Hedwige de BRUNSWICKAge: 68 years1353–1421
- Name
- Hedwige de BRUNSWICK
- Given names
- Hedwige
- Surname
Birth | 1353 21 _FNA: NO |
Marriage of parents | Philippe de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN — Helvis de DAMPIERRE — View this family 1353 _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Philippe de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN 1369 (Age 16 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Janus Roi De Chypre de LUSIGNAN 1374 (Age 21 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Marie de CHYPRE 1382 (Age 29 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a husband | Jacques de POITIERS 1398 (Age 45 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Janus Roi De Chypre de LUSIGNAN — Angleria VISCONTI — View this family 1400 (Age 47 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Ladislas d'ANJOU — Marie de CHYPRE — View this family Type: Religious marriage February 21, 1402 (Age 49 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a daughter | Marie de CHYPRE September 13, 1404 (Age 51 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Janus Roi De Chypre de LUSIGNAN — Charlotte de LA MARCHE — View this family August 11, 1409 (Age 56 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Jacques de POITIERS — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1421 (Age 68 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Philippe de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN Birth: 1332 43 25 Death: 1369 |
mother | |
Marriage: 1353 — |
1 year herself |
Hedwige de BRUNSWICK Birth: 1353 21 Death: 1421 |
Family with Jacques de POITIERS |
husband |
Jacques de POITIERS Birth: 1334 37 30 Death: 1398 |
herself |
Hedwige de BRUNSWICK Birth: 1353 21 Death: 1421 |
son |
Janus Roi De Chypre de LUSIGNAN Birth: 1374 40 21 Death: 1432 |
9 years daughter |
Marie de CHYPRE Birth: 1382 48 29 Death: September 13, 1404 |
- Generation 1
Hedwige de BRUNSWICK , daughter ofPhilippe de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN andHelvis de DAMPIERRE , was born in 1353 and died in 1421 at the age of 68.Children of
Hedwige de BRUNSWICK andJacques de POITIERS :Janus Roi De Chypre de LUSIGNAN (1374–1432)Marie de CHYPRE (1382–1404)
- Generation 2back to top
Janus Roi De Chypre de LUSIGNAN , son ofJacques de POITIERS andHedwige de BRUNSWICK , was born in 1374 and died in 1432 at the age of 58. He married 2 times. The first time he marriedCharlotte de LA MARCHE , daughter ofJean Ier de LA MARCHE andCatherine de VENDÔME , on August 11, 1409. She died on December 22, 1434. The second time he marriedAngleria VISCONTI , daughter ofBernarbo VISCONTI andRégine Béatrice della SCALA , in 1400. She was born in 1375 and died in 1417 at the age of 42.Janus Roi De Chypre de LUSIGNAN andAngleria VISCONTI were divorced in 1407.Children of
Janus Roi De Chypre de LUSIGNAN andCharlotte de LA MARCHE :Anne de LUSIGNAN (1415–1462)Jean Ii de LUSIGNAN (1418–1458)
Marie de CHYPRE , daughter ofJacques de POITIERS andHedwige de BRUNSWICK , was born in 1382 and died on September 13, 1404 at the age of 22. She marriedLadislas d'ANJOU , son ofCharles Iii d'ANJOU andMarguerite d'ANJOU , on February 21, 1402. He was born in July 1376 and died on August 15, 1414 at the age of 38.
- Generation 3back to top
Anne de LUSIGNAN , princesse de Chypre, daughter ofJanus Roi De Chypre de LUSIGNAN andCharlotte de LA MARCHE , was born on October 3, 1415 and died on November 20, 1462 at the age of 47. She marriedLouis 1er de SAVOIE , son ofAmédée Viii de SAVOIE andMarie de BOURGOGNE , in November 1433. He was born on March 5, 1402 and died on February 7, 1465 at the age of 62.Children of
Anne de LUSIGNAN andLouis 1er de SAVOIE :Amédée Ix de SAVOIE (1435–1472)Louis de SAVOIE (1436–1482)Aymon de SAVOIE (1438–1440)Philippe 1er de SAVOIE (1438–1497)Marguerite de SAVOIE (1439–1483)Pierre de SAVOIE (1442–1458)Charlotte de SAVOIE (1443–1483)Jean-Louis de SAVOIE (1447–1482)Jacques de SAVOIE (1450–1486)Agnès de SAVOIE (–1509)Anne de SAVOIE Jeanne de SAVOIE (–1440)Jacques de SAVOIE (–1445)Bonne de SAVOIE (–1485)Janus de SAVOIE (–1491)Marie de SAVOIE (–1475)François de SAVOIE (–1490)
Jean Ii de LUSIGNAN , roi de Chypre, de Jérusalem et d'Arménie, son ofJanus Roi De Chypre de LUSIGNAN andCharlotte de LA MARCHE , was born on May 25, 1418 and died on August 6, 1458 at the age of 40. He marriedHélène PALÉOLOGUE , daughter ofThéodore PALÉOLOGUE andCleofe MALATESTA , in 1442. She was born in 1428 and died in 1458 at the age of 30.Children of
Jean Ii de LUSIGNAN :Children of
Jean Ii de LUSIGNAN andHélène PALÉOLOGUE :Charlotte de LUSIGNAN (1442–1487)