Juan Ramon FOLCHAge: 68 years14181486

Juan Ramon FOLCH
Given names
Juan Ramon
Birth 1418

MarriageJeanne de BARCELONEView this family
Type: Religious marriage
June 1444 (Age 26 years)

Birth of a son
Juan Ramon FOLCH
1446 (Age 28 years)

Death of a sonJuan Ramon FOLCH
1483 (Age 65 years)

4ème comte de Cardona


_USTJeanne de BARCELONEView this family

Death June 27, 1486 (Age 68 years)

  1. Generation 1
    1. Juan Ramon FOLCH, 4ème comte de Cardona, was born in 1418 and died on June 27, 1486 at the age of 68. He married Jeanne de BARCELONE, daughter of Jacques Ii de BARCELONE and Isabelle de BARCELONE, in June 1444. She was born in 1413.

      Children of Juan Ramon FOLCH and Jeanne de BARCELONE:

      1. Juan Ramon FOLCH (14461483)
  2. Generation 2back to top
    1. Juan Ramon FOLCH, son of Juan Ramon FOLCH and Jeanne de BARCELONE, was born in 1446 and died in 1483 at the age of 37.

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