Elisabeth de JULIERSAge: 35 years1353–1388
- Name
- Elisabeth de JULIERS
- Given names
- Elisabeth
- Surname
Birth | 1353 21 _FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Gérard Vi de JULIERS 1360 (Age 7 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Guillaume Vi de JULIERS 1361 (Age 8 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Jeanne de HAINAUT 1374 (Age 21 years) _FNA: NO |
_UST | Henri Vi de WALDECK — View this family MARRIED |
Death | about 1388 (Age 35 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Gérard Vi de JULIERS Birth: 1332 17 Death: 1360 |
mother |
Marguerite von RAVENSBERG Death: 1389 |
Marriage: 1338 — |
11 years elder brother |
Guillaume Vi (Ii) de BERG Birth: 1348 16 Death: 1408 |
3 years elder sister |
Marguerite de JULIERS CLÈVES Birth: 1350 18 Death: 1425 |
4 years herself |
Elisabeth de JULIERS Birth: 1353 21 Death: about 1388 |
Family with Henri Vi de WALDECK |
husband |
Henri Vi de WALDECK Death: 1397 |
herself |
Elisabeth de JULIERS Birth: 1353 21 Death: about 1388 |
son |
Henri Vii de WALDECK Death: about 1442 |
daughter |
Elisabeth de WALDECK Death: 1423 |
- Generation 1
Elisabeth de JULIERS , daughter ofGérard Vi de JULIERS andMarguerite von RAVENSBERG , was born in 1353 and died about 1388.Children of
Elisabeth de JULIERS andHenri Vi de WALDECK :Henri Vii de WALDECK (–1442)Elisabeth de WALDECK (–1423)
- Generation 2back to top
Henri Vii de WALDECK , son ofHenri Vi de WALDECK andElisabeth de JULIERS . He died about 1442.Children of
Henri Vii de WALDECK andMarguerite de NASSAU-WIESBADEN :Elisabeth de WALDECK , daughter ofHenri Vi de WALDECK andElisabeth de JULIERS . She died in 1423.Children of
Elisabeth de WALDECK andErnest Viii von GLEICHEN :Adolphe von GLEICHEN (–1456)
- Generation 3back to top
Marguerite de WALDECK , daughter ofHenri Vii de WALDECK andMarguerite de NASSAU-WIESBADEN .Children of
Marguerite de WALDECK andHenri Xi von HOHNSTEIN :Ernest Iv von HOHNSTEIN (–1508)
Wolrad 1er de WALDECK , son ofHenri Vii de WALDECK andMarguerite de NASSAU-WIESBADEN . He died in 1475.Children of
Wolrad 1er de WALDECK andBarbe von WERTHEIM :Philippe Ier de WALDECK (1445–1475)Philippe Ii de WALDECK (1453–1524)Elisabeth de WALDECK (–1513)
Adolphe von GLEICHEN , son ofErnest Viii von GLEICHEN andElisabeth de WALDECK . He died in 1456.Children of
Adolphe von GLEICHEN andAgnès von HOHNSTEIN :Anne von GLEICHEN (–1481)