Simon Iv de LIPPEAge: 25 years14041429

Simon Iv de LIPPE
Given names
Simon Iv
Birth 1404

Death of a paternal grandfatherSimon Iii de LIPPE
1410 (Age 6 years)

Death of a fatherBernard Vi de LIPPE
1415 (Age 11 years)

Death of a motherElisabeth de MÖRS
about 1415 (Age 11 years)

Birth of a son
Bernard Vii de LIPPE
1429 (on the date of death)


_USTMarguerite de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGENView this family

Death 1429 (Age 25 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Family with Marguerite de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN - View this family

  1. Generation 1
    1. Simon Iv de LIPPE, son of Bernard Vi de LIPPE and Elisabeth de MÖRS, was born in 1404 and died in 1429 at the age of 25.

      Children of Simon Iv de LIPPE and Marguerite de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN:

      1. Bernard Vii de LIPPE (14291511)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Bernard Vii de LIPPE, son of Simon Iv de LIPPE and Marguerite de BRUNSWICK-GRÜBENHAGEN, was born in 1429 and died in 1511 at the age of 82.

      Children of Bernard Vii de LIPPE and Anne de HOLSTEIN-SCHAUENBOURG:

      1. Simon V de LIPPE (14711536)
      2. Anne de LIPPE (1533)
      3. Marguerite de LIPPE (1527)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Simon V de LIPPE, son of Bernard Vii de LIPPE and Anne de HOLSTEIN-SCHAUENBOURG, was born on March 7, 1471 and died on September 27, 1536 at the age of 65.

      Children of Simon V de LIPPE and Madeleine von MANSFELD:

      1. Bernard Viii de LIPPE (15271563)
    2. Anne de LIPPE, daughter of Bernard Vii de LIPPE and Anne de HOLSTEIN-SCHAUENBOURG. She died in 1533.

      Children of Anne de LIPPE and Othon Vii de HOYA:

      1. Adélaïde de HOYA (1513)
    3. Marguerite de LIPPE, daughter of Bernard Vii de LIPPE and Anne de HOLSTEIN-SCHAUENBOURG. She died in 1527.

      Children of Marguerite de LIPPE and Jean Ier de RIETBERG:

      1. Elisabeth de RIETBERG (1512)
      2. Ermingarde von RIETBERG (1540)
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