Guillaume Ier de SAYN-WITTGENSTEINAge: 82 years14881570

Given names
Guillaume Ier
Birth 1488 19

Death of a maternal grandmotherMarguerite de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK
May 14, 1490 (Age 2 years)

Death of a fatherEberhard Ier von SAYN
1494 (Age 6 years)

Death of a motherMarguerite de ROCHEMACHERN
1504 (Age 16 years)

Birth of a son
December 27, 1532 (Age 44 years)

Death of a wifeJeanne von ISENBURG
1563 (Age 75 years)

Marriage of a childLouis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEINElisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACHView this family
Type: Religious marriage
January 23, 1567 (Age 79 years)


_USTJeanne von ISENBURGView this family

Death 1570 (Age 82 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Family with Jeanne von ISENBURG - View this family

  1. Generation 1
    1. Guillaume Ier de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN, son of Eberhard Ier von SAYN and Marguerite de ROCHEMACHERN, was born in 1488 and died in 1570 at the age of 82.

      Children of Guillaume Ier de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN and Jeanne von ISENBURG:

      1. Louis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN (15321605)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Louis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN, comte, son of Guillaume Ier de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN and Jeanne von ISENBURG, was born on December 27, 1532 and died on July 2, 1605 at the age of 72. He married Elisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH, daughter of Frédéric Magnus von SOLMS-LAUBACH and Agnès zu WIED, on January 23, 1567. She was born on March 16, 1549 and died on August 15, 1599 at the age of 50.

      Children of Louis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN and Elisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH:

      1. Georges de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN (15651631)
      2. Agnès de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN (15681617)
      3. Guillaume Ii de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN (15691623)
      4. Louis de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN (15711634)
      5. Catherine de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN (15881651)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Georges de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN, comte, son of Louis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN and Elisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH, was born in 1565 and died in 1631 at the age of 66. He married Elisabeth de NASSAU-WEILBOURG, daughter of Albert de NASSAU-WEILBOURG and Anne de NASSAU-DILLENBURG, in 1596. She was born in 1572 and died in 1607 at the age of 35.

      Children of Georges de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN and Elisabeth de NASSAU-WEILBOURG:

      1. Louis Casimir de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN-BERLEBOURG (15981643)
      2. Ernest de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN (15991649)
    2. Agnès de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN, daughter of Louis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN and Elisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH, was born on April 28, 1568 and died on April 29, 1617 at the age of 49. She married Jean Albert von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS, son of Conrad von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS and Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG, on May 22, 1590. He was born on March 15, 1563 and died on May 14, 1623 at the age of 60.

      Children of Agnès de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN and Jean Albert von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS:

      1. Elisabeth von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS (15931637)
      2. Ursule von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS (15941657)
      3. Amélie von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS (16021675)
      4. Christiane von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS (16061669)
    3. Guillaume Ii de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN, comte, son of Louis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN and Elisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH, was born on March 24, 1569 and died on November 29, 1623 at the age of 54. He married Anne-Elisabeth de SAYN, daughter of Hermann de SAYN and Elisabeth von ERBACH, on June 11, 1591. She was born on February 11, 1572 and died on March 11, 1608 at the age of 36.

      Children of Guillaume Ii de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN and Anne-Elisabeth de SAYN:

      1. Ernest de SAYN-WITTENGENSTEIN (15941632)
    4. Louis de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN, comte, son of Louis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN and Elisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH, was born in 1571 and died in 1634 at the age of 63. He married Elisabeth Juliana von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS, daughter of Conrad von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS and Elisabeth de NASSAU-DILLENBURG, in 1598. She was born in 1578 and died in 1634 at the age of 56.

      Children of Louis de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN and Elisabeth Juliana von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS:

      1. Jean de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN-HOHENSTEIN (16011657)
      2. Elisabeth von SAYN (16051641)
      3. Anne Catherine de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN (16101690)
    5. Catherine de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN, daughter of Louis 1er de SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN and Elisabeth von SOLMS-LAUBACH, was born on August 10, 1588 and died on May 9, 1651 at the age of 62. She married Louis-Henri de NASSAU-DILLENBURG, son of Georges de NASSAU-DILLENBURG and Anne-Amélie de NASSAU-SAARBRUCK, on November 25, 1615. He was born on May 9, 1594 and died on July 12, 1662 at the age of 68.

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