Elisabeth de CLÈVESAge: 40 years1251–1291
- Name
- Elisabeth de CLÈVES
- Given names
- Elisabeth
- Surname
Birth | 1251 _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Isabelle de BRABANT 1273 (Age 22 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Gerlach von ISENBURG — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1291 (Age 40 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Thierry 1er de CLÈVES Death: 1244 |
mother |
Isabelle de BRABANT Death: 1273 |
herself |
Elisabeth de CLÈVES Birth: 1251 Death: 1291 |
sister |
Family with Gerlach von ISENBURG |
husband |
Gerlach von ISENBURG Birth: 1246 Death: 1303 |
herself |
Elisabeth de CLÈVES Birth: 1251 Death: 1291 |
son | |
daughter |
- Generation 1
Elisabeth de CLÈVES , daughter ofThierry 1er de CLÈVES andIsabelle de BRABANT , was born in 1251 and died in 1291 at the age of 40.Children of
Elisabeth de CLÈVES andGerlach von ISENBURG :
- Generation 2back to top
Thierry 1er von ISENBURG GRENTZAU , son ofGerlach von ISENBURG andElisabeth de CLÈVES .Children of
Thierry 1er von ISENBURG GRENTZAU andHedwige von NEUENAHR :Gerlach von ISENBURG (–1371)
Marguerite von ISENBURG , daughter ofGerlach von ISENBURG andElisabeth de CLÈVES .Children of
Marguerite von ISENBURG andThierry Iii de MÖRS :Thierry Iv de MÖRS (–1346)
- Generation 3back to top
Gerlach von ISENBURG , son ofThierry 1er von ISENBURG GRENTZAU andHedwige von NEUENAHR . He died in 1371.Children of
Gerlach von ISENBURG andDemudis N... :Adélaïde von ISENBURG (1352–1401)
Thierry Iv de MÖRS , son ofThierry Iii de MÖRS andMarguerite von ISENBURG . He died in 1346.Children of
Thierry Iv de MÖRS andCunégonde VOLMESTEIN :Thierry V de MÖRS (–1373)