Marie COMNENEAge: 63 years11541217

Given names
Birth 1154 26

MarriageAmaury Ier d'ANJOUView this family
1167 (Age 13 years)

Birth of a daughter
Isabelle d'ANJOU
1169 (Age 15 years)

Death of a husbandAmaury Ier d'ANJOU
1174 (Age 20 years)

MarriageBalian IBELINView this family
1176 (Age 22 years)

Birth of a daughter
1176 (Age 22 years)

Death of a fatherJean COMNENE
1176 (Age 22 years)

Birth of a son
1179 (Age 25 years)

Birth of a son
Philippe IBELIN
about 1180 (Age 26 years)

Marriage of a childRenaud GRENIERHelvis IBELINView this family
about 1189 (Age 35 years)

Marriage of a childConrad de MONTFERRATIsabelle d'ANJOUView this family
1191 (Age 37 years)

Marriage of a childHenri Ii de CHAMPAGNEIsabelle d'ANJOUView this family
Type: Religious marriage
1192 (Age 38 years)

Death of a husbandBalian IBELIN
1193 (Age 39 years)

Marriage of a childAmaury Ii de LUSIGNANIsabelle d'ANJOUView this family
Type: Religious marriage
1197 (Age 43 years)

Marriage of a childGuy de MONTFORTHelvis IBELINView this family
1204 (Age 50 years)

Death of a daughterIsabelle d'ANJOU
1205 (Age 51 years)

Marriage of a childJean IBELINMélisende d'ARSURView this family
1209 (Age 55 years)

Marriage of a childPhilippe IBELINAlix de MONTFAUCONView this family
about 1210 (Age 56 years)

Death of a daughterHelvis IBELIN
1216 (Age 62 years)


_USTAmaury Ier d'ANJOUView this family

_USTBalian IBELINView this family

Death 1217 (Age 63 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1146
9 years
Family with Amaury Ier d'ANJOU - View this family
Marriage: 1167
3 years
Family with Balian IBELIN - View this family
Marriage: 1176
1 year
4 years
2 years
Amaury Ier d'ANJOU + Agnès de COURTENAY - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: 1157
Annulment: 1162
4 years
2 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Marie COMNENE, daughter of Jean COMNENE and Maria TARONITISSA, was born in 1154 and died in 1217 at the age of 63. She married 2 times. The first time she married Amaury Ier d'ANJOU, son of Foulques V d'ANJOU and Mélisende de RETHEL, in 1167. He was born in 1135 and died in 1174 at the age of 39. The second time she married Balian IBELIN, son of Balian IBELIN and Alvis (Héloïse) de RAMA, in 1176. He was born in 1143 and died in 1193 at the age of 50.

      Children of Marie COMNENE and Amaury Ier d'ANJOU:

      1. Isabelle d'ANJOU (11691205)

      Children of Marie COMNENE and Balian IBELIN:

      1. Helvis IBELIN (11761216)
      2. Jean IBELIN (11791236)
      3. Philippe IBELIN (11801227)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Isabelle d'ANJOU, reine de Jérusalem, daughter of Amaury Ier d'ANJOU and Marie COMNENE, was born in 1169 and died in 1205 at the age of 36. She married 3 times. The first time she married Henri Ii de CHAMPAGNE, son of Henri Ier Le Large de CHAMPAGNE and Marie de FRANCE, in 1192. He was born in 1166 and died on September 17, 1197 at the age of 31. The second time she married Amaury Ii de LUSIGNAN, son of Hugues Viii Le Vieux de LUSIGNAN and Burgondie de RANCON, in 1197. He died in 1205. The third time she married Conrad de MONTFERRAT, son of Guillaume V de MONTFERRAT and Judith de BABENBERG, in 1191. He died in 1192. . She had a relationship with Humfroi Iv de TORON, son of Humfroi Iii de TORON and Etienette de MILLY

      Children of Isabelle d'ANJOU and Henri Ii de CHAMPAGNE:

      1. Marie de CHAMPAGNE (11931205)
      2. Alix de CHAMPAGNE (11951247)
      3. Philippa de CHAMPAGNE (11961250)

      Children of Isabelle d'ANJOU and Amaury Ii de LUSIGNAN:

      1. Sibylle de LUSIGNAN
      2. Mélisende de LUSIGNAN

      Children of Isabelle d'ANJOU and Conrad de MONTFERRAT:

      1. Marie de MONTFERRAT (11921212)
    2. Helvis IBELIN, daughter of Balian IBELIN and Marie COMNENE, was born in 1176 and died in 1216 at the age of 40. She married 2 times. The first time she married Guy de MONTFORT, son of Simon Iii de MONTFORT and Mahaut N..., in 1204. He was born in 1160 and died in 1229 at the age of 69. The second time she married Renaud GRENIER about 1189. He was born in 1130 and died in 1202 at the age of 72.

      Children of Helvis IBELIN and Guy de MONTFORT:

      1. Philippe 1er de MONTFORT (12041265)
    3. Jean IBELIN, son of Balian IBELIN and Marie COMNENE, was born in 1179 and died in 1236 at the age of 57. He married Mélisende d'ARSUR in 1209.

      Children of Jean IBELIN and Mélisende d'ARSUR:

      1. Balian IBELIN (12091247)
      2. Jean IBELIN (12111258)
      3. Baudouin IBELIN (12111266)
      4. Guy IBELIN (12171255)
    4. Philippe IBELIN, son of Balian IBELIN and Marie COMNENE, was born about 1180 and died in 1227. He married Alix de MONTFAUCON about 1210. She died in 1244.

      Children of Philippe IBELIN and Alix de MONTFAUCON:

      1. Jean IBELIN (12101266)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Alix de CHAMPAGNE, reine de Jérusalem, daughter of Henri Ii de CHAMPAGNE and Isabelle d'ANJOU, was born in 1195 and died in 1247 at the age of 52. She married 3 times. The first time she married Hugues Ier de LUSIGNAN, son of Amaury Ii de LUSIGNAN and Echive IBELIN, in 1208. He was born in 1194 and died in 1218 at the age of 24. The second time she married Bohémond V de POITIERS, son of Bohémond Iv Le Borgne de POITIERS and Plaisance EMBRIACO, in 1225. He died in January 1252. Alix de CHAMPAGNE and Bohémond V de POITIERS were divorced. The third time she married Raoul de NESLE in 1241.

      Children of Alix de CHAMPAGNE and Hugues Ier de LUSIGNAN:

      1. Marie de LUSIGNAN (12151252)
      2. Isabelle de LUSIGNAN (12161264)
      3. Henri 1er Le Gras de LUSIGNAN (12171253)
    2. Philippa de CHAMPAGNE, daughter of Henri Ii de CHAMPAGNE and Isabelle d'ANJOU, was born in 1196 and died in 1250 at the age of 54.

      Children of Philippa de CHAMPAGNE and Edouard Ier de BRIENNE:

      1. Jeanne de BRIENNE
      2. Isabeau de BRIENNE
    3. Sibylle de LUSIGNAN, princesse de Chypre, daughter of Amaury Ii de LUSIGNAN and Isabelle d'ANJOU. She married Léon 1er d'ARMÉNIE in 1210. He was born in 1150 and died on May 9, 1219 at the age of 69.

      Children of Sibylle de LUSIGNAN and Léon 1er d'ARMÉNIE:

      1. Isabelle (Zabel) d'ARMÉNIE (12121252)
    4. Mélisende de LUSIGNAN, daughter of Amaury Ii de LUSIGNAN and Isabelle d'ANJOU. She married Bohémond Iv Le Borgne de POITIERS, son of Bohémond Iii de POITIERS and Orgueilleuse d'HARENC, in 1218. He died in 1233.

      Children of Mélisende de LUSIGNAN and Bohémond Iv Le Borgne de POITIERS:

      1. Héloïse de POITIERS
      2. Marie de POITIERS
    5. Marie de MONTFERRAT, reine de Jérusalem, daughter of Conrad de MONTFERRAT and Isabelle d'ANJOU, was born in 1192 and died in 1212 at the age of 20. She married Jean Ier de BRIENNE, son of Erard Ii de BRIENNE and Agnès de MONTFAUCON, in 1210. He was born in 1144 and died in 1237 at the age of 93.

      Children of Marie de MONTFERRAT and Jean Ier de BRIENNE:

      1. Isabelle Ii (Yolande) de BRIENNE (12111228)
    6. Philippe 1er de MONTFORT, son of Guy de MONTFORT and Helvis IBELIN, was born in 1204 and died in 1265 at the age of 61.. He had a relationship with Eléonore de COURTENAY, daughter of Pierre Ii de COURTENAY and Yolande de HAINAUT He married Marie de POITIERS, daughter of Raymond Rupen de POITIERS and Helvis de LUSIGNAN, in 1240. She was born in 1215.

      Children of Philippe 1er de MONTFORT and Eléonore de COURTENAY:

      1. Philippe Ii de MONTFORT (12251270)

      Children of Philippe 1er de MONTFORT and Marie de POITIERS:

      1. Homfroid de MONTFORT
    7. Balian IBELIN, son of Jean IBELIN and Mélisende d'ARSUR, was born in 1209 and died in 1247 at the age of 38. He married Echive de MONTFAUCON in 1249.

      Children of Balian IBELIN and Echive de MONTFAUCON:

      1. Jean d'IBELIN (12301264)
    8. Jean IBELIN, son of Jean IBELIN and Mélisende d'ARSUR, was born in 1211 and died in 1258 at the age of 47. He married Alice de CAYPHAS in 1236.

      Children of Jean IBELIN and Alice de CAYPHAS:

      1. Balian IBELIN (12391277)
    9. Baudouin IBELIN, son of Jean IBELIN and Mélisende d'ARSUR, was born about 1211 and died in 1266. He married Alice de BETHSAN about 1230.

      Children of Baudouin IBELIN and Alice de BETHSAN:

      1. Jean IBELIN (12311250)
      2. Philippe IBELIN
    10. Guy IBELIN, son of Jean IBELIN and Mélisende d'ARSUR, was born in 1217 and died in 1255 at the age of 38. He married Philippa BARLAIS in 1240.

      Children of Guy IBELIN and Philippa BARLAIS:

      1. Balian IBELIN (12401302)
      2. Isabelle d'IBELIN (12411324)
      3. Philippe IBELIN (12531318)
    11. Jean IBELIN, son of Philippe IBELIN and Alix de MONTFAUCON, was born in 1210 and died in 1266 at the age of 56. He married Kalaméria HÉTOUMIDE about 1237. She died in 1263.

      Children of Jean IBELIN and Kalaméria HÉTOUMIDE:

      1. Guy IBELIN (12501304)
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