Maurice Vii de CRAONAge: 26 years1304–1330
- Name
- Maurice Vii de CRAON
- Given names
- Maurice Vii
- Surname
- de CRAON
Birth | 1304 _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Mahaut de MALINES 1306 (Age 2 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Isabelle de SAINTE-MAURE 1310 (Age 6 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a half-brother | Guillaume 1er Le Grand de CRAON 1318 (Age 14 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Isabeau de CRAON 1330 (on the date of death) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Marguerite de MELLO — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1330 (Age 26 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Amaury Iii de CRAON Death: 1332 |
mother |
Isabelle de SAINTE-MAURE Death: 1310 |
himself |
Maurice Vii de CRAON Birth: 1304 Death: 1330 |
Father’s family with Béatrice de ROUCY |
father |
Amaury Iii de CRAON Death: 1332 |
step-mother |
Béatrice de ROUCY Birth: 1285 25 17 Death: 1328 |
half-brother |
Guillaume 1er Le Grand de CRAON Birth: 1318 33 Death: 1387 |
half-sister |
Béatrice de CRAON Death: after 1382 |
Family with Marguerite de MELLO |
himself |
Maurice Vii de CRAON Birth: 1304 Death: 1330 |
wife |
Marguerite de MELLO Death: 1350 |
daughter |
Isabeau de CRAON Birth: 1330 26 Death: 1394 |
son |
Amaury Iv de CRAON Death: 1373 |
daughter |
Jean Ii de CHALON + Marguerite de MELLO |
wife’s husband |
Jean Ii de CHALON Birth: 1305 17 30 Death: March 6, 1362 |
wife |
Marguerite de MELLO Death: 1350 |
Marriage: 1332 — |
2 years step-daughter |
Marguerite de CHÂLON Birth: 1333 28 Death: July 1392 |
2 years step-son |
Hugues Ii de CHALON Birth: 1334 29 Death: 1392 |
4 years step-son |
Louis 1er de CHALON Birth: 1337 32 Death: 1366 |
step-son |
Jean de CHALON Death: 1360 |
- Generation 1
Maurice Vii de CRAON , son ofAmaury Iii de CRAON andIsabelle de SAINTE-MAURE , was born in 1304 and died in 1330 at the age of 26.Children of
Maurice Vii de CRAON andMarguerite de MELLO :Isabeau de CRAON (1330–1394)Amaury Iv de CRAON (–1373)Jeanne Aliénor de CRAON
- Generation 2back to top
Isabeau de CRAON , daughter ofMaurice Vii de CRAON andMarguerite de MELLO , was born in 1330 and died in 1394 at the age of 64.Children of
Isabeau de CRAON andLouis de SULLY :Marie de SULLY (1364–1409)
Amaury Iv de CRAON , son ofMaurice Vii de CRAON andMarguerite de MELLO . He died in 1373. He marriedPerronelle de THOUARS , daughter ofLouis de THOUARS andJeanne Ii de DREUX , in 1345. She died in 1397.Jeanne Aliénor de CRAON , daughter ofMaurice Vii de CRAON andMarguerite de MELLO .Children of
Jeanne Aliénor de CRAON andRenaud de MONTBAZON :Jeanne de MONTBAZON (–1395)
- Generation 3back to top
Marie de SULLY , daughter ofLouis de SULLY andIsabeau de CRAON , was born in 1364 and died in 1409 at the age of 45. She married 3 times. The first time she marriedCharles de BERRY , son ofJean Ier de BERRY andJeanne d'ARMAGNAC , about 1381. He was born about 1371 and died about 1382. The second time she marriedGuy Vi de LA TRÉMOILLE in 1382. He was born in 1346 and died in 1398 at the age of 52. The third time she marriedCharles d'ALBRET , son ofArnaud Amanieu Viii d'ALBRET andMarguerite de BOURBON , on February 4, 1400. He died in 1415.Children of
Marie de SULLY andGuy Vi de LA TRÉMOILLE :Georges de LA TRÉMOILLE (1382–1446)Marie de LA TRÉMOÏLLE (–1433)
Children of
Marie de SULLY andCharles d'ALBRET :Jeanne d'ALBRET (1403–1433)Charles Ii d'ALBRET (1407–1471)