Jean de DAMPIERREAge: 35 years1290–1325
- Name
- Given names
- Jean
- Surname
Birth | 1290 30 _FNA: NO |
Birth of a brother | Guy V de DAMPIERRE 1295 (Age 5 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Alix de DREUX 1296 (Age 6 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Guy de DAMPIERRE 1304 (Age 14 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Raoul Ii de CLERMONT 1305 (Age 15 years) _FNA: NO |
Marriage of a parent | Jean Ier de CHALON — Alix de CLERMONT — View this family Type: Religious marriage 1312 (Age 22 years)_FNA: NO |
Death of a father | Guillaume de DAMPIERRE 1313 (Age 23 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Marguerite de DAMPIERRE 1315 (Age 25 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a mother | Alix de CLERMONT 1320 (Age 30 years) _FNA: NO |
Occupation | vicomte de Châteaudun |
_UST | Béatrix de CHÂTILLON SAINT-POL — View this family MARRIED |
Death | May 10, 1325 (Age 35 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with parents |
father |
Guillaume de DAMPIERRE Birth: before 1260 40 Death: 1313 |
mother |
Alix de CLERMONT Death: 1320 |
himself |
Jean de DAMPIERRE Birth: 1290 30 Death: May 10, 1325 |
6 years younger brother |
Guy V de DAMPIERRE Birth: 1295 35 Death: 1345 |
sister |
Mother’s family with Jean Ier de CHALON |
step-father |
Jean Ier de CHALON Birth: 1259 69 Death: 1316 |
mother |
Alix de CLERMONT Death: 1320 |
Marriage: 1312 — |
Family with Béatrix de CHÂTILLON SAINT-POL |
himself |
Jean de DAMPIERRE Birth: 1290 30 Death: May 10, 1325 |
wife |
Béatrix de CHÂTILLON SAINT-POL Birth: after 1292 38 24 |
daughter |
Marguerite de DAMPIERRE Birth: 1315 25 23 Death: 1372 |
daughter |
- Generation 1
Jean de DAMPIERRE , vicomte de Châteaudun, son ofGuillaume de DAMPIERRE andAlix de CLERMONT , was born in 1290 and died on May 10, 1325 at the age of 35.Children of
Jean de DAMPIERRE andBéatrix de CHÂTILLON SAINT-POL :Marguerite de DAMPIERRE (1315–1372)Marie de DAMPIERRE
- Generation 2back to top
Marguerite de DAMPIERRE , daughter ofJean de DAMPIERRE andBéatrix de CHÂTILLON SAINT-POL , was born in 1315 and died in 1372 at the age of 57.Children of
Marguerite de DAMPIERRE andGuillaume 1er Le Grand de CRAON :Guillaume Ii de CRAON (1340–1407)Béatrice de CRAON (–1356)Pierre de CRAON (–1410)Jean de CRAON (1350–1410)
Marie de DAMPIERRE , daughter ofJean de DAMPIERRE andBéatrix de CHÂTILLON SAINT-POL .
- Generation 3back to top
Guillaume Ii de CRAON , son ofGuillaume 1er Le Grand de CRAON andMarguerite de DAMPIERRE , was born about 1340 and died after 1407.Children of
Guillaume Ii de CRAON andJeanne de MONTBAZON :Marguerite de CRAON (1370–)Marie de CRAON (–1420)
Béatrice de CRAON , daughter ofGuillaume 1er Le Grand de CRAON andMarguerite de DAMPIERRE . She died on October 4, 1356.Children of
Béatrice de CRAON andRenaud de MAULEVRIER :Pierre de CRAON , seigneur de la Ferté-Bernard, son ofGuillaume 1er Le Grand de CRAON andMarguerite de DAMPIERRE . He died before January 23, 1410.Children of
Pierre de CRAON andJeanne de CHÂTILLON :Jeanne de CRAON (1376–1421)
Jean de CRAON , son ofGuillaume 1er Le Grand de CRAON andMarguerite de DAMPIERRE , was born about 1350 and died about 1410.Children of
Jean de CRAON andMarie de CHÂTILLON :Marguerite de CRAON (1370–1420)Jacqueline de CRAON