Jean-Auguste von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIMAge: 57 years16231680

Jean-Auguste von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM
Given names
Birth June 7, 1623 31 19

Birth of a brotherJean-Frédéric von SOLMS-LAUBACH
March 1, 1625 (Age 20 months)

Birth of a sisterSophie-Marie von SOLMS-BARUTH
March 5, 1626 (Age 2 years)

Death of a fatherJean-Georges Ii von SOLMS-BARUTH
February 4, 1632 (Age 8 years)

MarriageEléonore Barbara CRATZ von SCHARFFENSTEINView this family
Type: Religious marriage
April 13, 1654 (Age 30 years)

Death of a motherAnne-Marie von ERBACH-FÜRSTENAU
March 5, 1663 (Age 39 years)

Birth of a son
Georges Louis von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM
September 28, 1664 (Age 41 years)

Death of a wifeEléonore Barbara CRATZ von SCHARFFENSTEIN
February 26, 1680 (Age 56 years)


_USTEléonore Barbara CRATZ von SCHARFFENSTEINView this family

Death November 23, 1680 (Age 57 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: May 28, 1620
3 years
21 months
younger brother
1 year
younger sister
Family with Eléonore Barbara CRATZ von SCHARFFENSTEIN - View this family
Marriage: April 13, 1654
11 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Jean-Auguste von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM, son of Jean-Georges Ii von SOLMS-BARUTH and Anne-Marie von ERBACH-FÜRSTENAU, was born on June 7, 1623 and died on November 23, 1680 at the age of 57. He married Eléonore Barbara CRATZ von SCHARFFENSTEIN, daughter of Jean-Philippe CRATZ von SCHARFFENSTEIN and Eléonore COLONNA von VÖLS, on April 13, 1654. She was born on November 2, 1629 and died on February 26, 1680 at the age of 50.

      Children of Jean-Auguste von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM and Eléonore Barbara CRATZ von SCHARFFENSTEIN:

      1. Georges Louis von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM (16641716)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Georges Louis von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM, comte, son of Jean-Auguste von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM and Eléonore Barbara CRATZ von SCHARFFENSTEIN, was born on September 28, 1664 and died on December 5, 1716 at the age of 52. He married Charlotte Sibylle von AHLEFELD, daughter of Frédéric von AHLEFELD and Marie-Elisabeth von LEININGEN-DAGSBURG, on January 12, 1696. She was born on August 21, 1672 and died on February 17, 1726 at the age of 53.

      Children of Georges Louis von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM and Charlotte Sibylle von AHLEFELD:

      1. Catherine-Polyxène von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM (17021765)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Catherine-Polyxène von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM, comtesse, daughter of Georges Louis von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM and Charlotte Sibylle von AHLEFELD, was born on January 30, 1702 and died on March 29, 1765 at the age of 63. She married Christian-Charles von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM, son of Jean-Charles von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM and Jeanne Madeleine von HANAU-LICHTENBERG, on November 27, 1726. He was born on July 7, 1695 and died on November 17, 1766 at the age of 71.

      Children of Catherine-Polyxène von SOLMS-RÖDELHEIM and Christian-Charles von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM:

      1. Louise von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM (17291818)
      2. Caroline-Félicité von LEININGEN-HEIDESHEIM (17341810)
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