Irmengarde de TONNERREAge: 55 years1030–1085
- Name
- Irmengarde de TONNERRE
- Given names
- Irmengarde
- Surname
Birth | 1030 _FNA: NO |
Marriage | Guillaume 1er de NEVERS — View this family Type: Religious marriage 1045 (Age 15 years)_FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #1 | Guillaume de NEVERS 1045 (Age 15 years) _FNA: NO |
Birth of a son #2 | Renaud Ii de NEVERS 1055 (Age 25 years) _FNA: NO |
Death of a husband | Guillaume 1er de NEVERS 1083 (Age 53 years) _FNA: NO |
Occupation | comtesse |
_UST | Guillaume 1er de NEVERS — View this family MARRIED |
Death | 1085 (Age 55 years) _FNA: NO |
Family with Guillaume 1er de NEVERS |
husband |
Guillaume 1er de NEVERS Birth: 1029 29 25 Death: 1083 |
herself |
Irmengarde de TONNERRE Birth: 1030 Death: 1085 |
Marriage: 1045 — |
1 year son |
Guillaume de NEVERS Birth: 1045 16 15 Death: 1092 |
11 years son |
Renaud Ii de NEVERS Birth: 1055 26 25 Death: 1097 |
- Generation 1
Irmengarde de TONNERRE , comtesse, was born in 1030 and died in 1085 at the age of 55. She marriedGuillaume 1er de NEVERS , son ofRenaud 1er de NEVERS andAdvise de FRANCE , in 1045. He was born in 1029 and died in 1083 at the age of 54.Children of
Irmengarde de TONNERRE andGuillaume 1er de NEVERS :Guillaume de NEVERS (1045–1092)Renaud Ii de NEVERS (1055–1097)
- Generation 2back to top
Guillaume de NEVERS , comte de Tonnerre, son ofGuillaume 1er de NEVERS andIrmengarde de TONNERRE , was born in 1045 and died in 1092 at the age of 47.Children of
Guillaume de NEVERS :Luce de NEVERS (–1100)
Renaud Ii de NEVERS , son ofGuillaume 1er de NEVERS andIrmengarde de TONNERRE , was born in 1055 and died in 1097 at the age of 42.Children of
Renaud Ii de NEVERS andIde-Raymonde de FOREZ :Ermengarde de NEVERS (1090–)
Children of
Renaud Ii de NEVERS andAgnès de BEAUGENCY :Guillaume Ii de NEVERS (1083–1147)
- Generation 3back to top
Luce de NEVERS , daughter ofGuillaume de NEVERS . She died after 1100.Children of
Luce de NEVERS andAymon Ii de BOURBON :Archambaud Vii de BOURBON (1100–1171)
Ermengarde de NEVERS , daughter ofRenaud Ii de NEVERS andIde-Raymonde de FOREZ , was born in 1090. She marriedMilès de COURTENAY , son ofJosselin de COURTENAY andElisabeth de MONTLÉRY , between 1095 and 1105. He was born in 1068 and died after 1127.Children of
Ermengarde de NEVERS andMilès de COURTENAY :Renaud de COURTENAY (1105–1190)
Guillaume Ii de NEVERS , son ofRenaud Ii de NEVERS andAgnès de BEAUGENCY , was born in 1083 and died in 1147 at the age of 64.Children of
Guillaume Ii de NEVERS andErmengarde de TONNERRE :Guillaume Iii de NEVERS (1110–1161)