Guillaume Ii von RAPPOLSTEINAge: 79 years1468–1547
- Name
- Guillaume Ii von RAPPOLSTEIN
- Given names
- Guillaume Ii
- Surname
Birth | August 31, 1468 41 18 _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Jeanne de NEUCHÂTEL August 31, 1475 (Age 7 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Marguerite de CASTRO after 1486 (Age 17 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Marguerite de SARRE — View this family Type: Religious marriage March 1, 1490 (Age 21 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Jean de NEUCHÂTEL after 1491 (Age 22 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Ulric Vi von RAPPOLSTEIN 1495 (Age 26 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a wife | Marguerite de SARRE May 27, 1505 (Age 36 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Guillaume Ier von RAPPOLSTEIN June 30, 1507 (Age 38 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a child | Ulric Vi von RAPPOLSTEIN — Anne-Alexandra von FÜRSTENBERG — View this family Type: Religious marriage July 20, 1522 (Age 53 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a son | Ulric Vi von RAPPOLSTEIN August 4, 1531 (Age 62 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Marguerite de SARRE — View this family MARRIED |
Death | October 12, 1547 (Age 79 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Guillaume Ier von RAPPOLSTEIN Birth: 1427 Death: June 30, 1507 |
mother |
Jeanne de NEUCHÂTEL Birth: 1450 Death: August 31, 1475 |
himself |
Guillaume Ii von RAPPOLSTEIN Birth: August 31, 1468 41 18 Death: October 12, 1547 |
Family with Marguerite de SARRE |
himself |
Guillaume Ii von RAPPOLSTEIN Birth: August 31, 1468 41 18 Death: October 12, 1547 |
wife |
Marguerite de SARRE Birth: about 1470 26 Death: May 27, 1505 |
Marriage: March 1, 1490 — |
6 years son |
Ulric Vi von RAPPOLSTEIN Birth: 1495 26 25 Death: August 4, 1531 |
- Generation 1
Guillaume Ii von RAPPOLSTEIN , son ofGuillaume Ier von RAPPOLSTEIN andJeanne de NEUCHÂTEL , was born on August 31, 1468 and died on October 12, 1547 at the age of 79. He marriedMarguerite de SARRE , daughter ofSimon Vi de SARRE andElisabeth von LICHTENBERG , on March 1, 1490. She was born about 1470 and died on May 27, 1505.Children of
Guillaume Ii von RAPPOLSTEIN andMarguerite de SARRE :Ulric Vi von RAPPOLSTEIN (1495–1531)
- Generation 2back to top
Ulric Vi von RAPPOLSTEIN , son ofGuillaume Ii von RAPPOLSTEIN andMarguerite de SARRE , was born in 1495 and died on August 4, 1531 at the age of 36. He marriedAnne-Alexandra von FÜRSTENBERG , daughter ofWolfgang von FÜRSTENBERG andElisabeth von SOLMS-BRAUNFELS , on July 20, 1522. She was born on February 28, 1504 and died on May 21, 1581 at the age of 77.Children of
Ulric Vi von RAPPOLSTEIN andAnne-Alexandra von FÜRSTENBERG :Egenolph Iii von RAPPOLSTEIN (1527–1585)
- Generation 3back to top
Egenolph Iii von RAPPOLSTEIN , son ofUlric Vi von RAPPOLSTEIN andAnne-Alexandra von FÜRSTENBERG , was born in 1527 and died in 1585 at the age of 58.Children of
Egenolph Iii von RAPPOLSTEIN andMarie von ERBACH :Eberhard von RAPPOLSTEIN (1570–1637)