Guillaume Ier de SAYN-WITTGENSTEINAge: 82 years1488–1570
- Name
- Guillaume Ier de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN
- Given names
- Guillaume Ier
- Surname
Birth | 1488 19 _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Marguerite de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK May 14, 1490 (Age 2 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Eberhard Ier von SAYN 1494 (Age 6 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Marguerite de ROCHEMACHERN 1504 (Age 16 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Louis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN December 27, 1532 (Age 44 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a wife | Jeanne von ISENBURG 1563 (Age 75 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Louis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN — Elisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH — View this family Type: Religious marriage January 23, 1567 (Age 79 years)_FNA: NO |
_UST | Jeanne von ISENBURG — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1570 (Age 82 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Eberhard Ier von SAYN Birth: 1469 Death: 1494 |
mother |
Marguerite de ROCHEMACHERN Death: 1504 |
himself |
Guillaume Ier de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN Birth: 1488 19 Death: 1570 |
Family with Jeanne von ISENBURG |
himself |
Guillaume Ier de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN Birth: 1488 19 Death: 1570 |
wife |
Jeanne von ISENBURG Birth: about 1512 20 Death: 1563 |
son |
Louis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN Birth: December 27, 1532 44 20 Death: July 2, 1605 |
- Generation 1
Guillaume Ier de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN , son ofEberhard Ier von SAYN andMarguerite de ROCHEMACHERN , was born in 1488 and died in 1570 at the age of 82.Children of
Guillaume Ier de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN andJeanne von ISENBURG :Louis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN (1532–1605)
- Generation 2back to top
Louis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN , comte, son ofGuillaume Ier de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN andJeanne von ISENBURG , was born on December 27, 1532 and died on July 2, 1605 at the age of 72. He marriedElisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH , daughter ofFrédéric Magnus von SOLMS-LAUBACH andAgnès zu WIED , on January 23, 1567. She was born on March 16, 1549 and died on August 15, 1599 at the age of 50.Children of
Louis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN andElisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH :Georges de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN (1565–1631)Agnès de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN (1568–1617)Guillaume Ii de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN (1569–1623)Louis de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN (1571–1634)Catherine de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN (1588–1651)
- Generation 3back to top
Georges de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN , comte, son ofLouis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN andElisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH , was born in 1565 and died in 1631 at the age of 66. He marriedElisabeth de NASSAU-WEILBOURG , daughter ofAlbert de NASSAU-WEILBOURG andAnne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , in 1596. She was born in 1572 and died in 1607 at the age of 35.Children of
Georges de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN andElisabeth de NASSAU-WEILBOURG :Louis Casimir de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN-BERLEBOURG (1598–1643)Ernest de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN (1599–1649)
Agnès de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN , daughter ofLouis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN andElisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH , was born on April 28, 1568 and died on April 29, 1617 at the age of 49. She marriedJean Albert von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS , son ofConrad von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS andElisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , on May 22, 1590. He was born on March 15, 1563 and died on May 14, 1623 at the age of 60.Children of
Agnès de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN andJean Albert von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS :Elisabeth von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS (1593–1637)Ursule von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS (1594–1657)Amélie von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS (1602–1675)Christiane von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS (1606–1669)
Guillaume Ii de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN , comte, son ofLouis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN andElisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH , was born on March 24, 1569 and died on November 29, 1623 at the age of 54. He marriedAnne-Elisabeth de SAYN , daughter ofHermann de SAYN andElisabeth von ERBACH , on June 11, 1591. She was born on February 11, 1572 and died on March 11, 1608 at the age of 36.Children of
Guillaume Ii de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN andAnne-Elisabeth de SAYN :Ernest de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN (1594–1632)
Louis de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN , comte, son ofLouis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN andElisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH , was born in 1571 and died in 1634 at the age of 63. He marriedElisabeth Juliana von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS , daughter ofConrad von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS andElisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , in 1598. She was born in 1578 and died in 1634 at the age of 56.Children of
Louis de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN andElisabeth Juliana von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS :Jean de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN-HOHENSTEIN (1601–1657)Elisabeth von SAYN (1605–1641)Anne Catherine de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN (1610–1690)
Catherine de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN , daughter ofLouis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN andElisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH , was born on August 10, 1588 and died on May 9, 1651 at the age of 62. She marriedLouis-Henri de NASSAU-DILLENBURG , son ofGeorges de NASSAU-DILLENBURG andAnne-Amélie de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK , on November 25, 1615. He was born on May 9, 1594 and died on July 12, 1662 at the age of 68.Children of
Catherine de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN andLouis-Henri de NASSAU-DILLENBURG :Anne-Amélie de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1616–1649)Georges-Louis de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1618–1656)Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1619–1665)Juliane de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1620–1621)Albert de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1621–1622)Catherine de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1622–1631)Louise de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1623–1665)Ne... de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1624–1624)Henri-Guillaume de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1626–1627)Madeleine de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1628–1663)Adolphe de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1629–1676)Ne... de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1630–1630)Philippe de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1630–1657)Marie-Eléonore de NASSAU-DILLENBURG (1632–1633)