Gertrude de MERAN1213

Gertrude de MERAN
Given names
Death of a paternal grandfatherBerthold V de MERAN

Death of a sisterAgnès de MÉRANIE
July 27, 1201

Birth of a daughter
Marie de HONGRIE

Death of a fatherBerthold Vi de MERAN

Birth of a son
Béla Iv de HONGRIE

Birth of a daughter
Elisabeth de HONGRIE

Birth of a son
Coloman de HONGRIE


_USTAndré Ii de HONGRIEView this family

Death 1213

Family with parents - View this family
Family with André Ii de HONGRIE - View this family
3 years
2 years
2 years
André Ii de HONGRIE + Yolande de COURTENAY - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: 1215
1 year
André Ii de HONGRIE + Béatrice d'ESTE - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: May 21, 1234
19 months

  1. Generation 1
    1. Gertrude de MERAN, daughter of Berthold Vi de MERAN and Agnès de ROCHLITZ. She died in 1213.

      Children of Gertrude de MERAN and André Ii de HONGRIE:

      1. Marie de HONGRIE (12041236)
      2. Béla Iv de HONGRIE (12061270)
      3. Elisabeth de HONGRIE (12071231)
      4. Coloman de HONGRIE (12081241)
      5. André de HONGRIE (1234)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Marie de HONGRIE, daughter of André Ii de HONGRIE and Gertrude de MERAN, was born in 1204 and died in 1236 at the age of 32.

      Children of Marie de HONGRIE and Jean Ii Kalojan de BULGARIE:

      1. Tamara de BULGARIE (1221)
      2. Hélène de BULGARIE (12241254)
      3. Koloman 1er de BULGARIE (12321246)
    2. Béla Iv de HONGRIE, roi, son of André Ii de HONGRIE and Gertrude de MERAN, was born in 1206 and died in 1270 at the age of 64.

      Children of Béla Iv de HONGRIE and Marie de LASCARIS:

      1. Cunégonde de HONGRIE (12341292)
      2. Anne de HONGRIE
      3. Elisabeth de HONGRIE (12361271)
      4. Constance de HONGRIE
      5. Etienne V de HONGRIE (12401272)
      6. Marguerite de HONGRIE (12421270)
      7. Hélène de HONGRIE (12441297)
      8. Béla de HONGRIE (12451269)
    3. Elisabeth de HONGRIE, sainte, daughter of André Ii de HONGRIE and Gertrude de MERAN, was born in 1207 and died in 1231 at the age of 24.

      Children of Elisabeth de HONGRIE and Louis Iv de THURINGE:

      1. Sophie de THURINGE (12241275)
    4. Coloman de HONGRIE, duc de Croatie, roi de Galicie, son of André Ii de HONGRIE and Gertrude de MERAN, was born in 1208 and died in 1241 at the age of 33.

  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Hélène de BULGARIE, daughter of Jean Ii Kalojan de BULGARIE and Marie de HONGRIE, was born in 1224 and died in 1254 at the age of 30. She married Théodore Ii Lascaris de NICÉE in 1235. He died in 1258.

      Children of Hélène de BULGARIE and Théodore Ii Lascaris de NICÉE:

      1. Marie de NICÉE (12401258)
      2. Irène de NICÉE (12441269)
      3. Eudoxie de NICÉE (12451311)
      4. Théodora de NICÉE (12461273)
      5. Jean Iv de NICÉE (12501305)
    2. Cunégonde de HONGRIE, daughter of Béla Iv de HONGRIE and Marie de LASCARIS, was born in 1234 and died in 1292 at the age of 58. She married Boleslas V PIAST, son of Leszek 1er Le Blanc PIAST and Grimislava RURIKIDES, in 1239. He was born in 1226 and died in 1279 at the age of 53.

    3. Anne de HONGRIE, daughter of Béla Iv de HONGRIE and Marie de LASCARIS.

      Children of Anne de HONGRIE and Rotislav de KIEV:

      1. Mikhail de KIEV (1270)
      2. Béla de KIEV (1272)
      3. Elisabeth de KIEV
      4. Cunégonde de KIEV (1285)
    4. Elisabeth de HONGRIE, daughter of Béla Iv de HONGRIE and Marie de LASCARIS, was born in 1236 and died in 1271 at the age of 35. She married Henri 1er de WITTELSBACH, son of Othon Ii de WITTELSBACH and Agnès de HANOVRE, in 1250. He was born on November 26, 1235 and died on February 10, 1290 at the age of 54.

      Children of Elisabeth de HONGRIE and Henri 1er de WITTELSBACH:

      1. Othon Iii de WITTELSBACH (12611313)
      2. Louis Iii de WITTELSBACH (1296)
      3. Stefan (Etienne 1er) de WITTELSBACH (12711310)
    5. Constance de HONGRIE, daughter of Béla Iv de HONGRIE and Marie de LASCARIS.

      Children of Constance de HONGRIE and Léon de GALIC:

      1. Jurij de GALIC (12521308)
    6. Etienne V de HONGRIE, roi, son of Béla Iv de HONGRIE and Marie de LASCARIS, was born in 1240 and died in 1272 at the age of 32. He married Elisabeth de KUMAN, daughter of Kuthen de KUMAN and Galicie RURIKIDES, in 1255. She died in 1290.

      Children of Etienne V de HONGRIE and Elisabeth de KUMAN:

      1. Catherine de HONGRIE (1256)
      2. Marie de HONGRIE (12571323)
      3. Anne de HONGRIE (12601282)
      4. Laszlo (Ladislas) Iv de HONGRIE (12621290)
    7. Hélène de HONGRIE, daughter of Béla Iv de HONGRIE and Marie de LASCARIS, was born in 1244 and died in 1297 at the age of 53. She married Boleslas PIAST in 1256. He died in 1279.

      Children of Hélène de HONGRIE and Boleslas PIAST:

      1. Elisabeth PIAST (12631304)
      2. Hedwige PIAST (12661339)
    8. Béla de HONGRIE, son of Béla Iv de HONGRIE and Marie de LASCARIS, was born in 1245 and died in 1269 at the age of 24. He married Cunégonde de BRANDEBOURG, daughter of Othon Iii de BRANDEBOURG and Béatrice de BOHÊME, in 1264. She died in 1292.

    9. Sophie de THURINGE, daughter of Louis Iv de THURINGE and Elisabeth de HONGRIE, was born in 1224 and died in 1275 at the age of 51. She married Henri Ii de BRABANT, son of Henri Ier de BRABANT and Mathilde de LORRAINE, in 1240. He was born in 1207 and died in 1248 at the age of 41.

      Children of Sophie de THURINGE and Henri Ii de BRABANT:

      1. Elisabeth de BRABANT (12431261)
      2. Henri 1er de HESSE (12441308)
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