Elisabeth de JULIERSAge: 35 years13531388

Elisabeth de JULIERS
Given names
Birth 1353 21

Death of a fatherGérard Vi de JULIERS
1360 (Age 7 years)

Death of a paternal grandfatherGuillaume Vi de JULIERS
1361 (Age 8 years)

Death of a paternal grandmotherJeanne de HAINAUT
1374 (Age 21 years)


_USTHenri Vi de WALDECKView this family

Death about 1388 (Age 35 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1338
11 years
elder brother
3 years
elder sister
4 years
Family with Henri Vi de WALDECK - View this family

  1. Generation 1
    1. Elisabeth de JULIERS, daughter of Gérard Vi de JULIERS and Marguerite von RAVENSBERG, was born in 1353 and died about 1388.

      Children of Elisabeth de JULIERS and Henri Vi de WALDECK:

      1. Henri Vii de WALDECK (1442)
      2. Elisabeth de WALDECK (1423)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Henri Vii de WALDECK, son of Henri Vi de WALDECK and Elisabeth de JULIERS. He died about 1442.

      Children of Henri Vii de WALDECK and Marguerite de NASSAU-WIESBADEN:

      1. Marguerite de WALDECK
      2. Wolrad 1er de WALDECK (1475)
    2. Elisabeth de WALDECK, daughter of Henri Vi de WALDECK and Elisabeth de JULIERS. She died in 1423.

      Children of Elisabeth de WALDECK and Ernest Viii von GLEICHEN:

      1. Adolphe von GLEICHEN (1456)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Marguerite de WALDECK, daughter of Henri Vii de WALDECK and Marguerite de NASSAU-WIESBADEN.

      Children of Marguerite de WALDECK and Henri Xi von HOHNSTEIN:

      1. Ernest Iv von HOHNSTEIN (1508)
    2. Wolrad 1er de WALDECK, son of Henri Vii de WALDECK and Marguerite de NASSAU-WIESBADEN. He died in 1475.

      Children of Wolrad 1er de WALDECK and Barbe von WERTHEIM:

      1. Philippe Ier de WALDECK (14451475)
      2. Philippe Ii de WALDECK (14531524)
      3. Elisabeth de WALDECK (1513)
    3. Adolphe von GLEICHEN, son of Ernest Viii von GLEICHEN and Elisabeth de WALDECK. He died in 1456.

      Children of Adolphe von GLEICHEN and Agnès von HOHNSTEIN:

      1. Anne von GLEICHEN (1481)
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