Gonthier Xxxviii de SCHWARZBOURGAge: 34 years14501484

Gonthier Xxxviii de SCHWARZBOURG
Given names
Gonthier Xxxviii
Birth 1450 32 29

Birth of a brotherGonthier Xxxix de SCHWARZBOURG
1455 (Age 5 years)

Death of a maternal grandmotherMarie de BOURGOGNE
November 8, 1463 (Age 13 years)

Birth of a son
1473 (Age 23 years)


_USTCatherine VON QUERFURTView this family

Death 1484 (Age 34 years)

Family with parents - View this family
6 years
younger brother
Family with Catherine VON QUERFURT - View this family

  1. Generation 1
    1. Gonthier Xxxviii de SCHWARZBOURG, son of Henri Xxvi de SCHWARZBOURG and Elisabeth de CLÈVES, was born in 1450 and died in 1484 at the age of 34.

      Children of Gonthier Xxxviii de SCHWARZBOURG and Catherine VON QUERFURT:

      1. Henri Xxxi de SCHWARZBOURG (14731526)
      2. Catherine de SCHWARZBOURG (1514)
      3. Marguerite de SCHWARZBOURG (1515)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Henri Xxxi de SCHWARZBOURG, son of Gonthier Xxxviii de SCHWARZBOURG and Catherine VON QUERFURT, was born in 1473 and died in 1526 at the age of 53.

      Children of Henri Xxxi de SCHWARZBOURG and Madeleine von HOHNSTEIN:

      1. Gonthier Xi de SCHWARZBOURG (14991552)
    2. Catherine de SCHWARZBOURG, daughter of Gonthier Xxxviii de SCHWARZBOURG and Catherine VON QUERFURT. She died in 1514.

      Children of Catherine de SCHWARZBOURG and Reinhard Iv von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG:

      1. Philippe Ii von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG (15011529)
    3. Marguerite de SCHWARZBOURG, daughter of Gonthier Xxxviii de SCHWARZBOURG and Catherine VON QUERFURT. She died in 1515.

      Children of Marguerite de SCHWARZBOURG and Jean Vi de LEUCHTENBERG:

      1. Georges Iii de LEUCHTENBERG (15021555)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Gonthier Xi de SCHWARZBOURG, son of Henri Xxxi de SCHWARZBOURG and Madeleine von HOHNSTEIN, was born in 1499 and died in 1552 at the age of 53.

      Children of Gonthier Xi de SCHWARZBOURG and Elisabeth von ISENBURG:

      1. Madeleine de SCHWARZBOURG (15301565)
      2. Jean Gonthier Ier de SCHWARZBOURG-SONDERSHAUSEN (15321586)
      3. Albert Vii de SCHWARZBOURG-RUDOLSTADT (15371605)
      4. Elisabeth de SCHWARZBOURG (15411612)
    2. Philippe Ii von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG, son of Reinhard Iv von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG and Catherine de SCHWARZBOURG, was born in 1501 and died in 1529 at the age of 28.

      Children of Philippe Ii von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG and Juliane von STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE:

      1. Catherine von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG (15251581)
      2. Philippe Iii von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG (15261561)
      3. Juliana von HANAU-MÜNZENBERG (15291595)
    3. Georges Iii de LEUCHTENBERG, son of Jean Vi de LEUCHTENBERG and Marguerite de SCHWARZBOURG, was born in 1502 and died in 1555 at the age of 53.

      Children of Georges Iii de LEUCHTENBERG and Barbara de HOHENZOLLERN:

      1. Elisabeth de LEUCHTENBERG (1579)
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