Maurice Iv de CRAONAge: 26 years12241250

Maurice Iv de CRAON
Given names
Maurice Iv
Birth 1224

Death of a fatherAmaury 1er de CRAON
1226 (Age 2 years)

MarriageIsabelle de LUSIGNANView this family
Type: Religious marriage
1244 (Age 20 years)

Birth of a son
Amaury Ii de CRAON
1244 (Age 20 years)


_USTIsabelle de LUSIGNANView this family

Death 1250 (Age 26 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1212
Family with Isabelle de LUSIGNAN - View this family
Marriage: 1244
1 year

  1. Generation 1
    1. Maurice Iv de CRAON, son of Amaury 1er de CRAON and Jeanne DES ROCHES, was born in 1224 and died in 1250 at the age of 26. He married Isabelle de LUSIGNAN, daughter of Hugues Ier de LUSIGNAN and Isabelle d'ANGOULÊME, in 1244. She was born in 1230 and died on January 9, 1299 at the age of 69.

      Children of Maurice Iv de CRAON and Isabelle de LUSIGNAN:

      1. Amaury Ii de CRAON (12441270)
      2. Maurice V de CRAON (1292)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Amaury Ii de CRAON, son of Maurice Iv de CRAON and Isabelle de LUSIGNAN, was born in 1244 and died in 1270 at the age of 26.

    2. Maurice V de CRAON, son of Maurice Iv de CRAON and Isabelle de LUSIGNAN. He died in 1292.

      Children of Maurice V de CRAON and Mahaut de MALINES:

      1. Isabeau de CRAON
      2. Amaury Iii de CRAON (1332)
      3. Marie de CRAON (1322)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Isabeau de CRAON, daughter of Maurice V de CRAON and Mahaut de MALINES.

      Children of Isabeau de CRAON and Olivier Iii de CLISSON:

      1. Olvier Iv de CLISSON (1343)
    2. Amaury Iii de CRAON, son of Maurice V de CRAON and Mahaut de MALINES. He died in 1332.

      Children of Amaury Iii de CRAON and Isabelle de SAINTE-MAURE:

      1. Maurice Vii de CRAON (13041330)

      Children of Amaury Iii de CRAON and Béatrice de ROUCY:

      1. Guillaume 1er Le Grand de CRAON (13181387)
      2. Béatrice de CRAON (1382)
    3. Marie de CRAON, daughter of Maurice V de CRAON and Mahaut de MALINES. She died in 1322.

      Children of Marie de CRAON and Robert de BRIENNE:

      1. Jean Iv de BRIENNE (13021378)
      2. Marguerite de BEAUMONT
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