Danil de KIEVAge: 63 years12011264

Danil de KIEV
Given names
Birth 1201

Death of a fatherRoman de KIEV
1205 (Age 4 years)

Death of a wifeAnna Mstilavna de GALIC
1252 (Age 51 years)

grand prince


_USTAnna Mstilavna de GALICView this family

Death 1264 (Age 63 years)

  1. Generation 1
    1. Danil de KIEV, grand prince, son of Roman de KIEV, was born in 1201 and died in 1264 at the age of 63.

      Children of Danil de KIEV and Anna Mstilavna de GALIC:

      1. Léon de GALIC (1301)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Léon de GALIC, roi, son of Danil de KIEV and Anna Mstilavna de GALIC. He died in 1301.

      Children of Léon de GALIC and Constance de HONGRIE:

      1. Jurij de GALIC (12521308)
  3. Generation 3back to top
    1. Jurij de GALIC, son of Léon de GALIC and Constance de HONGRIE, was born in 1252 and died in 1308 at the age of 56.

      Children of Jurij de GALIC and Euphémie de POLOGNE:

      1. Anastasia de GALIC (1365)
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