Maurice Iv de CRAONAge: 26 years1224–1250
- Name
- Maurice Iv de CRAON
- Given names
- Maurice Iv
- Surname
- de CRAON
Birth | 1224 _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Amaury 1er de CRAON 1226 (Age 2 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Isabelle de LUSIGNAN — View this family Type: Religious marriage 1244 (Age 20 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Amaury Ii de CRAON 1244 (Age 20 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Isabelle de LUSIGNAN — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1250 (Age 26 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Amaury 1er de CRAON Death: 1226 |
mother | |
Marriage: 1212 — |
sister | |
himself |
Maurice Iv de CRAON Birth: 1224 Death: 1250 |
Family with Isabelle de LUSIGNAN |
himself |
Maurice Iv de CRAON Birth: 1224 Death: 1250 |
wife |
Isabelle de LUSIGNAN Birth: 1230 30 42 Death: January 9, 1299 |
Marriage: 1244 — |
1 year son |
Amaury Ii de CRAON Birth: 1244 20 14 Death: 1270 |
son |
Maurice V de CRAON Death: 1292 |
- Generation 1
Maurice Iv de CRAON , son ofAmaury 1er de CRAON andJeanne DES ROCHES , was born in 1224 and died in 1250 at the age of 26. He marriedIsabelle de LUSIGNAN , daughter ofHugues Ier de LUSIGNAN andIsabelle d'ANGOULÊME , in 1244. She was born in 1230 and died on January 9, 1299 at the age of 69.Children of
Maurice Iv de CRAON andIsabelle de LUSIGNAN :Amaury Ii de CRAON (1244–1270)Maurice V de CRAON (–1292)
- Generation 2back to top
Amaury Ii de CRAON , son ofMaurice Iv de CRAON andIsabelle de LUSIGNAN , was born in 1244 and died in 1270 at the age of 26.Maurice V de CRAON , son ofMaurice Iv de CRAON andIsabelle de LUSIGNAN . He died in 1292.Children of
Maurice V de CRAON andMahaut de MALINES :Isabeau de CRAON Amaury Iii de CRAON (–1332)Marie de CRAON (–1322)
- Generation 3back to top
Isabeau de CRAON , daughter ofMaurice V de CRAON andMahaut de MALINES .Children of
Isabeau de CRAON andOlivier Iii de CLISSON :Olvier Iv de CLISSON (–1343)
Amaury Iii de CRAON , son ofMaurice V de CRAON andMahaut de MALINES . He died in 1332.Children of
Amaury Iii de CRAON andIsabelle de SAINTE-MAURE :Maurice Vii de CRAON (1304–1330)
Children of
Amaury Iii de CRAON andBéatrice de ROUCY :Guillaume 1er Le Grand de CRAON (1318–1387)Béatrice de CRAON (–1382)
Marie de CRAON , daughter ofMaurice V de CRAON andMahaut de MALINES . She died in 1322.Children of
Marie de CRAON andRobert de BRIENNE :Jean Iv de BRIENNE (1302–1378)Marguerite de BEAUMONT