25 28 Death: March 13, 1602 |
17 months son |
Charles de LORRAINE-GUISE Birth: February 27, 1524 27 30 Death: January 5, 1575 |
2 years son |
Claude de LORRAINE-AUMALE Birth: August 11, 1526 29 32 Death: March 13, 1573 |
15 months son |
Louis de LORRAINE-GUISE Birth: October 31, 1527 31 33 Death: April 7, 1578 |
22 months son |
Philippe de LORRAINE-GUISE Birth: September 13, 1529 32 35 Death: October 4, 1529 |
7 months son |
Pierre de LORRAINE-GUISE Birth: April 13, 1530 33 36 Death: |
17 months daughter |
Antoinette de LORRAINE-GUISE Birth: September 10, 1531 34 37 Death: April 3, 1561 |
3 years son |
François de LORRAINE-GUISE Birth: April 28, 1534 37 40 Death: March 16, 1563 |
2 years son |
René de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF Birth: August 24, 1536 39 42 Death: about December 24, 1566 |
- Generation 1
Antoinette de VENDÔME , daughter ofFrançois de VENDÔME andMarie de LUXEMBOURG SAINT-PAUL , was born on January 3, 1494 and died on January 22, 1583 at the age of 89. She marriedClaude de LORRAINE-GUISE , son ofRené Ii de LORRAINE andPhilippine de GUELDRES , on June 19, 1513. He was born on October 29, 1496 and died on April 22, 1550 at the age of 53.Children of
Antoinette de VENDÔME andClaude de LORRAINE-GUISE :Marie de LORRAINE-GUISE (1515–1560)François 1er de LORRAINE-GUISE (1519–1563)Louise de LORRAINE-GUISE (1520–1542)Renée de LORRAINE-GUISE (1522–1602)Charles de LORRAINE-GUISE (1524–1575)Claude de LORRAINE-AUMALE (1526–1573)Louis de LORRAINE-GUISE (1527–1578)Philippe de LORRAINE-GUISE (1529–1529)Pierre de LORRAINE-GUISE (1530–)Antoinette de LORRAINE-GUISE (1531–1561)François de LORRAINE-GUISE (1534–1563)René de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (1536–1566)
- Generation 2back to top
Marie de LORRAINE-GUISE , daughter ofClaude de LORRAINE-GUISE andAntoinette de VENDÔME , was born on December 2, 1515 and died on June 20, 1560 at the age of 44. She married 2 times. The first time she marriedLouis Ii de LONGUEVILLE , son ofLouis Ier de LONGUEVILLE andJeanne de BADE-HOCHBERG , on August 14, 1534. He was born on June 15, 1510 and died on June 19, 1537 at the age of 27. The second time she marriedJacques V STUART , son ofJacques Iv STUART andMarguerite TUDOR , on May 19, 1538. He was born on April 20, 1512 and died on December 24, 1542 at the age of 30.Children of
Marie de LORRAINE-GUISE andLouis Ii de LONGUEVILLE :François Iii de LONGUEVILLE (1535–1551)Louis de LONGUEVILLE (1536–1536)
Children of
Marie de LORRAINE-GUISE andJacques V STUART :Jacques STUART (1540–)Arthur STUART (1541–)Marie Ière STUART (1542–1587)
François 1er de LORRAINE-GUISE , son ofClaude de LORRAINE-GUISE andAntoinette de VENDÔME , was born on February 27, 1519 and died on March 6, 1563 at the age of 44. He marriedAnne d'ESTE , daughter ofHercule Ii d'ESTE andRenée de FRANCE , on December 14, 1548. She was born on November 26, 1531 and died on May 17, 1607 at the age of 75.Children of
François 1er de LORRAINE-GUISE andAnne d'ESTE :Henri 1er de LORRAINE-GUISE (1551–1588)Catherine de LORRAINE-GUISE (1552–1596)Charles de LORRAINE-GUISE (1554–1611)Louis de LORRAINE-GUISE (1555–1588)Antoine de LORRAINE-GUISE (1557–1560)François de LORRAINE-GUISE (1560–1573)Max de LORRAINE-GUISE (1562–1567)
Louise de LORRAINE-GUISE , daughter ofClaude de LORRAINE-GUISE andAntoinette de VENDÔME , was born on January 20, 1520 and died on October 28, 1542 at the age of 22. She marriedCharles de CROY , son ofPhilippe Ii de CROY andAnne de CROY , on March 2, 1542. He was born on August 10, 1522 and died on July 4, 1551 at the age of 28.Claude de LORRAINE-AUMALE , son ofClaude de LORRAINE-GUISE andAntoinette de VENDÔME , was born on August 11, 1526 and died on March 13, 1573 at the age of 46. He marriedLouise de DREUX-BRÉZÉ , daughter ofLouis de DREUX-BRÉZÉ andDiane de POITIERS SAINT-VALLIER , on August 11, 1547. She died in January 1574.Children of
Claude de LORRAINE-AUMALE andLouise de DREUX-BRÉZÉ :Henri de LORRAINE-AUMALE (1549–1559)Catherine de LORRAINE-AUMALE (1550–1606)Madeleine de LORRAINE-AUMALE (1554–)Charles 1er de LORRAINE-AUMALE (1555–1631)Diane de LORRAINE-AUMALE (1558–1599)Antoinette de LORRAINE-AUMALE (1560–)Antoinette Louise de LORRAINE-AUMALE (1561–1643)Antoine de LORRAINE-AUMALE (1562–)Claude de LORRAINE-AUMALE (1564–1591)Marie de LORRAINE-AUMALE (1565–1627)Charles de LORRAINE-AUMALE (1567–1568)
René de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF , son ofClaude de LORRAINE-GUISE andAntoinette de VENDÔME , was born on August 24, 1536 and died about December 24, 1566. He marriedLouise d'HARCOURT , daughter ofClaude de RIEUX andSuzanne de LA ROCHE-SUR-YON , on February 13, 1554. She was born in 1531.Children of
René de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF andLouise d'HARCOURT :Marie de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (1555–1603)Charles 1er de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (1556–1605)
- Generation 3back to top
Marie Ière STUART , reine d'Ecosse (1542-1567) - Reine de France (1559-1560), daughter ofJacques V STUART andMarie de LORRAINE-GUISE , was born on December 17, 1542 in Linlithgow, Ecosse, , , , and died on February 18, 1587 in Fotheringhay, Angl., , , , at the age of 44. She married 3 times. The first time she marriedFrançois Ii de VALOIS , son ofHenri Ii de VALOIS andCatherine de MEDICIS , on May 14, 1558. He was born on February 8, 1544 in Fontainebleau, , , , , and died on December 25, 1560 in Orléans, , , , , at the age of 16. The second time she marriedHenri STUART , son ofMathieu STUART andMarguerite DOUGLAS , on August 8, 1565. He was born on December 17, 1545 and died on February 20, 1567 at the age of 21. The third time she marriedJacques HEPBURN on May 25, 1567. He was born in 1536 and died in 1578 at the age of 42.Children of
Marie Ière STUART andHenri STUART :Jacques Vi (Ier) STUART (1566–1625)
Henri 1er de LORRAINE-GUISE , son ofFrançois 1er de LORRAINE-GUISE andAnne d'ESTE , was born on January 10, 1551 and died on December 23, 1588 at the age of 37. He marriedCatherine de CLÈVES , daughter ofFrançois 1er de CLÈVES andMarguerite de BOURBON , on October 14, 1570. She was born in 1548 and died on May 11, 1633 at the age of 85.Children of
Henri 1er de LORRAINE-GUISE andCatherine de CLÈVES :Charles de LORRAINE-GUISE (1571–1640)Henri de LORRAINE-GUISE (1572–1574)Catherine de LORRAINE-GUISE (1573–1573)Louis de LORRAINE-GUISE (1575–1621)Charles de LORRAINE-GUISE (1576–1576)Marie de LORRAINE-GUISE (1577–1582)Claude de LORRAINE-GUISE (1578–1657)Catherine de LORRAINE-GUISE (1579–)Christine de LORRAINE-GUISE (1580–1580)François de LORRAINE-GUISE (1581–1582)Renée de LORRAINE-GUISE (1585–1626)Jeanne de LORRAINE-GUISE (1586–1638)Louise de LORRAINE-GUISE (1588–1631)François de LORRAINE-GUISE (1589–1614)
Catherine de LORRAINE-GUISE , daughter ofFrançois 1er de LORRAINE-GUISE andAnne d'ESTE , was born on July 29, 1552 and died on May 6, 1596 at the age of 43. She marriedLouis Iii de MONTPENSIER , son ofLouis de VENDÔME andLouise de BOURBON , on February 14, 1570. He was born on June 20, 1513 and died on October 3, 1582 at the age of 69.Charles de LORRAINE-GUISE , duc de Mayenne, son ofFrançois 1er de LORRAINE-GUISE andAnne d'ESTE , was born on April 5, 1554 and died on October 4, 1611 at the age of 57. He marriedHenriette de SAVOIE-VILLARS , daughter ofHonorat Ii de SAVOIE andJeanne de FOIX , on August 16, 1576. She died on October 14, 1611.Children of
Charles de LORRAINE-GUISE andHenriette de SAVOIE-VILLARS :Henri de LORRAINE-GUISE (1578–1621)Charles-Emmanuel de LORRAINE-GUISE (1581–1609)Catherine de LORRAINE-GUISE (1585–1618)Renée de LORRAINE-GUISE (–1638)
Catherine de LORRAINE-AUMALE , daughter ofClaude de LORRAINE-AUMALE andLouise de DREUX-BRÉZÉ , was born on November 18, 1550 and died on June 25, 1606 at the age of 55. She marriedNicolas de LORRAINE , son ofAntoine Ii de LORRAINE andRenée de BOURBON , on May 21, 1569. He was born on October 27, 1524 and died on February 3, 1577 at the age of 52.Children of
Catherine de LORRAINE-AUMALE andNicolas de LORRAINE :Henri 1er de LORRAINE (1570–1601)Christine de LORRAINE (1571–)Antoine de LORRAINE (1572–1587)Louise de LORRAINE (1575–)Eric de LORRAINE (1576–1623)
Charles 1er de LORRAINE-AUMALE , duc d'Aumale, son ofClaude de LORRAINE-AUMALE andLouise de DREUX-BRÉZÉ , was born on February 4, 1555 and died in 1631 at the age of 75. He marriedMarie de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF , daughter ofRené de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF andLouise d'HARCOURT , on November 20, 1576. She was born on August 31, 1555 and died in 1603 at the age of 47.Children of
Charles 1er de LORRAINE-AUMALE andMarie de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF :Diane de LORRAINE-AUMALE , daughter ofClaude de LORRAINE-AUMALE andLouise de DREUX-BRÉZÉ , was born in November 1558 and died about 1599. She marriedFrançois de LUXEMBOURG-PINEY , son ofAntoine de LUXEMBOURG andMarguerite de SAVOIE-VILLARS , in 1576. He died in 1613.Children of
Diane de LORRAINE-AUMALE andFrançois de LUXEMBOURG-PINEY :Henri de LUXEMBOURG-PINEY (1583–1616)
Marie de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF , daughter ofRené de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF andLouise d'HARCOURT , was born on August 31, 1555 and died in 1603 at the age of 47. She marriedCharles 1er de LORRAINE-AUMALE , son ofClaude de LORRAINE-AUMALE andLouise de DREUX-BRÉZÉ , on November 20, 1576. He was born on February 4, 1555 and died in 1631 at the age of 75.Children of
Marie de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF andCharles 1er de LORRAINE-AUMALE :Charles 1er de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF , son ofRené de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF andLouise d'HARCOURT , was born on October 28, 1556 and died on August 4, 1605 at the age of 48.Children of
Charles 1er de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF andMarguerite de CHABOT :Claude Eléonore de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (1582–1654)Henriette de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (1592–1669)Charles Ii de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (1596–1657)Françoise de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (1598–1626)Henri de LORRAINE-ARMAGNAC (1601–1666)Catherine de LORRAINE-ELBOEUF (1606–1611)